Obama to kick Clinton program out the door!!


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
No preferential treatment for do gooders, get your ass in line, and your resume in hand.

Obama to shut down Federal Career Intern Program

President Obama plans to issue an executive order, perhaps as early as this week, ending a federal internship program that critics say circumvents proper hiring practices.

Since it began in 2001, the Federal Career Intern Program has been used to hire more than 100,000 people - few of them interns as traditionally understood and many of them border and customs officers who later became full-time federal employees.

The program has drawn fire from federal employee unions and from the government board that oversees federal hiring practices, which ruled in November that the program undermined the rights of veterans, in particular, who were seeking federal work.
Obama to shut down Federal Career Intern Program
No preferential treatment for do gooders, get your ass in line, and your resume in hand.

Obama to shut down Federal Career Intern Program

President Obama plans to issue an executive order, perhaps as early as this week, ending a federal internship program that critics say circumvents proper hiring practices.

Since it began in 2001, the Federal Career Intern Program has been used to hire more than 100,000 people - few of them interns as traditionally understood and many of them border and customs officers who later became full-time federal employees.

The program has drawn fire from federal employee unions and from the government board that oversees federal hiring practices, which ruled in November that the program undermined the rights of veterans, in particular, who were seeking federal work.
Obama to shut down Federal Career Intern Program

that's awesome.
Since this come from Shitnow there must be more to it. The opposition by the government employees' union further suggests this was a good program and is being shut down due to union pressure on their monkey.
from the link-

The FCIP was created by President Bill Clinton in 2000 with the stated goal of attracting "exceptional men and women to the Federal workforce" and preparing them "for careers in analyzing and implementing public programs."

About 400 people were hired under the streamlined rules of the program in 2001, but that number quickly grew - to 6,600 in 2004 and more than 26,700 in 2009. Agencies were able to hire much faster than usual under the program because they did not have to advertise open positions.

The Office of Personnel and Management, which oversees the program, had no comment on the president's plans.

Although federal worker unions have criticized and challenged the program, managers have often liked it for the hiring flexibility and speed it allows.

The Partnership for Public Service, a nonprofit group that studies the federal workforce, also has been supportive of the FCIP.


A concerted effort by federal employee unions to revamp or terminate the program got a boost in November with the Merit Systems Protection Board's ruling that it violates the preference veterans are granted in federal hiring.
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the prgm was a winner. I am VERY familiar with the prgm....the union was pissed off they could not exercise THEIR nepotistic tendencies etc. Think the tag "Veteran" means only army navy air force marine or coast guard? think again.Advertise opens positions is not quite accurate or germane really in this context. Please read the entire article.
the prgm was a winner. I am VERY familiar with the prgm....the union was pissed off they could not exercise THEIR nepotistic tendencies etc. Think the tag "Veteran" means only army navy air force marine or coast guard? think again.Advertise opens positions is not quite accurate or germane really in this context. Please read the entire article.
That is Shit-Stain's problem with it
the prgm was a winner. I am VERY familiar with the prgm....the union was pissed off they could not exercise THEIR nepotistic tendencies etc. Think the tag "Veteran" means only army navy air force marine or coast guard? think again.Advertise opens positions is not quite accurate or germane really in this context. Please read the entire article.
That is Shit-Stain's problem with it
so, Obama caves in to Union pressure once again
the prgm was a winner. I am VERY familiar with the prgm....the union was pissed off they could not exercise THEIR nepotistic tendencies etc. Think the tag "Veteran" means only army navy air force marine or coast guard? think again.Advertise opens positions is not quite accurate or germane really in this context. Please read the entire article.
That is Shit-Stain's problem with it
so, Obama caves in to Union pressure once again

pretty much. the last thing they want is any mgr. who are all outside their control or influence most especially when it comes to the interview process and hiring exercising any control.
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The FCIP was created by President Bill Clinton in 2000 with the stated goal of attracting "exceptional men and women to the Federal workforce" and preparing them "for careers in analyzing and implementing public programs."

About 400 people were hired under the streamlined rules of the program in 2001, but that number quickly grew - to 6,600 in 2004 and more than 26,700 in 2009. Agencies were able to hire much faster than usual under the program because they did not have to advertise open positions.

The Office of Personnel and Management, which oversees the program, had no comment on the president's plans.

Obama to shut down Federal Career Intern Program
if they can't use it as it was designed by Clinton who hired 400 people for it, verses the 26000 hired for it in later years, then it should be shut down imho.
Government obviously committed a Taboo. We are probably just lucky the Union's did not take further action. :eek: :lol:
if they can't use it as it was designed by Clinton who hired 400 people for it, verses the 26000 hired for it in later years, then it should be shut down imho.

I would normally agree, however having seen the intern prpgm.. work up close, I think this was precipitous. They could have set a cap, come to an agreement as to a review process etc. these interns are not paid, some get a living stripend from the grant that their working mgr. has been awarded, some nothing, but this is waving a wand over a prgm. that I think worked.

I don't see this a political ( aside form the union thing which I am sure they starting bitching n on day one) even though it may appear and be that way to an extent, according to the link in 09 they hired 26k(?).

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