The Dunes Sagebrush Lizard “is back and Biden is about to shut down the Permian Basin with this Obama era grift!”


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Final nail in our energy coffin?

If this were to happen, a revolt would follow. Inevitable, and maybe what Biden and crew want.

Reader Danelle sent me a link to an article at Hot Air about how the Biden administration dropped a Friday-before-a-holiday-weekend regulatory bomb on the Texas Oil industry in the form of a proposed regulation listing the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard as “endangered.” Since that lizard is common in the Permean Basin, it’s just another vehicle for the Biden administration to attack and undermine domestic energy production.

Read the Hot Air article and the sources it cites, about how unnecessary this all was because there has been a decade-long joint federal-oil industry conservation effort to protect the lizard, and it was working really well. But this isn’t about the lizard, it’s about attacking the domestic oil industry.

Danelle’s email to me was:

The Lizard is back and Biden is about to shut down the Permian Basin with this Obama era grift! Someone needs to call Governor Abbbot.

Back? You might be wondering why she would say it’s back.

If exploitation of the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard to attack the Texas oil industry sounds familiar, you may be a longtime Legal Insurrection reader. If Danelle sounds familiar, you may be a really longtime Legal Insurrection reader.



Eleven years, oil and gas operators and landowners banded together to avert the listing of the dunes sagebrush lizard as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Then-Interior Secretary Ken Salazar even visited the area to tour lizard habitat outside of Goldsmith.

Now the US Fish & Wildlife Service has announced a proposed rule to list the lizard as endangered under the ESA. The decision serves as the 12-month finding on a petition to list the lizard and satisfies a court-ordered deadline to deliver the finding to the Federal Register by June 29, 2023.

The listing documents will be available on the Federal Register on Monday, and the 60-day public comment period will close Sept. 1.

Commented Ben Shepperd, president of the Permian Basin Petroleum Association, “We are shocked and dismayed at this decision. Unfortunately, announcing this before a national holiday is yet another tactic this administration likes to use.”

It is unfortunate, he told the Reporter-Telegram by telephone, that the administration and its supporters are using the ESA “against American energy and against energy security.”

More than 3 million acres of lizard habitat in Texas and New Mexico is enrolled in conservation agreements and efforts to protect the lizard have been working for over a decade, Shepperd continued. “Unfortunately, the Fish and Wildlife Service refuses to acknowledge its success.”

There had been absolutely no indication from the FWS that the decision was imminent, he said. In fact, the conservation plan had been modified, updated and approved by the service in January 2020, part of a process he said is part of a continual effort to modify and improve conservation efforts.

Congressman August Pfluger, whose District 11 includes Midland-Odessa and portions of the lizard’s habitat, criticized the decision.

“The radical Biden Administration cannot help themselves. Over the Fourth of July weekend, they’re spending their time attacking the oil and gas industry by listing the dunes sagebrush lizard as endangered. Biden is weaponizing a lizard against the livelihoods of Texans, an entire industry, and our nation’s energy security – while tainting the intent of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). I have already introduced legislation to reform the ESA and deliver reasonable, common-sense protections for endangered species while preventing overbearing regulations coming from Washington, D.C., and I will continue to work against these targeted listings. Don’t mess with oil and gas,” he said in a statement provided to the Reporter-Telegram.


Final nail in our energy coffin?

If this were to happen, a revolt would follow. Inevitable, and maybe what Biden and crew want.

Reader Danelle sent me a link to an article at Hot Air about how the Biden administration dropped a Friday-before-a-holiday-weekend regulatory bomb on the Texas Oil industry in the form of a proposed regulation listing the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard as “endangered.” Since that lizard is common in the Permean Basin, it’s just another vehicle for the Biden administration to attack and undermine domestic energy production.
Read the Hot Air article and the sources it cites, about how unnecessary this all was because there has been a decade-long joint federal-oil industry conservation effort to protect the lizard, and it was working really well. But this isn’t about the lizard, it’s about attacking the domestic oil industry.
Danelle’s email to me was:
Back? You might be wondering why she would say it’s back.
If exploitation of the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard to attack the Texas oil industry sounds familiar, you may be a longtime Legal Insurrection reader. If Danelle sounds familiar, you may be a really longtime Legal Insurrection reader.

That sonofabitch. Look what he did to our Strategic Oil Reserves...

Eleven years, oil and gas operators and landowners banded together to avert the listing of the dunes sagebrush lizard as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Then-Interior Secretary Ken Salazar even visited the area to tour lizard habitat outside of Goldsmith.
Now the US Fish & Wildlife Service has announced a proposed rule to list the lizard as endangered under the ESA. The decision serves as the 12-month finding on a petition to list the lizard and satisfies a court-ordered deadline to deliver the finding to the Federal Register by June 29, 2023.
The listing documents will be available on the Federal Register on Monday, and the 60-day public comment period will close Sept. 1.
Commented Ben Shepperd, president of the Permian Basin Petroleum Association, “We are shocked and dismayed at this decision. Unfortunately, announcing this before a national holiday is yet another tactic this administration likes to use.”
It is unfortunate, he told the Reporter-Telegram by telephone, that the administration and its supporters are using the ESA “against American energy and against energy security.”
More than 3 million acres of lizard habitat in Texas and New Mexico is enrolled in conservation agreements and efforts to protect the lizard have been working for over a decade, Shepperd continued. “Unfortunately, the Fish and Wildlife Service refuses to acknowledge its success.”
There had been absolutely no indication from the FWS that the decision was imminent, he said. In fact, the conservation plan had been modified, updated and approved by the service in January 2020, part of a process he said is part of a continual effort to modify and improve conservation efforts.
Congressman August Pfluger, whose District 11 includes Midland-Odessa and portions of the lizard’s habitat, criticized the decision.
“The radical Biden Administration cannot help themselves. Over the Fourth of July weekend, they’re spending their time attacking the oil and gas industry by listing the dunes sagebrush lizard as endangered. Biden is weaponizing a lizard against the livelihoods of Texans, an entire industry, and our nation’s energy security – while tainting the intent of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). I have already introduced legislation to reform the ESA and deliver reasonable, common-sense protections for endangered species while preventing overbearing regulations coming from Washington, D.C., and I will continue to work against these targeted listings. Don’t mess with oil and gas,” he said in a statement provided to the Reporter-Telegram.

US Fish & wildlife is a big scam.

They don't care about the animals, they care a little about harassing people and it's really all about the wood, baby!

US Fish & Wildlife is about selling timber on public land to corporations.

They will shutdown oil production to protect a lizard but when it comes to Wind and Solar power, they can kill anything in their path.

Arevia Power’s proposed plan for the Gemini Solar project estimates up to 215 adult tortoises and 900 or more juveniles would be lost during construction and operation of the project, as there is no area where the tortoises could be relocated.
Final nail in our energy coffin?

If this were to happen, a revolt would follow. Inevitable, and maybe what Biden and crew want.

Reader Danelle sent me a link to an article at Hot Air about how the Biden administration dropped a Friday-before-a-holiday-weekend regulatory bomb on the Texas Oil industry in the form of a proposed regulation listing the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard as “endangered.” Since that lizard is common in the Permean Basin, it’s just another vehicle for the Biden administration to attack and undermine domestic energy production.
Read the Hot Air article and the sources it cites, about how unnecessary this all was because there has been a decade-long joint federal-oil industry conservation effort to protect the lizard, and it was working really well. But this isn’t about the lizard, it’s about attacking the domestic oil industry.
Danelle’s email to me was:
Back? You might be wondering why she would say it’s back.
If exploitation of the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard to attack the Texas oil industry sounds familiar, you may be a longtime Legal Insurrection reader. If Danelle sounds familiar, you may be a really longtime Legal Insurrection reader.


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