Obama Thanks Artist for Capturing Michelle’s “Hotness” In Official Portrait

I wonder what Michelle looks like without make up
Melania doesn't even need to wear make up to hide things!
That`s the difference between a high priced hooker and a Times Square pro.
And then we have Obama.


I guess he is supposed to be back in Kenya or something. What's up with that chair? There appears to be no arm on Obama's left side, so it looks like he's precariously perched with his left cheek hanging dangerously near the edge of the chair. Did the guy just run out of brown paint? Did he simply forget to add it? Was he smoking those garish leaves in the studio while painting Obama?

But let's forget all that for now and focus on the freakishly large hands. Those paws nearly span the distance from his wrist to his elbow. Stop reading this for just a second and hold your hand up to your forearm. Is yours anywhere close to the length of your forearm? No? Mine either, and neither is anyone else's except maybe Andre the Giant. Was the artist making a statement about Trump's notoriously small digits? We'll probably never know, but we can do the math. To punctuate his point, it seems Wiley may have given Obama an extra finger. Look closely and you tell me:

So many questions, so few answers.
Yoouuu guys are suck haters....really you are!!
Kehinde Wiley
Kehinde Wiley is a New York City-based portrait painter who is known for his highly naturalistic paintings of African-Americans. Wikipedia
Artworks: Napoleon Leading the Army Over the Alps,
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Born: 1977, Los Angeles, CA
Nationality: American
Parents: Freddie Mae Wiley
Known for: Painting
Education: San Francisco Art Institute, Yale School of Art
Bizarre: Former President Obama's New Official Portrait Appears To Feature Sperm-Like Cell On His Forehead...

Tuesday, February 13, 2018




Users on an anonymous image board discovered there appears to be a sperm cell drawn onto Barack Obama's forehead in his official presidential portrait, which now hangs in the Smithsonian Institution's National Portrait Gallery.

Some may simply discount it as a vein, but oddly enough the artist who painted this portrait, Kehinde Wiley, has a history of adding semen into his art:

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