‘Obama zombies’: Americans sign prankster’s petition to nuke Russia (VIDEO)


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
The point is that polls are always quoted by the left and right, when in reality you can make them anything you want. Or maybe these folks do want us to nuke Russia? BTW the Obama zombies was the title in the following link, I did not type it.

Obama zombies Americans sign prankster s petition to nuke Russia VIDEO RT USA

US journalist Mark Dice has asked the people of San Diego to sign President Barack Obama’s “plan” to nuke Russia to “maintain America’s superiority.” The majority of beachgoers didn’t appear to get the joke, and signed the fake petition.

The “experiment” was recorded on video, whichMark Dice thenshared on his Twitter, YouTube and Facebook accounts.

“We just need a couple more signatures to support President [Barack] Obama’s new plan to deal with Russia,” Dice tell a random man whom he stops. “We are going to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike.”

The man, who does not seem to be much familiar with the issue, cuts off Dice in mid-sentence, and says: “I’ll sign it for you.”
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I say it all the time...

These are literally the dumbest people on the planet. If not for the excessive safety measures we have installed, these people would have killed themselves off accidentally generations ago.

Now "No Child Left Behind", is voting. The results were predictable.

Of course, he didn't mention nuclear attack until after people decided to sign, at which point they probably weren't paying attention.
I say it all the time...

These are literally the dumbest people on the planet. If not for the excessive safety measures we have installed, these people would have killed themselves off accidentally generations ago.

Now "No Child Left Behind", is voting. The results were predictable.

The same voting habits as the Three R's generation for illiterates.(The three R's twas suppose to mean Readin', Writin' and Arithmetic...But,,,,,,those words do not all start with R's)
Of course, he didn't mention nuclear attack until after people decided to sign, at which point they probably weren't paying attention.

It looked to me to be about 50/50 if he mentioned it before or not. Which only makes it worse that many signed before they even heard what he had to say. I think the couple who didn't sign heard "support Obama" and booked.

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