Obama Tells His Media Friends To Pound Sand


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
You would think that now that Obama has won re-election he would at least answer questions for once.

Well, keep thinking because it's never going to happen.


Obama Lets Obedient Media Know Their Place After Election

Andrew Kaczynski seemed confused and distraught that President Obama issued a statement without taking any questions in his first press conference since Tuesday’s election. It was the first time an incumbent president has refused to answer questions from reporters after winning reelection in over two decades.

Maybe BuzzFeed Politics would’ve been less surprised by this turn of events if they were actually doing the work of real journalists instead of acting like unpaid members of the Obama reelection campaign for the past year; President Obama’s propensity for avoiding questions from the White House Press Corps has been well documented.

The Establishment Media as a whole has avoided asking President Obama any tough questions that would have jeopardized his election campaign. They’ve ignored issues like Operation Fast & Furious, WH intelligence leaks, security issues at the American consulate in Benghazi, deteriorating US-Israeli relations, and the unrelenting, crushing unemployment and abysmal job numbers that Americans are still suffering under.

Outside a handful of reporters who have gone off-script (and faced scorn from both the administration and their peers for it), the past year demonstrated that so many in the news media apparently dreamed of growing up to be lapdogs of the powerful in their starry-eyed youth, not journalists.

Now that Obama’s second term has been secured, it appears that the Old Media believed Obama would reward their obedience and diligence in protecting him by actually treating them like the noble Fourth Estate they believe they are. In his first appearance before them, Obama told them to pound sand. He never needs to worry about his approval ratings or to campaign for office ever again.

He doesn’t need them anymore.

Andrew, believe me when I tell you that we’re not sorry to say, “We told you so.” Enjoy the next four years.

Good Boy: Obama Lets Obedient Media Know Their Place After Election
Elections have consequences. The House Republicans will have to play ball or it's out the door in '14.

If they play this kind of ball they will be out the door in 2014.

There are still 57 million voters that are counting on them to do what's right, not what Obama says.
You would think that now that Obama has won re-election he would at least answer questions for once.

Well, keep thinking because it's never going to happen.


Obama Lets Obedient Media Know Their Place After Election

Andrew Kaczynski seemed confused and distraught that President Obama issued a statement without taking any questions in his first press conference since Tuesday’s election. It was the first time an incumbent president has refused to answer questions from reporters after winning reelection in over two decades.

Maybe BuzzFeed Politics would’ve been less surprised by this turn of events if they were actually doing the work of real journalists instead of acting like unpaid members of the Obama reelection campaign for the past year; President Obama’s propensity for avoiding questions from the White House Press Corps has been well documented.

The Establishment Media as a whole has avoided asking President Obama any tough questions that would have jeopardized his election campaign. They’ve ignored issues like Operation Fast & Furious, WH intelligence leaks, security issues at the American consulate in Benghazi, deteriorating US-Israeli relations, and the unrelenting, crushing unemployment and abysmal job numbers that Americans are still suffering under.

Outside a handful of reporters who have gone off-script (and faced scorn from both the administration and their peers for it), the past year demonstrated that so many in the news media apparently dreamed of growing up to be lapdogs of the powerful in their starry-eyed youth, not journalists.

Now that Obama’s second term has been secured, it appears that the Old Media believed Obama would reward their obedience and diligence in protecting him by actually treating them like the noble Fourth Estate they believe they are. In his first appearance before them, Obama told them to pound sand. He never needs to worry about his approval ratings or to campaign for office ever again.

He doesn’t need them anymore.

Andrew, believe me when I tell you that we’re not sorry to say, “We told you so.” Enjoy the next four years.

Good Boy: Obama Lets Obedient Media Know Their Place After Election

Why would anyone think THAT. He got the only "vote" of confidense that matters. He is not seeking YOUR approval any more. Deal with it.
Gee you mean the President is a arrogant asshole who only uses these fools????? Say it isnt so!

The president is not obligated to suffer the avalanche of stupidity from the RW's that tried to install a cult bishop in the Oval office.

The mistake you and those like you constantly make is that in spite of the pace of recovery being dissappointing... MOST Americans trust Obama to do what is best. Most Americans do not share your blind hatred. Most Americans know who blocked progress. Most Americans don't give a rat's ass what you people think any more.
Gee you mean the President is a arrogant asshole who only uses these fools????? Say it isnt so!

The president is not obligated to suffer the avalanche of stupidity from the RW's that tried to install a cult bishop in the Oval office.

The mistake you and those like you constantly make is that in spite of the pace of recovery being dissappointing... MOST Americans trust Obama to do what is best. Most Americans do not share your blind hatred. Most Americans know who blocked progress. Most Americans don't give a rat's ass what you people think any more.

You are the avalanche of stupidity and he used you perfectly.
Elections have consequences. The House Republicans will have to play ball or it's out the door in '14.

If they play this kind of ball they will be out the door in 2014.

There are still 57 million voters that are counting on them to do what's right, not what Obama says.

Were talking about the same house that allowed obama to sign the NDAA and extend the patriot act? That house?
Why would anyone think THAT. He got the only "vote" of confidense that matters. He is not seeking YOUR approval any more. Deal with it.
Apparently, he's not seeking the approval of the very people who have been carrying his water for the last 5+ years, either.

But that's just how malignant narcissists roll...Enjoy.

Huggy......if a politician stops seeking approval it usually means that the worst of that politician is yet to come.

We had a governor that wanted to impose an income tax on us in TN in his last term. We called him Governor Grumpy. He tried every way possible to impose it. He shut down our park system just because he wanted to be an asshole. He became so hated that even I voted for a Democrat to replace him. He would have to be a serious asshole to get me to do that.

I see the same coming from Obama. He's an arrogant prick and I think he's capable of just about anything. I doubt he cares what you or I think. And that is a very bad thing for Democrats and extremely bad for this country in general.
Gee you mean the President is a arrogant asshole who only uses these fools????? Say it isnt so!

The president is not obligated to suffer the avalanche of stupidity from the RW's that tried to install a cult bishop in the Oval office.
Um...Seems you missed the point.

Oboingo isn't tanking any questions from anyone, up to and including his own propagandists.
Gee you mean the President is a arrogant asshole who only uses these fools????? Say it isnt so!

The president is not obligated to suffer the avalanche of stupidity from the RW's that tried to install a cult bishop in the Oval office.

The mistake you and those like you constantly make is that in spite of the pace of recovery being dissappointing... MOST Americans trust Obama to do what is best. Most Americans do not share your blind hatred. Most Americans know who blocked progress. Most Americans don't give a rat's ass what you people think any more.

half of america doesn't trust him for shit.
Gee you mean the President is a arrogant asshole who only uses these fools????? Say it isnt so!

The president is not obligated to suffer the avalanche of stupidity from the RW's that tried to install a cult bishop in the Oval office.

The mistake you and those like you constantly make is that in spite of the pace of recovery being dissappointing... MOST Americans trust Obama to do what is best. Most Americans do not share your blind hatred. Most Americans know who blocked progress. Most Americans don't give a rat's ass what you people think any more.

of course he's not just like romney wasn't obligated to show his tax returns for the past ten years that you bitched and moaned about.
Gee you mean the President is a arrogant asshole who only uses these fools????? Say it isnt so!

The president is not obligated to suffer the avalanche of stupidity from the RW's that tried to install a cult bishop in the Oval office.
Um...Seems you missed the point.

Oboingo isn't tanking any questions from anyone, up to and including his own propagandists.

I'll "Tank" that into consideration. :lol: MY point is that he isn't running for anything NOW and his time is best focused on the work at hand. Most Americans are done with sound bites...at least for now. I think we are all burned out from the bitterness of campaigning. I'm sure Obama will come around and converse with the media as he sees an advantage politically and publicly to do so. In the mean time ...y'all go watch "Survivor" or whatever you do with your time until he decides to give a press conference.
Gee you mean the President is a arrogant asshole who only uses these fools????? Say it isnt so!

The president is not obligated to suffer the avalanche of stupidity from the RW's that tried to install a cult bishop in the Oval office.

The mistake you and those like you constantly make is that in spite of the pace of recovery being dissappointing... MOST Americans trust Obama to do what is best. Most Americans do not share your blind hatred. Most Americans know who blocked progress. Most Americans don't give a rat's ass what you people think any more.

half of america doesn't trust him for shit.

Elections have consequences. What is Donalds favorite quote? "Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way".
Elections have consequences. The House Republicans will have to play ball or it's out the door in '14.

Of course not. That's silly. The House Republicans were elected to represent majority republican districts. The nation is dividing up.

Rising number of states seeing one-party rule - Washington Times

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), which tracks party representation in the country’s 50 state governments, Democrats now control all three bases of power – the governorship and both houses of the state legislature – in 14 states and Republicans in 23, with only 12 states sharing power. (Nebraska’s unicameral legislature is considered nonpartisan.)

The one thing democrats can't do is outvote republicans in republican districts.
Elections have consequences. The House Republicans will have to play ball or it's out the door in '14.

Of course not. That's silly. The House Republicans were elected to represent majority republican districts. The nation is dividing up.

Rising number of states seeing one-party rule - Washington Times

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), which tracks party representation in the country’s 50 state governments, Democrats now control all three bases of power – the governorship and both houses of the state legislature – in 14 states and Republicans in 23, with only 12 states sharing power. (Nebraska’s unicameral legislature is considered nonpartisan.)

The one thing democrats can't do is outvote republicans in republican districts.

You are right ... There need to be more unexplainable fatal car wrecks in DC. There is more than one way to skin something.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQb2m6VJ-eo]Best performance - Ted Levine - YouTube[/ame]
Elections have consequences. The House Republicans will have to play ball or it's out the door in '14.

Of course not. That's silly. The House Republicans were elected to represent majority republican districts. The nation is dividing up.

Rising number of states seeing one-party rule - Washington Times

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), which tracks party representation in the country’s 50 state governments, Democrats now control all three bases of power – the governorship and both houses of the state legislature – in 14 states and Republicans in 23, with only 12 states sharing power. (Nebraska’s unicameral legislature is considered nonpartisan.)

The one thing democrats can't do is outvote republicans in republican districts.

If any more justices retire Obama will load the SCOTUS with a couple more lesbians or maybe even a transsexual or a Gay.

Then the court will lose any legitimacy it once had.
Elections have consequences. The House Republicans will have to play ball or it's out the door in '14.

Of course not. That's silly. The House Republicans were elected to represent majority republican districts. The nation is dividing up.

Rising number of states seeing one-party rule - Washington Times

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), which tracks party representation in the country’s 50 state governments, Democrats now control all three bases of power – the governorship and both houses of the state legislature – in 14 states and Republicans in 23, with only 12 states sharing power. (Nebraska’s unicameral legislature is considered nonpartisan.)

The one thing democrats can't do is outvote republicans in republican districts.

If any more justices retire Obama will load the SCOTUS with a couple more lesbians or maybe even a transsexual or a Gay.

Then the court will lose any legitimacy it once had.

It already did that in 2000.

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