Obamacare Upheld

Mostly, it takes a socialist intervention to ward off the plague, innoculate against epidemics, quarantine the contagious, and do reproductive health(?)!

Former Senator Robert Dole: Understood about interventions conducive to reproductive health(?)! Here below is the Affordable Health Care tax: For non-exempted individuals who fail to get the health insurance:
In 2014, the penalty will be $285 per family or 1% of income, whichever is greater. By 2016, it goes up to $2,085 per family or 2.5% of income.

Instead of the current system, without the the socialist intervention, the spread of the plague is no longer U. S. National Policy. The recognition of a socialist community is now the law of the land. Simply because the Tea Party wants to forgo health, health care, and treatments for the various epidemics--then nevertheless they pay for treatment, in the event. Even the Tea Party still does voluntary compliance with health care issues. There is no mandate to go to the doctor. Once afflicted, however, then one way or another the Tea Party pays.

Anyone notices that the spread of the plague is now the Romney Brand! The RNC will be going into the elections in support of the Plague!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many New Breed Reservation, Indigenous Americans, able to send Tea Party to Prepaid, Undisclosed Locations!)
Every one that owns a body should be mandated to carry healthcare insurance. Every one that owns and operate a car should be mandated to carry auto insurance. Every one who pay taxes and pay for auto insurance pays for those who do not have healthcare and auto insurance. Mandated to buy auto insurance and mandated to buy healthcare is not the same as buying broccoli. Auto insurance will fix your car. Healthcare will fix your broken leg, but broccoli will do neither.

Ps; Obama is a constitutional lawyer.
This is incredible. I am sure the GOP will sit down with the giant Drug companies and the Insurance Industry and see how they can take away the benefits. It is their job to inflict suffering and pain on those who can least afford it.
Obamacare Only Looks Worse Upon Further Review
One of the more illuminating remarks during the health-care debate in Congress came when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told an audience that Democrats would “pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it, away from the fog of controversy.”

That remark captured the truth that, while many Americans have a vague sense that something bad is happening to their health care, few if any understand exactly what the law does.

To fill this vacuum, Representative Kevin Brady of Texas, the top House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, asked his staff to prepare a study of the law, including a flow chart that illustrates how the major provisions will work.

The result, made public July 28, provides citizens with a preview of the impact the health-care overhaul will have on their lives. It’s a terrifying road map that shows Democrats have launched America on the most reckless policy experiment in its history, the economic equivalent of the Bay of Pigs invasion.

Before discussing what the law means for you, we have to look at what it does to government. That’s where the chart comes in handy. It includes the new fees, bureaucracies and programs and connects them into an organizational chart that accounts for the existing structure. It’s so carefully documented that a line connecting two structures cites the legislative language that created the link.
Obamacare Only Looks Worse Upon Further Review: Kevin Hassett - Bloomberg

As this graphic shows, the new law creates 68 grant programs, 47 bureaucratic entities, 29 demonstration or pilot programs, 6 regulatory systems, 6 compliance standards and 2 entitlements. What could possibly go wrong with something so-well organized?

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