Obama tops Romney in outsourcing of jobs


The Ultimate Winner
May 18, 2010
I don't expect much better from the Obama campaign but I would think they would be smarter and check the facts.

Obama The Outsourcer and Chiefl

President Obama recently gave his approval to an ad that attacks Mitt Romney for his record while he was running Bain Capital. The ad specifically attacks Romney for the number of jobs that were outsourced to China while he ran Bain Capital. However, the ad shows a clip of Romney saying that he will not allow such things to happen if he becomes President:

"The Chinese are smiling all the way to the bank. Taking our jobs, and taking a lot of our future. I'm not willing to let that happen."

The ad may seem like a big victory for the Obama campaign, but a little research will show that it is quite misleading. While jobs may have been outsourced under Romney's watch, he was not directly responsible for such outsources. His business made numerous investments, and some of those investments happened to be in firms that relocated American jobs overseas. Claiming that Romney's affiliations makes him responsible for the outsourcing of jobs, as the ad does, than President Obama's affiliations make him responsible for the outsourcing of even more jobs.

Lies and more lies.

Have any lefties checked into Pelosi and how her overseas investments are doing?

How about Wasserman-Schultz?

Look into any of the three and you find out real quick what hypocrites this group is.
LOL!! Liberals are such nut jobs, they will find excuses for Obama;s stupidity.

I'm just wondering who they will throw under the bus, Pelosi and/or Schultz?
my guess is they will divert it and not address the issue at all.
LOL!! Liberals are such nut jobs, they will find excuses for Obama;s stupidity.

I'm just wondering who they will throw under the bus, Pelosi and/or Schultz?
my guess is they will divert it and not address the issue at all.

That's my guess too. They have the script written already and most media reps are more than willing to read it. Romney is the outsourcer. Obama is the man of the people. End of story.
Romney invented Obamacare and outsourcing.

He deserves credit for the first and blame for the second.
Romney invented Obamacare and outsourcing.

He deserves credit for the first and blame for the second.

More BS and denial, any comments of the out sourcing companies the Democrats support or are you just a partisan dumb ass that repeats the Democratic propaganda?
Romney invented Obamacare and outsourcing.

He deserves credit for the first and blame for the second.

More BS and denial, any comments of the out sourcing companies the Democrats support or are you just a partisan dumb ass that repeats the Democratic propaganda?

Romney made his money as a liar and a thief.

Why did he hide Sankaty from the public?
Romney invented Obamacare and outsourcing.

He deserves credit for the first and blame for the second.

More BS and denial, any comments of the out sourcing companies the Democrats support or are you just a partisan dumb ass that repeats the Democratic propaganda?

Romney made his money as a liar and a thief.

Why did he hide Sankaty from the public?

Obama is a liar and a thief, his current ad proves his ability to lie to the American public, why do you give him and his cronies a pass?
More BS and denial, any comments of the out sourcing companies the Democrats support or are you just a partisan dumb ass that repeats the Democratic propaganda?

Romney made his money as a liar and a thief.

Why did he hide Sankaty from the public?

Obama is a liar and a thief, his current ad proves his ability to lie to the American public, why do you give him and his cronies a pass?

You didn't answer the question.

Why did Romney hide Sankaty from the public?
Romney made his money as a liar and a thief.

Why did he hide Sankaty from the public?

Obama is a liar and a thief, his current ad proves his ability to lie to the American public, why do you give him and his cronies a pass?

You didn't answer the question.

Why did Romney hide Sankaty from the public?

I think this thread is discussing Obama and his lies. Why do you give Obama and his cronies a pass?
LOL!! Liberals are such nut jobs, they will find excuses for Obama;s stupidity.

I'm just wondering who they will throw under the bus, Pelosi and/or Schultz?
my guess is they will divert it and not address the issue at all.

Dumb fuck, the dems have tried numerous times to stop offshoring, but of course the america hating GOP trash do what they do best, filibuster anything that doesn't help out the rich or their corporate masters.

GOP Blocks Bill to Punish Companies that Move Jobs Abroad - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

GOP Blocks Bill to Close Offshore Loophole | New York Daily News

Republican Senators Block Anti-Offshoring Bill
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I don't expect much better from the Obama campaign but I would think they would be smarter and check the facts.

Obama The Outsourcer and Chiefl

President Obama recently gave his approval to an ad that attacks Mitt Romney for his record while he was running Bain Capital. The ad specifically attacks Romney for the number of jobs that were outsourced to China while he ran Bain Capital. However, the ad shows a clip of Romney saying that he will not allow such things to happen if he becomes President:

"The Chinese are smiling all the way to the bank. Taking our jobs, and taking a lot of our future. I'm not willing to let that happen."

The ad may seem like a big victory for the Obama campaign, but a little research will show that it is quite misleading. While jobs may have been outsourced under Romney's watch, he was not directly responsible for such outsources. His business made numerous investments, and some of those investments happened to be in firms that relocated American jobs overseas. Claiming that Romney's affiliations makes him responsible for the outsourcing of jobs, as the ad does, than President Obama's affiliations make him responsible for the outsourcing of even more jobs.

Lies and more lies.

Have any lefties checked into Pelosi and how her overseas investments are doing?

How about Wasserman-Schultz?

Look into any of the three and you find out real quick what hypocrites this group is.

The outsourcing is a phony issue. If we were to put measures in place based on denying foreign manufacturers, prices on goods would go way up and the standard of living would go way down. Politicians know this but if they think they can use the rhetoric to their advantage then they do. Beware of the outsourcing jiving politicians. They're basically saying 'I'm counting on your ignorance.'

The real issue is what kind of bs regulations and taxes do we have that are inhibiting business domestically and internationally. Give me a candidate who is discussing those issues earnestly.
I don't expect much better from the Obama campaign but I would think they would be smarter and check the facts.

Obama The Outsourcer and Chiefl

President Obama recently gave his approval to an ad that attacks Mitt Romney for his record while he was running Bain Capital. The ad specifically attacks Romney for the number of jobs that were outsourced to China while he ran Bain Capital. However, the ad shows a clip of Romney saying that he will not allow such things to happen if he becomes President:

"The Chinese are smiling all the way to the bank. Taking our jobs, and taking a lot of our future. I'm not willing to let that happen."

The ad may seem like a big victory for the Obama campaign, but a little research will show that it is quite misleading. While jobs may have been outsourced under Romney's watch, he was not directly responsible for such outsources. His business made numerous investments, and some of those investments happened to be in firms that relocated American jobs overseas. Claiming that Romney's affiliations makes him responsible for the outsourcing of jobs, as the ad does, than President Obama's affiliations make him responsible for the outsourcing of even more jobs.

Lies and more lies.

Have any lefties checked into Pelosi and how her overseas investments are doing?

How about Wasserman-Schultz?

Look into any of the three and you find out real quick what hypocrites this group is.

The outsourcing is a phony issue. If we were to put measures in place based on denying foreign manufacturers, prices on goods would go way up and the standard of living would go way down. Politicians know this but if they think they can use the rhetoric to their advantage then they do. Beware of the outsourcing jiving politicians. They're basically saying 'I'm counting on your ignorance.'

The real issue is what kind of bs regulations and taxes do we have that are inhibiting business domestically and internationally. Give me a candidate who is discussing those issues earnestly.

I would rather have good paying manufacturing jobs than cheap (and cheaply made) chinese goods
I don't expect much better from the Obama campaign but I would think they would be smarter and check the facts.

Obama The Outsourcer and Chiefl

Lies and more lies.

Have any lefties checked into Pelosi and how her overseas investments are doing?

How about Wasserman-Schultz?

Look into any of the three and you find out real quick what hypocrites this group is.

The outsourcing is a phony issue. If we were to put measures in place based on denying foreign manufacturers, prices on goods would go way up and the standard of living would go way down. Politicians know this but if they think they can use the rhetoric to their advantage then they do. Beware of the outsourcing jiving politicians. They're basically saying 'I'm counting on your ignorance.'

The real issue is what kind of bs regulations and taxes do we have that are inhibiting business domestically and internationally. Give me a candidate who is discussing those issues earnestly.

I would rather have good paying manufacturing jobs than cheap (and cheaply made) chinese goods

Because you don't understand macro economics and you're relying on emotion and not intellect. You surely must be a Democrat.
Lies and more lies.

Have any lefties checked into Pelosi and how her overseas investments are doing?

How about Wasserman-Schultz?

Look into any of the three and you find out real quick what hypocrites this group is.

Pelosi isn't running for President. Neither is Schultz...

and there is a big difference between investments and actually facilitating outsourcing, which is what Romney and Company did.

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