Obama to boost terrorism under the pretext of counter-terrorism before he leaves office


Nov 14, 2012
The terrorist and mass murderer backs his "legacy" with more arms for terrorists while claiming to restrict delivery.

"President Obama’s decision could lead to an almost immediate escalation of the conflict and basically put the US in a situation of “waging a proxy war against the Russians and Syrians,”a former Pentagon official, Michael Maloof, told RT.

“The rebels, whom we cannot identify, are going to be getting some very sophisticated weapons. Potentially, I should say, man-portable air defense systems, which can knock down Russian and Syrian aircraft,” Maloof said. “And the fact too, that we have stocks already in Europe, that can easily be transferred with this waiver. Under the waiver, it’s supposed to be a 15-day notification to Congress, but Congress, as of tonight, Washington time, is going to be out of session until January. So these arms can go within hours.”"

Obama grants waiver for military support of foreign fighters in Syria – White House
It's only logical that a Marxist like Obama would create the most unstable situation possible for Trump to have to deal with. I'm sure there will be many surprises in store for our new President.

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