Obama Was the Most Anti-Semitic President in History, So Let’s Stop Pointing Fingers at Trump

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I’ve previously written about how the Democratic Party has embraced anti-Semitism and defended rabid anti-Semites in their party. But as anti-Semitism becomes increasingly mainstream in the Democratic Party, rather than addressing the problem, Democrats are deflecting, trying to paint anti-Semitism as a Trump problem. Rep. Eric Swalwell recently alleged in an op-ed in the Jewish magazine Forward that Donald Trump is “embracing anti-Semitism.” Because Trump, who has a daughter who’s a converted Jew and Jewish grandchildren, is obviously an anti-Semite, or something.

In the wake of the Hanukkah celebration stabbing in Monsey, New York, rather than blame the attacker, Democrats chose to blame Trump — who has done more for Israel and the Jewish people in three years than his predecessor did in two terms.(We all know that the Surrender Monkey sent over to Israel a team to interfere with a previous Netanyahu election, if Trump did that I would stand behind his impeachment...BUT NOTHING happened to the Surrender Monkey~Why is that?)
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu - Washington Times
Jul 12, 2016 · The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday....

The left is deliberately trying to whitewash Obama’s record of anti-Semitism, and the welcoming of anti-Semites into their party. When Barack Obama entered the national stage and rose to become the Democratic Party’s nominee in 2008, defending him at all costs mattered more than exposing his hateful roots and record.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...

I think it’s a mistake for Dems to lie about the fact that evil cultists were behind the slashings and also the taunting of the Covington students earlier. That radical group does not represent any significant percentage of black people.

To deny this makes people wonder if most blacks are violent types waiting to be unleashed.-—Not true.

NYT coverage covered up the slasher’s interest in the Black Hebrews cult and said he had mental problems. A lie, as his computer had many anti-semitic articles and statements! He was not just an ordinary troubled guy who needed an SSRI. He was also a weird radical demonRAT hater!
I’ve previously written about how the Democratic Party has embraced anti-Semitism and defended rabid anti-Semites in their party. But as anti-Semitism becomes increasingly mainstream in the Democratic Party, rather than addressing the problem, Democrats are deflecting, trying to paint anti-Semitism as a Trump problem. Rep. Eric Swalwell recently alleged in an op-ed in the Jewish magazine Forward that Donald Trump is “embracing anti-Semitism.” Because Trump, who has a daughter who’s a converted Jew and Jewish grandchildren, is obviously an anti-Semite, or something.

In the wake of the Hanukkah celebration stabbing in Monsey, New York, rather than blame the attacker, Democrats chose to blame Trump — who has done more for Israel and the Jewish people in three years than his predecessor did in two terms.(We all know that the Surrender Monkey sent over to Israel a team to interfere with a previous Netanyahu election, if Trump did that I would stand behind his impeachment...BUT NOTHING happened to the Surrender Monkey~Why is that?)
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu - Washington Times
Jul 12, 2016 · The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday....

The left is deliberately trying to whitewash Obama’s record of anti-Semitism, and the welcoming of anti-Semites into their party. When Barack Obama entered the national stage and rose to become the Democratic Party’s nominee in 2008, defending him at all costs mattered more than exposing his hateful roots and record.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...

I think it’s a mistake for Dems to lie about the fact that evil cultists were behind the slashings and also the taunting of the Covington students earlier. That radical group does not represent any significant percentage of black people.

To deny this makes people wonder if most blacks are violent types waiting to be unleashed.-—Not true.

NYT coverage covered up the slasher’s interest in the Black Hebrews cult and said he had mental problems. A lie, as his computer had many anti-semitic articles and statements! He was not just an ordinary troubled guy who needed an SSRI. He was also a weird radical demonRAT hater!
Fantastic post, thanks!
I’ve previously written about how the Democratic Party has embraced anti-Semitism and defended rabid anti-Semites in their party. But as anti-Semitism becomes increasingly mainstream in the Democratic Party, rather than addressing the problem, Democrats are deflecting, trying to paint anti-Semitism as a Trump problem. Rep. Eric Swalwell recently alleged in an op-ed in the Jewish magazine Forward that Donald Trump is “embracing anti-Semitism.” Because Trump, who has a daughter who’s a converted Jew and Jewish grandchildren, is obviously an anti-Semite, or something.

In the wake of the Hanukkah celebration stabbing in Monsey, New York, rather than blame the attacker, Democrats chose to blame Trump — who has done more for Israel and the Jewish people in three years than his predecessor did in two terms.(We all know that the Surrender Monkey sent over to Israel a team to interfere with a previous Netanyahu election, if Trump did that I would stand behind his impeachment...BUT NOTHING happened to the Surrender Monkey~Why is that?)
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu - Washington Times
Jul 12, 2016 · The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday....

The left is deliberately trying to whitewash Obama’s record of anti-Semitism, and the welcoming of anti-Semites into their party. When Barack Obama entered the national stage and rose to become the Democratic Party’s nominee in 2008, defending him at all costs mattered more than exposing his hateful roots and record.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...

I think it’s a mistake for Dems to lie about the fact that evil cultists were behind the slashings and also the taunting of the Covington students earlier. That radical group does not represent any significant percentage of black people.

To deny this makes people wonder if most blacks are violent types waiting to be unleashed.-—Not true.

NYT coverage covered up the slasher’s interest in the Black Hebrews cult and said he had mental problems. A lie, as his computer had many anti-semitic articles and statements! He was not just an ordinary troubled guy who needed an SSRI. He was also a weird radical demonRAT hater!
^ :cuckoo:

Meanwhile, back in reality, Jews voted for Obama
I’ve previously written about how the Democratic Party has embraced anti-Semitism and defended rabid anti-Semites in their party. But as anti-Semitism becomes increasingly mainstream in the Democratic Party, rather than addressing the problem, Democrats are deflecting, trying to paint anti-Semitism as a Trump problem. Rep. Eric Swalwell recently alleged in an op-ed in the Jewish magazine Forward that Donald Trump is “embracing anti-Semitism.” Because Trump, who has a daughter who’s a converted Jew and Jewish grandchildren, is obviously an anti-Semite, or something.

In the wake of the Hanukkah celebration stabbing in Monsey, New York, rather than blame the attacker, Democrats chose to blame Trump — who has done more for Israel and the Jewish people in three years than his predecessor did in two terms.(We all know that the Surrender Monkey sent over to Israel a team to interfere with a previous Netanyahu election, if Trump did that I would stand behind his impeachment...BUT NOTHING happened to the Surrender Monkey~Why is that?)
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu - Washington Times
Jul 12, 2016 · The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday....

The left is deliberately trying to whitewash Obama’s record of anti-Semitism, and the welcoming of anti-Semites into their party. When Barack Obama entered the national stage and rose to become the Democratic Party’s nominee in 2008, defending him at all costs mattered more than exposing his hateful roots and record.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...

I think it’s a mistake for Dems to lie about the fact that evil cultists were behind the slashings and also the taunting of the Covington students earlier. That radical group does not represent any significant percentage of black people.

To deny this makes people wonder if most blacks are violent types waiting to be unleashed.-—Not true.

NYT coverage covered up the slasher’s interest in the Black Hebrews cult and said he had mental problems. A lie, as his computer had many anti-semitic articles and statements! He was not just an ordinary troubled guy who needed an SSRI. He was also a weird radical demonRAT hater!
^ :cuckoo:

Meanwhile, back in reality, Jews voted for Obama
Lefties are pretty weird. White lefties hate white people, and lefty Jews hate jews.
LMFAO, if that's true, than why should I support Trump over Obama?
Well, let's see. Obama was/is a Kenyan-born c*cksucker (quite literally true) , groomed and mentored by Satan himself, George Soros. Barry was/is hideously anti-American, he did absolutely nothing good for America in his tenure as president. He did SOMEHOW make race relations between blacks and white worse, and he made blacks hate the police MORE. And this is just for starters. Obama was an AWFUL president and he carried out Soros' plan to move America closer to being a globalist and socialist sh*thole. If the Hiladabeast had won in 2016, she would've undoubtedly carried on Barry's "legacy" and moved us even closer to being a socialist and globalist country. But GOD treated us kindly and helped Trump to victory. Donald Trump really HAS been a godsend. He has helped our country become greater in every category and instilled a wonderful feeling of patriotism and love for our country that was so sorely missed during Barry's time as leader. Every American needs to thank GOD Trump triumphed over evil in 2016. Thank you for listening.
I’ve previously written about how the Democratic Party has embraced anti-Semitism and defended rabid anti-Semites in their party. But as anti-Semitism becomes increasingly mainstream in the Democratic Party, rather than addressing the problem, Democrats are deflecting, trying to paint anti-Semitism as a Trump problem. Rep. Eric Swalwell recently alleged in an op-ed in the Jewish magazine Forward that Donald Trump is “embracing anti-Semitism.” Because Trump, who has a daughter who’s a converted Jew and Jewish grandchildren, is obviously an anti-Semite, or something.

In the wake of the Hanukkah celebration stabbing in Monsey, New York, rather than blame the attacker, Democrats chose to blame Trump — who has done more for Israel and the Jewish people in three years than his predecessor did in two terms.(We all know that the Surrender Monkey sent over to Israel a team to interfere with a previous Netanyahu election, if Trump did that I would stand behind his impeachment...BUT NOTHING happened to the Surrender Monkey~Why is that?)
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu - Washington Times
Jul 12, 2016 · The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday....

The left is deliberately trying to whitewash Obama’s record of anti-Semitism, and the welcoming of anti-Semites into their party. When Barack Obama entered the national stage and rose to become the Democratic Party’s nominee in 2008, defending him at all costs mattered more than exposing his hateful roots and record.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...

I think it’s a mistake for Dems to lie about the fact that evil cultists were behind the slashings and also the taunting of the Covington students earlier. That radical group does not represent any significant percentage of black people.

To deny this makes people wonder if most blacks are violent types waiting to be unleashed.-—Not true.

NYT coverage covered up the slasher’s interest in the Black Hebrews cult and said he had mental problems. A lie, as his computer had many anti-semitic articles and statements! He was not just an ordinary troubled guy who needed an SSRI. He was also a weird radical demonRAT hater!
Never to late to investigate Obama's actions, and to follow the money to his conviction.
Obama is a racist and anti Semite. That will never change. The current anti White - anti Semite attitude of the Democratic party all originated with Obama, the President that set race relations back 50 years.
Meanwhile, back in reality, Jews voted for Obama

Don't believe everything you hear.

Jews in America have traditionally been liberals (old school liberals). Jewish groups helped finance the Revolutionary War. Jewish women marched for suffrage. Jews marched alongside Martin Luther King for civil rights. Jews have always been the backbone of union movement and the traditional Democrat Party.

It was an easy decision to support these causes. The face of antisemitism in the world was fascist and right-wing and xtian for a long, long time.

But, times have changed. For several years now, many in the Democrat Party (and other left-wing parties around the Western World) have been throwing the Jews under the bus for some time now. Some say they're doing it to support the Palestinians. Others say they fear Jews have too much influence in the US (a common anti-semitic trope). Some say they are doing it because of conservative leaders in Israel (despite the fact that they were screaming just as loud about Israel even when Socialist were in charge of the government).

It will take time for things to change in the Jewish community. In politically liberal synagogues and Jewish community groups across America, it is very difficult to express open support for President Trump. Many Jews who support The President will keep their opinions to themselves around their politically liberal friends. The only way to know how many Jews voted for any candidate is a by exit polling, a traditionally unreliable way to judge voter sentiment. Many Jews I know will not identify themselves as Jews to people asking on the street. I don't reveal my politics or my ethnicity to any stranger, especially not pollsters.

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