Obama: U.S. Does Not Recognize 'Legitimacy of Continued Israeli Settlements'

tough shit kool aid drinkers,, find your own web site. it won't change Bolton's words but knock your DUmbasses out. impotent imbeciles.


yea, im sure you'd think NIGGERMANIA would be a good site to use in a debate over ethnic equality. Bolton is a stooge. And, it's a testament to how laughable your support of Bolton is given that you would rather defend newsmax than admit the laughable nature of that website as a source of anything other than conservative bile.

hey dumbass, bolton and newsmax neither one need me to defend them.
course how you defend your hatred of jews is another story entirely. innit?
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Obama just put Israel "on the chopping block," said former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton.

John Bolton is a neocon nutjob who has said many things in the past the haven't happened.

As much as I personally support Israel, there has to be a limit on how many settelments they can build. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but God did not give this land to them.

My stance completely! the settlement building at least has to be frozen, so I commend Obama for taking such a strong stance on this! Rightwing Israelis have to start seeing the big picture. A prosperous fully independent Palestine is very very much in Israelis best interests!

I like what happens when reasonable people gather together.
Think it through, Jew-haters. The Jews are going to vote for your candidate and not the Dems?
Again the anti-Semites in here are exposed.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSf5qZOow0E&feature=related]YouTube - Bob Dylan - Neighborhood Bully[/ame]
Stop lobbing missiles... no more retaliation.
Hamas stopped firing missiles. Israel refused to lift the blockade. Hamas began firing missiles again. Lift the blockade and quit collectively punishing Gaza's population if you want Hamas to stop its attacks.

perhaps you should look into what passes for kids' programming on al jazeera tv if you really want to understand how ill-used the palestinian kids are
Al Jazeera? What objectionable kids' program do they air?
Think it through, Jew-haters. The Jews are going to vote for your candidate and not the Dems?

If you're addressing the Republicans I don't believe they're anti-semitic.

Come on now! Remember what the worst President in history, Hello Carter, marked the Republicans as KKK member, it makes sense that other democrats like Starkey would also call the Republicans anti-semitic! Hell I wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats start accusing the Republicans of being anti-Martian!
Hamas stopped firing missiles. Israel refused to lift the blockade. Hamas began firing missiles again. Lift the blockade and quit collectively punishing Gaza's population if you want Hamas to stop its attacks.

Blockades happen when terrorists smuggle weapons in....

3,000 missiiles in s'derot before Israel hit back. Tell the cowards iin Hamas to stop putting military installations where civilian populations live...

no more problem.

but the cowards like high death tolls so people who might otherwise be well-meaning (not terrorist supporters like you and shogie, of course) get all in a tizzy.

Al Jazeera? What objectionable kids' program do they air?

apparently, you are the only person in the world who is unaware of their little terrorist mickey mouse.
If you're addressing the Republicans I don't believe they're anti-semitic.

republicans as a group? no...

but neither are democrats as a group.

it's the fringes of both left and right who hate jews pretty equally... one for the same BS racial purity issues as the nazis...the other because they like terrorists.
so in one case hating israel is 'anti-semitic' but then the israel lovers say that israel is the most diverse place ever.
Blockades happen when terrorists smuggle weapons in....
It was asked of Israel that the blockade be lifted enough to allow humanitarian supplies to flow in, nothing more. Israel failed to do this.

3,000 missiiles in s'derot before Israel hit back.
Each one of those missiles represented a family whose livelihood was utterly destroyed by the Israeli-Egyptian blockade. Do I believe that Israeli civilians should be targeted? Of course not, but attacks on Israeli military installations will be fully legitimate until they end their oppression of Palestinians.

Tell the cowards iin Hamas to stop putting military installations where civilian populations live...
Gaza, one of the most densely populated parts of the world. Perhaps that wouldn't be the case if Israel hadn't herded Palestinians into the strip in the first place.

but the cowards like high death tolls so people who might otherwise be well-meaning (not terrorist supporters like you and shogie, of course) get all in a tizzy.
I invite you to post anything I've said suggesting that I support attacks against civilians. High death tolls are the result of Israeli indifference. The "most moral army in the world" is fully capable of conducting surgical strikes against Hamas' installations; instead, they use cluster munitions against UN installations and in civilian areas.

apparently, you are the only person in the world who is unaware of their little terrorist mickey mouse.
The show "Tommorow's Pioneers" is aired by Al-Aqsa TV, a Hamas-run channel. Al Jazeera is a legitimate news station.
You disingenious asshole! We have NEVER given them a blank check. Just because your a Muslim doesn't give you the right to be a raging antisemite.
Nor does your Zionism give you the right to baselessly accuse me of being anti-Semitic.
So against Kalam aka Racist Muslim, what would be an acceptable response? Would you be cool with Israel allowing Its border cities to fire 1000s of daily missiles at random targets into Gaza? Of course not because you are a hypocritical Muslim antisemite!+
Rest assured, I'd be less concerned over 30 or so deaths over the past decade than I am over the thousand or so deaths Israel caused in a couple of weeks.
EVERY SINGLE action by the Israelis has been in retaliation or defense from an Arab attack. EVERYONE. The aggressor is not Israel it is the Arab Countries and the stateless Arab terrorists. And you find no problem with that at all.

So much bullshit.So Little time.

In 1920 Palestine was 95% Palestinian Arab, In the mid-1920's the UK allowed a massive immigration of Jews who promptly began to slaughter/ maim the natives and to steal from them.

But they are supposed to forget the past and bury the hatchet, right?



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