Obama to Ayers to Klonsky to Loughner


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
OK conspiracy buffs, buckle up for this ride:

1. Ambassador Walter H. Annenberg's $500 million "Challenge to the Nation" became the largest public/private endeavor in U.S. history dedicated to improving public schools. About the Annenberg Challenge

2. “When Obama made his first run for political office, articles in both the Chicago Defender and the Hyde Park Herald featured among his qualifications his position as chairman of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a foundation where [Bill] Ayers was a founder and guiding force. Obama assumed the Annenberg board chairmanship only months before his first run for office, and almost certainly received the job at the behest of Bill Ayers. During Obama’s time as Annenberg board chairman, Ayers’s own education projects received substantial funding. Chicago Annenberg Challenge Shutdown? - Stanley Kurtz - National Review Online

3. Michael Klonsky was born in 1943. His father, Robert Klonsky, was an American communist who was convicted in the mid-1950s for advocating the forcible overthrow of the U.S. government — a violation of anti-communist legislation known as the Smith Act. In 1968 Klonsky penned a document titled “Toward a Revolutionary Youth Movement,” wherein he quoted -- with admiration -- Chinese dictator Mao Zedong. This document called for the development of “an organized class-conscious youth movement” to engage in “revolutionary struggle” to “expose war, racism, the exploitation of labor, and the oppression of youth.” http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=2436

a. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW), premised on the notion that if high schools were to limit their enrollment to no more than 400 students (and optimally to fewer than 200), the learning atmosphere on campus would be improved. Klonsky has served as SSW's director since 1993. Ibid.

b. In 1995, with Obama as its chairman, the newly formed Chicago Annenberg Challenge, or CAC, a school reform organization, gave the Workshop a grant of $175,000. The CAC provided another $482,662 to the Workshop over the next few years. http://weaselzippers.us/2011/01/10/...used-curriculum-founded-by-commie-bill-ayers/

4. The concept may be called small schools, but Klonsky and Ayers uniquely grasp the force-multiplier effect. In a small class, the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

a. The aims of these individuals is clearly to “nurse a rancorous view of an America in which it is always two minutes to midnight and a knock on the door by the thought police is imminent. The education professors feel themselves anointed to use the nation’s K–12 classrooms to resist this oppressive system.” The Ed Schools’ Latest—and Worst—Humbug by Sol Stern, City Journal Summer 2006

5. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama…

a. “The Loughner they met when he was a freshman at Mountain View High School may have been socially awkward, but he was generally happy and fun to be around. The crew smoked marijuana every day, and when they weren’t going to concerts or watching movies they talked about the meaning of life and dabbled in conspiracy theories.” Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

b. Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday's Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama, WND has learned.
Read more: Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter's curriculum? Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter's curriculum?

while the MSM jumped at the opportunity to paint the right as instigators that fueled Loughner's rage, it was clearly the left wing that had the opportunity to do that...

Obama to Ayers to Klonsky to Loughner.
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Another one advocating for the Assassination of Barack Obama.


Where did you read that... dog beater... :eusa_eh:

I asked the friend you nearly killed in that truck you were driving.

Were you drunk when that happened?

Still got that door so you can brag about the blood?

Slander, along with defamation of character, nice... I'll copy that for later. I might us it. Did you forget about the person that got sued recently for doing what you just did... moron?

This would be a much better avatar for you, dog beater...

Where did you read that... dog beater... :eusa_eh:

I asked the friend you nearly killed in that truck you were driving.

Were you drunk when that happened?

Still got that door so you can brag about the blood?

Slander, along with defamation of character, nice... I'll copy that for later. I might us it. Did you forget about the person that got sued recently for doing what you just did... moron?

This would be a much better avatar for you, dog beater...

hey, he's not a dog beater
end this bullshit now
Slander, along with defamation of character, nice... I'll copy that for later. I might us it. Did you forget about the person that got sued recently for doing what you just did... moron?

This would be a much better avatar for you, dog beater...


Heed your own advice. Moron.
Another one advocating for the Assassination of Barack Obama.

where did you see that?

The whole Ayers/Obama "friendship" thing. Conflating Ayers to the role of a present day terrorist involved in ongoing violence and then linking him to Obama is a very dangerous thing to do.

Ayers is not a friend of Obama's. Ayers was involved with the Weathermen..many years ago and has since led a productive life.
Heed your own advice. Moron.

Go ahead, dig a deeper hole idiot. I could present the lies you just said about me to a lawyer, and have a court order obtained for this board to release your contact information, and I could drag your stupid fucking ass in court.

Go ahead, test me mother fucker...

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