Obamacare, Public Opinion, and Conservative Self-Delusion

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Obamacare and Conservative Self-Delusion -- Daily Intelligencer

But looking even an inch beneath the surface reveals a public more frustrated and confused by Obamacare than opposed. Its specific elements poll well, though they’re the least known elements. Four out of ten Americans don’t realize the law hasn’t been struck down. A new poll out shows that the public, by a ten-point margin, trusts Democrats over Republicans on health-care issues. By a 52–34 percent margin, they want Congress to implement or tinker with the law rather than repeal it. The nearly ubiquitous conservative belief that the public shares its passion for repealing Obamacare is a spate of self-delusion.

That overconfident delusion is the subject of Ramesh Ponnuru’s long National Review essay pleading with conservatives to stop believing their own bullshit. [Well worth reading, btw.]

We see the same self-delusional ignorance here. Those who take the very few minutes to EDUCATE THEMSELVES rather than listening to fux, lushbo, beck, dredge and the lying Rs, they quickly learn that they can benefit from ObamaCare.

But, ultimately, its their choice to either EDUCATE THEMSELVES or just go on whining about something they know almost nothing about.
So 52 percent of people in THAT poll trust democrats on healthcare and 48 percent don't. Pretty even to me. If people took the time to educate themselves that 52 percent would go down. What's your point?
Obamacare and Conservative Self-Delusion -- Daily Intelligencer

But looking even an inch beneath the surface reveals a public more frustrated and confused by Obamacare than opposed. Its specific elements poll well, though they’re the least known elements. Four out of ten Americans don’t realize the law hasn’t been struck down. A new poll out shows that the public, by a ten-point margin, trusts Democrats over Republicans on health-care issues. By a 52–34 percent margin, they want Congress to implement or tinker with the law rather than repeal it. The nearly ubiquitous conservative belief that the public shares its passion for repealing Obamacare is a spate of self-delusion.

That overconfident delusion is the subject of Ramesh Ponnuru’s long National Review essay pleading with conservatives to stop believing their own bullshit. [Well worth reading, btw.]

We see the same self-delusional ignorance here. Those who take the very few minutes to EDUCATE THEMSELVES rather than listening to fux, lushbo, beck, dredge and the lying Rs, they quickly learn that they can benefit from ObamaCare.

But, ultimately, its their choice to either EDUCATE THEMSELVES or just go on whining about something they know almost nothing about.
That's never stopped you. :rofl:
Obamacare and Conservative Self-Delusion -- Daily Intelligencer

But looking even an inch beneath the surface reveals a public more frustrated and confused by Obamacare than opposed. Its specific elements poll well, though they’re the least known elements. Four out of ten Americans don’t realize the law hasn’t been struck down. A new poll out shows that the public, by a ten-point margin, trusts Democrats over Republicans on health-care issues. By a 52–34 percent margin, they want Congress to implement or tinker with the law rather than repeal it. The nearly ubiquitous conservative belief that the public shares its passion for repealing Obamacare is a spate of self-delusion.

That overconfident delusion is the subject of Ramesh Ponnuru’s long National Review essay pleading with conservatives to stop believing their own bullshit. [Well worth reading, btw.]

We see the same self-delusional ignorance here. Those who take the very few minutes to EDUCATE THEMSELVES rather than listening to fux, lushbo, beck, dredge and the lying Rs, they quickly learn that they can benefit from ObamaCare.

But, ultimately, its their choice to either EDUCATE THEMSELVES or just go on whining about something they know almost nothing about.
That's never stopped you. :rofl:

Dudley is a Whiny little fuck aint he.....if he doesn't take his Metamucil he gets gas.....i think he has gas....
At least folks give Luddly the courtesy of telling him he's full of shit. Nobody will even play with Wry. It's sorta sad.

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