Obama To Donors: We May Have To Re-Do Healthcare Reform


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
If the Supreme Court rules against President Barack Obama's signature health care reform law in a decision expected at the end of the month, it could mean back to the drawing board for the White House.

Bloomberg News reports that the president told donors that his administration may have no choice, but to revisit the issue in his second term. Obama reportedly made the suggestion at a closed-door New York City fundraiser earlier this month.

Last month, in addressing the Supreme Court hearing on the Affordable Care Act, Obama signaled optimism that the case would produce a ruling in his favor.

"This is not an abstract argument," he said. "People's lives are affected by the lack of availability of health care, the in-affordability of health care, their inability to get health care because of pre-existing conditions."

The president added, "Ultimately I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."

More: Obama Says He Could Be Forced To Revisit Health Care Should Supreme Court Rule Against Signature Law

Maybe this time he can at least CONSIDER single payer universal HC.

That is the least worst solution available to us.

Why least worst?

Because every system we can image is going to bring us one kind of problem or the other.

SPUHC is the least worst solution for the nation.
Bloomberg News reports that the president told donors that his administration may have no choice, but to revisit the issue in his second term. Obama reportedly made the suggestion at a closed-door New York City fundraiser earlier this month.

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god dammit

Does anyone know how many billions in bribes got passed out just buying votes for this fukking thing?

And this asshole is planning on wasting even more time and money on it and NOT on the economy and jobs.

How does this cocksucker keep supporters? does the left hate the poor that much?
Reforming health care is a key component to fixing the economy and reducing the deficit.

Knuckleheads like you nutters pretend that they are not related so you can play the dumb and dangerous game that you love so much.

Health care is a right, assholes.
god dammit

Does anyone know how many billions in bribes got passed out just buying votes for this fukking thing?

And this asshole is planning on wasting even more time and money on it and NOT on the economy and jobs.

How does this cocksucker keep supporters? does the left hate the poor that much?

You might be the most confused person on this site. How you believe what you believe while living the life that you live is fucking amazing. Truly.
Reforming health care is a key component to fixing the economy and reducing the deficit.

Knuckleheads like you nutters pretend that they are not related so you can play the dumb and dangerous game that you love so much.

Health care is a right, assholes.

The best part is that Two Thumbs is himself poor. Has said so and yet he still supports politicians who campaign on making things even harder for the poor. Yet he thinks that reforming healthcare to ensure that even the poor can get access is somehow "hating the poor". He's beyond confused. It's sad really.
Reforming health care is a key component to fixing the economy and reducing the deficit.

Knuckleheads like you nutters pretend that they are not related so you can play the dumb and dangerous game that you love so much.

Health care is a right, assholes.

It is not connected to the debt, that's phony. If it passes, it will explode the debt. any that lies otherwise....

and you can go to the hospital anytime you want and can't be turned down.

but yeah, it's not an actual right
Reforming health care is a key component to fixing the economy and reducing the deficit.

Knuckleheads like you nutters pretend that they are not related so you can play the dumb and dangerous game that you love so much.

Health care is a right, assholes.

They should have done it "right" to start with then, and not cramming it down the Nation's throats with closed door tactics and bribes and Louisiana Purchases, etc.
god dammit

Does anyone know how many billions in bribes got passed out just buying votes for this fukking thing?

And this asshole is planning on wasting even more time and money on it and NOT on the economy and jobs.

How does this cocksucker keep supporters? does the left hate the poor that much?

You might be the most confused person on this site. How you believe what you believe while living the life that you live is fucking amazing. Truly.

I'm stunned you can turn on a computer and coincidentally type in this site.

Please tell me what wasn't dead nuts correct.

It took about 2 billion in bribes to buy dem votes.

he wasted time on it while UE went up and the dollar went down

his policies make it harder on the poor, I know, since I am one.

so please, enlighten me, baffle me with bullshit.
If it is redone, it would be nice to see it done right - instead of watered-down like it currently is.

It would also be nice if they'd break it up into smaller chunks so reforms with broad support can be passed, instead of bundling it into an all or nothing gobstopper.
god dammit

Does anyone know how many billions in bribes got passed out just buying votes for this fukking thing?

And this asshole is planning on wasting even more time and money on it and NOT on the economy and jobs.

How does this cocksucker keep supporters? does the left hate the poor that much?

You might be the most confused person on this site. How you believe what you believe while living the life that you live is fucking amazing. Truly.

I'm stunned you can turn on a computer and coincidentally type in this site.

Please tell me what wasn't dead nuts correct.

It took about 2 billion in bribes to buy dem votes.

he wasted time on it while UE went up and the dollar went down

his policies make it harder on the poor, I know, since I am one.

so please, enlighten me, baffle me with bullshit.

Why should I bother? Last time I pointed out how backwards your thinking was you just ignored it.

Let's start with this. How does the Affordable Care Act make things harder for the poor? Specifically.
Reforming health care is a key component to fixing the economy and reducing the deficit.

Knuckleheads like you nutters pretend that they are not related so you can play the dumb and dangerous game that you love so much.

Health care is a right, assholes.

The best part is that Two Thumbs is himself poor. Has said so and yet he still supports politicians who campaign on making things even harder for the poor. Yet he thinks that reforming healthcare to ensure that even the poor can get access is somehow "hating the poor". He's beyond confused. It's sad really.


You have no idea what I say. You take what you want then ignore the rest.

what part of printing money, increasing the debt, wasting money, etc = a dollar that doesn't go as far as it did 3 years ago is so hard for you to grasp?

what part of cutting spending, lowering taxes, = a stronger dollar is over your head?
Reforming health care is a key component to fixing the economy and reducing the deficit.

Knuckleheads like you nutters pretend that they are not related so you can play the dumb and dangerous game that you love so much.

Health care is a right, assholes.

They should have done it "right" to start with then, and not cramming it down the Nation's throats with closed door tactics and bribes and Louisiana Purchases, etc.

remember when the rumor got out that she sold her vote for 100 million dollars?

she was so pissed that she stormed the floor and declared that she sold it for 300 million.

That's 300 million we didn't have.

How much do you think they will demand this time?
Reforming health care is a key component to fixing the economy and reducing the deficit.

Knuckleheads like you nutters pretend that they are not related so you can play the dumb and dangerous game that you love so much.

Health care is a right, assholes.

The best part is that Two Thumbs is himself poor. Has said so and yet he still supports politicians who campaign on making things even harder for the poor. Yet he thinks that reforming healthcare to ensure that even the poor can get access is somehow "hating the poor". He's beyond confused. It's sad really.

that was uncalled for..you people can't post without attacking others
Reforming health care is a key component to fixing the economy and reducing the deficit.

Knuckleheads like you nutters pretend that they are not related so you can play the dumb and dangerous game that you love so much.

Health care is a right, assholes.

The best part is that Two Thumbs is himself poor. Has said so and yet he still supports politicians who campaign on making things even harder for the poor. Yet he thinks that reforming healthcare to ensure that even the poor can get access is somehow "hating the poor". He's beyond confused. It's sad really.


You have no idea what I say. You take what you want then ignore the rest.

what part of printing money, increasing the debt, wasting money, etc = a dollar that doesn't go as far as it did 3 years ago is so hard for you to grasp?

what part of cutting spending, lowering taxes, = a stronger dollar is over your head?

Did you know that the problem in our country is because of poor people like you? We should raise your taxes and roll back your ability to be able to get healthcare like all other Americans. Once we do that you will be able to reach prosperity and the country will head back in the right direction.

Sound good?
Reforming health care is a key component to fixing the economy and reducing the deficit.

Knuckleheads like you nutters pretend that they are not related so you can play the dumb and dangerous game that you love so much.

Health care is a right, assholes.

The best part is that Two Thumbs is himself poor. Has said so and yet he still supports politicians who campaign on making things even harder for the poor. Yet he thinks that reforming healthcare to ensure that even the poor can get access is somehow "hating the poor". He's beyond confused. It's sad really.

that was uncalled for..you people can't post without attacking others

Learn what an attack is. He said it himself. Grow up.
If the Supreme Court rules against President Barack Obama's signature health care reform law in a decision expected at the end of the month, it could mean back to the drawing board for the White House.

Bloomberg News reports that the president told donors that his administration may have no choice, but to revisit the issue in his second term. Obama reportedly made the suggestion at a closed-door New York City fundraiser earlier this month.

Last month, in addressing the Supreme Court hearing on the Affordable Care Act, Obama signaled optimism that the case would produce a ruling in his favor.

"This is not an abstract argument," he said. "People's lives are affected by the lack of availability of health care, the in-affordability of health care, their inability to get health care because of pre-existing conditions."

The president added, "Ultimately I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."

More: Obama Says He Could Be Forced To Revisit Health Care Should Supreme Court Rule Against Signature Law

If his signature legislation goes down so do his chances at a 2nd term. And the face of HC rework will be very different.

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