Obama to make recess apointments?

OH REALLY!!! We are not talking about a FEW appointments we are talking about ALL of them. You answer is a LIE!
Don't be an imbecile, even the Dems don't like most of the picks, they had a year to confirm them with a rubberstamp congress and couldn't do it.
Unfortunately one Senator can put a hold on any appointment on a whim. Shelby was holding out for pork, but he embarrassed even the cons.
Just saw Barry on the news saying he will follow in Bush's shoes and make recess apointments.

This is not unusual, Bill Clinton made 139 in 8 years, and Chimpola Bush made 171 in his 2 terms.

Of course, the Democrats screamed bloody murder when Chimp was doing it, and now of course they love it.

Another example that both parties are the same, and behave the same way.

I didn't like it when Bush did it, I didn't like it when Clinton did it, I didn't like it when... well, you get the idea. I'm not going to like it when Obama does it.
As if their Super-majority never happened. Dems whining about Republicans really is pretty hilarious. The fact is Reid & Pelosi blew it even with a Super-majority. Worst U.S. Congress in history? You bet. Reid & Pelosi gotta go.
Reid is an incompetent and dishonest hypocrite. He gotta go.

Reid is the best friend the Repugs have right now. He runs from a fight. He refuses to stand up and do his job.

He is looking a very bad election in Nevada, where it seems he is not the most liked candidate.

But before the Repug start cheering, they need to remember that the next Senate Leader for the Dems will Not be Reid or like Reid. Early money is Chuck Schumer (D-Ny.), and he is more than willing to fight, which is some Harry "Jello Knees" Reid was never willing to do so.
Republicans really want that homeland security building in Alabama. Oh well.
OH REALLY!!! We are not talking about a FEW appointments we are talking about ALL of them. You answer is a LIE!
Don't be an imbecile, even the Dems don't like most of the picks, they had a year to confirm them with a rubberstamp congress and couldn't do it.
Unfortunately one Senator can put a hold on any appointment on a whim. Shelby was holding out for pork, but he embarrassed even the cons.

Not to mention the numerous times DeMint has done this; sometimes over things that turned to not even be true in the end.

Of course lately two members of his own party just filibustered one of his nominees, too.
Just saw Barry on the news saying he will follow in Bush's shoes and make recess apointments.

This is not unusual, Bill Clinton made 139 in 8 years, and Chimpola Bush made 171 in his 2 terms.

Of course, the Democrats screamed bloody murder when Chimp was doing it, and now of course they love it.

Another example that both parties are the same, and behave the same way.


I say good for him. He and he alone can take responsibility for his appointments.. NO one left to blame now is there?
Well Booooooooooooooooooooosh! took responsibility. Now maybe your guy can grow a pair and take responsibility..
Political football. I doubt you were on messageboards back when BOOOOOOOSH was doing this but this is like a bizzaro 2005 thread.

Nope, I was in middle school. :lol:

And is the irony that you get to taste from this thread both delicious and filling? :lol:
This thread reeks of hypocrisy.

I dunno. I haven't read the thread, but I think that if Obama really moves forward with it, and the Repubs actually whine about it, the universe will spiral into a vortex of hypocrisy the likes of which we haven't seen since the last time the Dems have done something that they were condemning for the last 8 years (and the Repubs are now whining about it).

I think that was last week sometime.
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Just saw Barry on the news saying he will follow in Bush's shoes and make recess apointments.

This is not unusual, Bill Clinton made 139 in 8 years, and Chimpola Bush made 171 in his 2 terms.

Of course, the Democrats screamed bloody murder when Chimp was doing it, and now of course they love it.

Another example that both parties are the same, and behave the same way.

barry is just tryin to keep it real dog.
This thread reeks of hypocrisy.

I dunno. I haven't read the thread, but I think that if Obama really moves forward with it, and the Repubs actually whine about it, the universe will spiral into a vortex of hypocrisy the likes of which we haven't seen since the last time the Dems have done something that they were condemning for the last 8 years (and the Repubs are now whining about it).

I think that was last week sometime.

You rule, sir.
This thread reeks of hypocrisy.

I dunno. I haven't read the thread, but I think that if Obama really moves forward with it, and the Repubs actually whine about it, the universe will spiral into a vortex of hypocrisy the likes of which we haven't seen since the last time the Dems have done something that they were condemning for the last 8 years (and the Repubs are now whining about it).

I think that was last week sometime.

You rule, sir.

Aww shucks. 'Tweren't nuttin.

Oh NO....Not That....Not Recess Appointments.

Exactly how many did baby bushie make???????

I love the Bush did it too argument. Obama's entire campaign was that he was not like Bush and was going to change business as usual in DC. If he is doing the same things that Bush did, I guess he is pretty much the same right?
Hey X in this case he was different he made 39 in his first years against Boooooooooooooooosh's 54

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