Obama to [possibly] take on Citizen United

The House of Representatives are your street corner hookers. A cheap lay.

Senator are your call girls. They cost a lot more, but they make house calls.

I'm sorry, I just had a revolting vision of McConnell in high heels, cheap lipstick and gaudy perfume knocking at some hotel suite....(LOL)
At least it wasn't Palosi.
As I said before, I don't believe there should be limits on campaign donations, but I do believe in full disclosure. I would like to know the sources of a candidate's war chest.

However, full disclosure risks political campaigns becoming a giant fallacious Ad Hominem battle.

"John Schmuckatelli is supported by donations from Exxon, and Exxon is the Great Satan. Therefore, John Schmuckatelli is Satan's tool."
The alternative is an inherited oligarchy that shuts out every new comer. No thanks.
NO, the alternative is a democratic republic where what matters is what you know and do, NOT from which birth canal you came or how much money you have.
Good luck in Utopia. Because money will always play a part. The incumbent always has an advantage and the only way to overcome that is advertising. And that's expensive.

Well, actually Utopia really means "no-place" and rather than belittling the possible effort by Obama to stem this corruption, you should join others in signing the petition for Obama to take action.

(and castigate the SCOTUS for joining in the corruption.)
You dont understand. I am for more money in politics. I am against forcing non profits to disclose donors, which is unconstitutional in any case. Why would i want to support Obama's attempt to suppress freedom and democracy?

Rabbi, no one will ever "accuse" you of being too bright....
Stupid people dont understand what I write. Like you.
Wouldn't the plutocrats win the vote the overwhelming number of times? You're talking pennies vs. dollars. More dollars DOES NOT mean more popular, it just means more dollars.
Ask Kay Hagen how that worked out for her.
I prefer to discuss the issue. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. You've got a lot of nerve calling someone else stupid.
Wouldn't the plutocrats win the vote the overwhelming number of times? You're talking pennies vs. dollars. More dollars DOES NOT mean more popular, it just means more dollars.
Ask Kay Hagen how that worked out for her.
I prefer to discuss the issue. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. You've got a lot of nerve calling someone else stupid.
You are a dunce squared.
Hagan had way more money and outspent her opponent. She still lost. The graveyards are filled with candidates who raied more money and still managed to lose. Money is nto the sole determinant in winning office, as you seem to think. And I use the term "think" broadlu because frankly you've never demonstrated an ability to think in any of your posts.
If there are two ideas competing for the hearts and minds of Americans, our collective donations to the organizations which support our views is a way of voting. The more popular idea gets the most cash and therefore has the best chance of winning.
Wouldn't the plutocrats win the vote the overwhelming number of times? You're talking pennies vs. dollars. More dollars DOES NOT mean more popular, it just means more dollars.
If the rubes have been dumbed down to the point where they believe the other guy's ad more than your ads, whose fault is that?

Superior ideas and truth and integrity should easily be able to defeat lies and dishonesty.
I often write to my Reps. and Senators, and once I received a note back from an aide stating that I was being "disrespectful" by not giving the title "Honorable, so and so....."
Of course I wrote back that I reserve the title of "honorable" only for people who truly act with honor....and that particular senator to whom I had written was as crooked as a cheap dope peddler on a corner in a seedy part of town.
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So he wants to tell people the can't speak out against politicians. This is good because? Why does free speech threaten you so much?
So he wants to tell people the can't speak out against politicians. This is good because? Why does free speech threaten you so much?
o he wants to tell people the can't speak out against politicians. This is good because? Why does free speech threaten you so much?

Dingbat.......the effort is to try to stop the CORRUPTION of politicians bribed by big government contractors to keep giving them those contracts......

Go ask a grown up to explain to you since you're just a dunce.
You don't think the they are bribed by the unions? I have a bridge in the desert you might be interested in...
o he wants to tell people the can't speak out against politicians. This is good because? Why does free speech threaten you so much?

Dingbat.......the effort is to try to stop the CORRUPTION of politicians bribed by big government contractors to keep giving them those contracts......

Go ask a grown up to explain to you since you're just a dunce.
You don't think the they are bribed by the unions? I have a bridge in the desert you might be interested in...

Did I EVER state that unions do not bribe also????

I mean, come on, WHEN did I state that?

However, since Walker in WI is trying to kill off unions, who do you think that state's politicians are holding their grubby hands out to???

Can you answer THAT???
So.....you want Obama to sign an Executive Order abrogating a SC decision....can we all say Constitutional Crisis?

Let him do it, then the little prick can get slapped down again.
Hagan had way more money and outspent her opponent. She still lost. The graveyards are filled with candidates who raied more money and still managed to lose. Money is nto the sole determinant in winning office, as you seem to think. And I use the term "think" broadlu because frankly you've never demonstrated an ability to think in any of your posts.
I was talking about a general rule. The fact that you found a few exceptions, proves nothing. Let money rule and in the end it will inexorably win.
o he wants to tell people the can't speak out against politicians. This is good because? Why does free speech threaten you so much?

Dingbat.......the effort is to try to stop the CORRUPTION of politicians bribed by big government contractors to keep giving them those contracts......

Go ask a grown up to explain to you since you're just a dunce.

I've read Citizens United unlike you apparently. It involves the questions on whether McCain Feingold can prohibit people from criticizing politicians before an election or whether the constitution means what it says when it says "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech."

Tell me something though. On what planet does giving power to corrupt politicians end corruption? That's like asking the Fox to guard the hen house. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

There is no way in hell I'm going to be alright with the politicians of this nation tell anyone we can't criticize them as they run for reelection. It's my God given right to regardless of whether use my own voice or through the organizations I am associated with.
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So.....you want Obama to sign an Executive Order abrogating a SC decision....can we all say Constitutional Crisis?

Let him do it, then the little prick can get slapped down again.

You must have learned a new word today...abrogating...good for you....He's NOT abrogating anything....all he is asking is for federal contractors (whose funding is TAX PAYERS' money) to fully disclose how much money they're using to bribe congressional crooks. That is within his privy and you can take the SCOTUS decision and use it for toilet paper.

Longtime in coming.......
So.....you want Obama to sign an Executive Order abrogating a SC decision....can we all say Constitutional Crisis?

Let him do it, then the little prick can get slapped down again.

You must have learned a new word today...abrogating...good for you....He's NOT abrogating anything....all he is asking is for federal contractors (whose funding is TAX PAYERS' money) to fully disclose how much money they're using to bribe congressional crooks. That is within his privy and you can take the SCOTUS decision and use it for toilet paper.

Longtime in coming.......

Let's see a sitting President who claims to be a "Constitutional" Professor is slapped down unanimously at least 13 times so far....you being an ill educated Lefty supports him....perfect.

I have no trouble taking money out of Politics, but Union money goes first.
I've read Citizens United unlike you apparently. It involves the questions on whether McCain Feingold can prohibit people from criticizing politicians before an election or whether the constitution means what it says when it says "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech."

Tell me something though. On what planet does giving power to corrupt politicians end corruption? That's like asking the Fox to guard the hen house. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

There is no way in hell I'm going to be alright with the politicians of this nation tell anyone we can't criticize them as they run for reelection. It's my God given right to regardless of whether use my own voice or through the organizations I am associated with.

I have NO idea what you're rambling about...somebody or something that bans you from criticizing politicians? What? Who? Where? Why?
.....and most of all, are you OK?
The argument for regulating corruption is so stupid.

Our politicians are too corrupt. These evil special interest groups are forcing them to take money against their will. And we all know how.evil special interest groups are. We shouldn't allow citizens to unite together for a common cause or purpose. And they sure as heck shouldn't be allowed to *gasp* speak out for or against a cause or politician. Politicians are simply better than everyone else. They are the victim here. We need to make sure we hand over our power to them so they can end this corruption. Otherwise they will continue to be victimized by the American people who might not be enlightened enough to understand what they are doing

Let's allow corrupt politicians to end corruption. We can trust them! It's us we can't trust.

McCain Feingold is one of many proofs thst bipartisanship only works when both parties work together to screw the American people

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