Obama: "We're Doing Things You Don't Know About!!"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Pres. Obama appeared on the Daily Show last night and turned what usually is a very funny show into a somewhat dull event. He rolled out a litany of accomplishments including preventing a second Great Depression. But one statement appeared to be genuine. When he said "We're doing things you don't know about" that was a tremendous understatement. Of all of the accomplishments he claimed this one is quite revealing and frightening.

One of the things that is slowly becoming apparent to more and more voters is that too much of what Obama and the Democrats in Washington are doing is going on behind the scenes. For a person who loves to take credit for anything good that happens under the Sun and refuses to take blame for what is obviously their responsibility this statement alone gives pause and great concern. Let me explain why.

We all know that Obama has this history of trying to take credit for other people's accomplishments. Now less then a week before an election he has the opportunity to stand on his own record. If the things he's doing that he says we don't know about is so damned good why isn't he talking about it when it could do the most good for his party? It goes against his character not to.

One thing that can be said about Barrack Obama is that he is a political animal. Everything he does in the open is about politics. This is what politicians do. It's the stuff he's doing that we don't know about that I'm worried about. I have a pretty good idea what some of it is, but I also realize that this guy is very unpredictable and the depths he's willing to go to is utterly breathtaking. This is why so many are shifting sides in this election. This fact is becoming more and more obvious. We are scared to death about what he's doing that we don't know about. How will it effect us eventually down the road?

What we've seen so far means nothing but bad things for this nation as a whole. This is why Democrats cannot stand on their records in this election. They have to try to look like conservatives and they've been doing it in mass. So of course Democrats are doing things we don't know about because not only is it disastrous for us but if the voters found out what it was their chances of staying in power would be nonexistent.
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Apparently, he wasn't referring to top secret military matters, because we know his administration leaks them to Wikileaks every second Thursday.

He wasn't referring to solving illegal immigration.....creating jobs......advancing GLBT people's rights......controlling the mega-banks...........protecting the environment......pretty clearly, nothing is being done about any of those issues.

Could he mean he have meant he has hidden even more time bombs in the healthcare law?

Pres. Obama appeared on the Daily Show last night and turned what usually is a very funny show into a somewhat dull event. He rolled out a litany of accomplishments including preventing a second Great Depression. But one statement appeared to be genuine. When he said "We're doing things you don't know about" that was a tremendous understatement. Of all of the accomplishments he claimed this one is quite revealing and frightening.

One of the things that is slowly becoming apparent to more and more voters is that too much of what Obama and the Democrats in Washington are doing is going on behind the scenes. For a person who loves to take credit for anything good that happens under the Sun and refuses to take blame for what is obviously their responsibility this statement alone gives pause and great concern. Let me explain why.

We all know that Obama has this history of trying to take credit for other people's accomplishments. Now less then a week before an election he has the opportunity to stand on his own record. If the things he's doing that he says we don't know about is so damned good why isn't he talking about it when it could do the most good for his party? It goes against his character not to.

One thing that can be said about Barrack Obama is that he is a political animal. Everything he does in the open is about politics. This is what politicians do. It's the stuff he's doing that we don't know about that I'm worried about. I have a pretty good idea what some of it is, but I also realize that this guy is very unpredictable and the depths he's willing to go to is utterly breathtaking. This is why so many are shifting sides in this election. This fact is becoming more and more obvious. We are scared to death about what he's doing that we don't know about. How will it effect us eventually down the road?

What we've seen so far means nothing but bad things for this nation as a whole. This is why Democrats cannot stand on their records in this election. They have to try to look like conservatives and they've been doing it in mass. So of course Democrats are doing things we don't know about because not only is it disastrous for us but if the voters found out what it was their chances of staying in power would be nonexistent.
You can usually spot a Glenn Beck "editorial", right-off-the-bat, the way he makes an accusation & poses it as a question. It's an amateurish-tactic....but, he's doing the best he can (tryin' to tread water in the world of entertainment, where many others excel), despite his long-term history of alcohol-dependence.

You could have given him some credit, for this screed, Mudd-Butt.

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Mr. Shaman wrote:

You can usually spot a Glenn Beck "editorial", right-off-the-bat, the way he makes an accusation & poses it as a question. It's an amateurish-tactic....but, he's doing the best he can (tryin' to tread water in the world of entertainment, where many others excel), despite his long-term history of alcohol-dependence.

You could have given him some credit, for this screed, Mudd-Butt.

Let's not bullshit ourselves, Mr. Shaman. Obama has been off his game linguistically for weeks now. Giving speeches in Spanish. "You are the enemy". "Get to the back of the bus". "It's not our fault".

C'mon....."we are doing things you know nothing about"? Seriously? I can hardly believe this is the same man as the one I was so enchanted by in 2008. Did his campaign speech writer die or something?

Pres. Obama appeared on the Daily Show last night and turned what usually is a very funny show into a somewhat dull event. He rolled out a litany of accomplishments including preventing a second Great Depression. But one statement appeared to be genuine. When he said "We're doing things you don't know about" that was a tremendous understatement. Of all of the accomplishments he claimed this one is quite revealing and frightening.

One of the things that is slowly becoming apparent to more and more voters is that too much of what Obama and the Democrats in Washington are doing is going on behind the scenes. For a person who loves to take credit for anything good that happens under the Sun and refuses to take blame for what is obviously their responsibility this statement alone gives pause and great concern. Let me explain why.

We all know that Obama has this history of trying to take credit for other people's accomplishments. Now less then a week before an election he has the opportunity to stand on his own record. If the things he's doing that he says we don't know about is so damned good why isn't he talking about it when it could do the most good for his party? It goes against his character not to.

One thing that can be said about Barrack Obama is that he is a political animal. Everything he does in the open is about politics. This is what politicians do. It's the stuff he's doing that we don't know about that I'm worried about. I have a pretty good idea what some of it is, but I also realize that this guy is very unpredictable and the depths he's willing to go to is utterly breathtaking. This is why so many are shifting sides in this election. This fact is becoming more and more obvious. We are scared to death about what he's doing that we don't know about. How will it effect us eventually down the road?

What we've seen so far means nothing but bad things for this nation as a whole. This is why Democrats cannot stand on their records in this election. They have to try to look like conservatives and they've been doing it in mass. So of course Democrats are doing things we don't know about because not only is it disastrous for us but if the voters found out what it was their chances of staying in power would be nonexistent.
You can usually spot a Glenn Beck "editorial", right-off-the-bat, the way he makes an accusation & poses it as a question. It's an amateurish-tactic....but, he's doing the best he can (tryin' to tread water in the world of entertainment, where many others excel), despite his long-term history of alcohol-dependence.

You could have given him some credit, for this screed, Mudd-Butt.


Thanks for the unintended compliment. I consider Glenn Beck to be a decent writer.

All you have to do to find out if this was written by someone else is Google the heading or any part of body of my OP. You'll find that this baby is mine. Course the bigot in you assumes that nobody on the right could possibly be competent enough to produce this.

This from a guy who before being elected was all about transparency.We were supposed to be able to go on the internet to see how things were being done.Then it started with Cap and tax where they introduced 300+ pages at 3 AM the morning of the vote and made a stink when the GOP wanted time to read the new pages before the vote.

Yeh Obama we understand all too well you are doing stuff we don't know about.

Thanks Obama.......
I think it's something we don't know about yet. He watches the news. He knows what's been revealed. It has to be something we don't know about yet.
I have to laugh at the Suckers that voted for this idiot.

I'm happy they get to down with the sinking ship the Obama is steering with the rest uS because they thought they wouldn't be AFFECTED.

Sail away.
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This from a guy who before being elected was all about transparency.We were supposed to be able to go on the internet to see how things were being done.Then it started with Cap and tax where they introduced 300+ pages at 3 AM the morning of the vote and made a stink when the GOP wanted time to read the new pages before the vote.

Yeh Obama we understand all too well you are doing stuff we don't know about.

Thanks Obama.......

Let us not forget......"you need to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it."
I have to laugh at the Suckers that voted for this idiot.

I'm happy they get to down with the sinking ship the Obama is steering with the rest uS because they thought they wouldn't be AFFECTED.

Sail away.

Yanno, it is fine to laugh at the foibles of your opponent and his supporters. But wishing other people would "go down with the ship" is carrying it too far, Stephanie. You wonder why some call your posts hateful?

This is exactly why.
I have to laugh at the Suckers that voted for this idiot.

I'm happy they get to down with the sinking ship the Obama is steering with the rest uS because they thought they wouldn't be AFFECTED.

Sail away.

Yanno, it is fine to laugh at the foibles of your opponent and his supporters. But wishing other people would "go down with the ship" is carrying it too far, Stephanie. You wonder why some call your posts hateful?

This is exactly why.

oh poor Maddie, don't get your panties all in a bunch. when you become the hateful post moderator, I'll call on you to translate.:lol:
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Apparently, he wasn't referring to top secret military matters, because we know his administration leaks them to Wikileaks every second Thursday.
Ah, yes....the ol' "Everbody knows..."-tactic....more-often-than-not employed by those folks who haven't-a-clue, but want to sound like they know something no-one-else does (aka conspiracy nut-jobs).

I have to laugh at the Suckers that voted for this idiot.

I'm happy they get to down with the sinking ship the Obama is steering with the rest uS because they thought they wouldn't be AFFECTED.

Sail away.

Yanno, it is fine to laugh at the foibles of your opponent and his supporters. But wishing other people would "go down with the ship" is carrying it too far, Stephanie. You wonder why some call your posts hateful?

This is exactly why.

oh poor Maddie, don't get your panties all in a bunch. when you become the hateful post moderator, I'll call on you to translate.

I will never be a Mod here, Stephanie. My days of exercising that level of self-restraint are behind me.
Mr. Shaman wrote:

Ah, yes....the ol' "Everbody knows..."-tactic....more-often-than-not employed by those folks who haven't-a-clue, but want to sound like they know something no-one-else does (aka conspiracy nut-jobs).

Apparently no one but Obama knows. Or did you miss mudwhistle's point completely?
Yanno, it is fine to laugh at the foibles of your opponent and his supporters. But wishing other people would "go down with the ship" is carrying it too far, Stephanie. You wonder why some call your posts hateful?

This is exactly why.

oh poor Maddie, don't get your panties all in a bunch. when you become the hateful post moderator, I'll call on you to translate.

I will never be a Mod here, Stephanie. My days of exercising that level of self-restraint are behind me.

self-RESTRAINT? :lol::lol:
I have to laugh at the Suckers that voted for this idiot.

I'm happy they get to down with the sinking ship the Obama is steering with the rest uS because they thought they wouldn't be AFFECTED.

Sail away.

He's in the driver's seat with the car in (D) with the pedal to metal headed over a cliff.

And he's proud of it.
Mr. Shaman wrote:

You can usually spot a Glenn Beck "editorial", right-off-the-bat, the way he makes an accusation & poses it as a question. It's an amateurish-tactic....but, he's doing the best he can (tryin' to tread water in the world of entertainment, where many others excel), despite his long-term history of alcohol-dependence.

You could have given him some credit, for this screed, Mudd-Butt.

Let's not bullshit ourselves, Mr. Shaman. Obama has been off his game linguistically for weeks now. Giving speeches in Spanish. "You are the enemy". "Get to the back of the bus". "It's not our fault".

C'mon....."we are doing things you know nothing about"? Seriously? I can hardly believe this is the same man as the one I was so enchanted by in 2008. Did his campaign speech writer die or something?
You Yuppies (who'd just-recently "discovered" politics....'cause it's the present hip, trendy thing-to-do....again) really are quite tiring.

Be patient. Have faith in the free-market.

I'm sure there'll be SOME new-trend, comin'-down-the-pike, in-which you'll be able to engage.....and, give your non-committal lifestyle something that resembles substance.....until the next-distraction/trend comes-along.


Pres. Obama appeared on the Daily Show last night and turned what usually is a very funny show into a somewhat dull event. He rolled out a litany of accomplishments including preventing a second Great Depression. But one statement appeared to be genuine. When he said "We're doing things you don't know about" that was a tremendous understatement. Of all of the accomplishments he claimed this one is quite revealing and frightening.

One of the things that is slowly becoming apparent to more and more voters is that too much of what Obama and the Democrats in Washington are doing is going on behind the scenes. For a person who loves to take credit for anything good that happens under the Sun and refuses to take blame for what is obviously their responsibility this statement alone gives pause and great concern. Let me explain why.

We all know that Obama has this history of trying to take credit for other people's accomplishments. Now less then a week before an election he has the opportunity to stand on his own record. If the things he's doing that he says we don't know about is so damned good why isn't he talking about it when it could do the most good for his party? It goes against his character not to.

One thing that can be said about Barrack Obama is that he is a political animal. Everything he does in the open is about politics. This is what politicians do. It's the stuff he's doing that we don't know about that I'm worried about. I have a pretty good idea what some of it is, but I also realize that this guy is very unpredictable and the depths he's willing to go to is utterly breathtaking. This is why so many are shifting sides in this election. This fact is becoming more and more obvious. We are scared to death about what he's doing that we don't know about. How will it effect us eventually down the road?

What we've seen so far means nothing but bad things for this nation as a whole. This is why Democrats cannot stand on their records in this election. They have to try to look like conservatives and they've been doing it in mass. So of course Democrats are doing things we don't know about because not only is it disastrous for us but if the voters found out what it was their chances of staying in power would be nonexistent.
You can usually spot a Glenn Beck "editorial", right-off-the-bat, the way he makes an accusation & poses it as a question. It's an amateurish-tactic....but, he's doing the best he can (tryin' to tread water in the world of entertainment, where many others excel), despite his long-term history of alcohol-dependence.

You could have given him some credit, for this screed, Mudd-Butt.


Thanks for the unintended compliment. I consider Glenn Beck to be a decent writer.

All you have to do to find out if this was written by someone else is Google the heading or any part of body of my OP. You'll find that this baby is mine.
Sure it is, Mudd-Butt.

This time, it really, really, really, really is original.


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