Obama to solve gun violence in 30 days but can't get justice in Lybia

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Seriously folks. We had video and overhead drones and men on the ground. Yet here we are MONTHS later with NO progress.

Then today on ABC radio news break its being reported that Obama has 19 executive orders in his sights to solve a hundred years of gun violence in a mere 30 days.
You really didn't have to ask that did you?
He's hoping we all get tired of the Benghazi crime and forget about it...it'll just fade away.
But he's wrong again....it's not going to go away until we find out the truth.

Why in hell would he need 19 EO's to solve gun violence???? Because he knows that's the only way he's going to get HIS way in this. All the shit this guys done i can't believe that one of these days he's going to screw up, they always do, and he's going to be out on his ass! Well...i can have a dream! :)
Seriously folks. We had video and overhead drones and men on the ground. Yet here we are MONTHS later with NO progress.

Then today on ABC radio news break its being reported that Obama has 19 executive orders in his sights to solve a hundred years of gun violence in a mere 30 days.

Well it's quite apparent that this is a blatant power grab.
Seriously folks. We had video and overhead drones and men on the ground. Yet here we are MONTHS later with NO progress.

Then today on ABC radio news break its being reported that Obama has 19 executive orders in his sights to solve a hundred years of gun violence in a mere 30 days.

Benghazi's already a dead issue. A combination of the Fiscal Cliff fiasco and the Sandy Hook shootings allowed Obama to sweep Libya under the rug, never to be seen again.

Obama once again walks away unscathed while 4 families have funerals to attend and no answers.
19 executive orders people.

Fuck it, lets just abolish congress.

Abolishing Congress will be the same time he declares martial law after a "terrorist attack" in a major US city. So...probably around the second half of his 2nd term.

You hoping for another terrorist attack?

No thanks..9/11 was more than enough. I wouldn't wish that on any American.

Have no idea how you could be so cold.

Seriously folks. We had video and overhead drones and men on the ground. Yet here we are MONTHS later with NO progress.

Then today on ABC radio news break its being reported that Obama has 19 executive orders in his sights to solve a hundred years of gun violence in a mere 30 days.

19 actions, not EOs. Some of those actions may be along the lines of throwing his support behind Congressional legislation from the left side of the aisle. Or he could order stronger enforcement of existing laws. Or he could order more data-sharing between law enforcement agencies.

Despite the hallucinations of some of the more whacky right wingers, he is not about to violate the Constitution.

He will reveal his plans tomorrow. Have patience and don't let the voices on your radio do your thinking for you.

And I was not aware that Obama is claiming he is going to solve gun violence once and for all. Do you have a link?
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19 executive orders people.

Fuck it, lets just abolish congress.

Abolishing Congress will be the same time he declares martial law after a "terrorist attack" in a major US city. So...probably around the second half of his 2nd term.

You hoping for another terrorist attack?

No thanks..9/11 was more than enough. I wouldn't wish that on any American.

Have no idea how you could be so cold.


cold? maybe. stupid? more likely.
Is this one of those setups where it is claimed Obama said he is going to solve gun violence once and for all, so that the next time someone somewhere is killed with a gun, the whackadoos can climb on the corpse and say, "He said he was going to end gun violence, but look! He didn't! MWA-HA-HA-HAAAAAAA!"

Something like that?
19 executive orders people.

Fuck it, lets just abolish congress.

Abolishing Congress will be the same time he declares martial law after a "terrorist attack" in a major US city. So...probably around the second half of his 2nd term.

Remember roadvirus obama needs to learn the difference between work place violence and a terrorist attack first. Remember the forthood terrorist attack, that obama down graded to work place violence?
19 executive orders people.

Fuck it, lets just abolish congress.

Abolishing Congress will be the same time he declares martial law after a "terrorist attack" in a major US city. So...probably around the second half of his 2nd term.

You hoping for another terrorist attack?

No thanks..9/11 was more than enough. I wouldn't wish that on any American.

Have no idea how you could be so cold.


Making shit up again, huh? Or is it illiteracy?
19 executive orders people.

Fuck it, lets just abolish congress.

Abolishing Congress will be the same time he declares martial law after a "terrorist attack" in a major US city. So...probably around the second half of his 2nd term.

Remember roadvirus obama needs to learn the difference between work place violence and a terrorist attack first. Remember the forthood terrorist attack, that obama down graded to work place violence?

Before the Obama years, i would never type this kind of conspiracy shit. In fact, i stayed away from CT sites like Alex Jones and Info Wars. Now look at me.
Bengazi was a tragedy in a war zone, with no real warning. And yes, it followed 20+ other ME embassy aattacks and violent protest due to that moronic RW bigot video. Yes it was pretty much a spontaneous attack in THAT atmosphere.

Amazingly it may be hard to find who did it among the 40 militias in Bengazi. Give it up, dupes. No lies, no conspiracy.

I bet they get them, the grenade launching a-holes.
Is this one of those setups where it is claimed Obama said he is going to solve gun violence once and for all, so that the next time someone somewhere is killed with a gun, the whackadoos can climb on the corpse and say, "He said he was going to end gun violence, but look! He didn't! MWA-HA-HA-HAAAAAAA!"

Something like that?

I posted exactly what I heard on the news break. Not Hannity, not Rush...ABC

I didn't adlib or search the net. I'm at work. I posted what was reported. Make of it what you will as the pompous ass you are.
Seriously folks. We had video and overhead drones and men on the ground. Yet here we are MONTHS later with NO progress.

Then today on ABC radio news break its being reported that Obama has 19 executive orders in his sights to solve a hundred years of gun violence in a mere 30 days.

Looks like my last two posts were dead on. The wind has been taken from your sails, Grampa:

Speaking to an audience that included family members of those killed a month ago in the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, as well as children who wrote to Mr. Obama in the wake of recent episodes of mass violence, the president acknowledged the difficulties of pursuing stricter legislation on gun laws, but argued that he would use "whatever weight this office holds" to achieve his goals.

"Because while there is no law or set of laws that can prevent every senseless act of violence completely, no piece of legislation that will prevent every tragedy, every act of evil, if there's even one thing we can do to reduce this violence, if there's even one life that can be saved, then we've got an obligation to try," he said. "This is our first task as a society: Keeping our children safe. This is how we will be judged. And their voices should compel us to change."

Obama calls for sweeping new gun laws - CBS News

But I will bet hard money that some whackadoo on this forum still won't hesitate to claim Obama said he was going to END gun violence sometime in the near future. Some person or persons will be killed by gun violence, and a piss drinker will point out that Obama said he was going to end all gun violence.

Even though I have just said this, and pre-debunked it, someone will still do it.

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