Obama tells blacks to 'stop complainin' and fight

You still alive?
unlike apes we whites males have a longer average life span than 45 !!:lol::lol:

For now.
what wars have ******* ever won against whites !! name one conflict where an army of ******* has defeated an entire army of humans ?? and don't bring up some ****** unit in the US military either !! I'm talking about an entire army of ******* fighting alone against an army of humans !! the only examples you can give are in uprisings that happened over a 150 yrs ago where the ******* outnumbered the humans 30 to 1 !!
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unlike apes we whites males have a longer average life span than 45 !!:lol::lol:

for now.
what wars have ******* ever won against whites !! Name one conflict where an army of ******* has defeated an entire army of humans ?? And don't bring up some ****** unit in the us military either !! I'm talking about an entire army of ******* fighting alone against an army of humans !! The only examples you can give are in uprisings that happened over a 150 yrs ago where the ******* outnumbered the humans 30 to 1 !!

what wars have ******* ever won against whites !! Name one conflict where an army of ******* has defeated an entire army of humans ?? And don't bring up some ****** unit in the us military either !! I'm talking about an entire army of ******* fighting alone against an army of humans !! The only examples you can give are in uprisings that happened over a 150 yrs ago where the ******* outnumbered the humans 30 to 1 !!

sounds like the guards just slammed your cell door shut !!


  • $gorilla-cage_1012874i.jpg
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WASHINGTON (AP) - In a fiery summons to an important voting block, President Barack Obama told blacks on Saturday to quit crying and complaining and "put on your marching shoes" to follow him into battle for jobs and opportunity.

And though he didn't say it directly, for a second term, too.

Obama's speech to the annual awards dinner of the Congressional Black Caucus was his answer to increasingly vocal griping from black leaders that he's been giving away too much in talks with Republicans -- and not doing enough to fight black unemployment, which is nearly double the national average at 16.7 percent.


Blacks are complaining? They feel that Barry hasn't done enough (OR ANYTHING) to "FIGHT UNEMPLOYMENT"??

Good! Why should they be different from the rest of us!

And though he didn't say it directly ----> From the second paragraph. Seems they took a few "liberties".

The enemy is the Republican leadership. The group that let Bin Laden go, that helped send millions of jobs to China, that put the women of Iraq back into 14th century slavery, that held millions of Americans hostage to extend tax cuts for millionaires, that apologized to BP for the oil spill they caused.

Look over the last 10 years at what Republicans have done for the country and you would come to the conclusion they are working for al Qaeda. What else could it be? Everything they've touched, they've ruined. Republicans have accomplished what al Qaeda could only dream about. They've brought torture "back". Now let's go cheer some executions and shout the new Republican health care campaign slogan, "Let him die".
President Barack Obama told blacks on Saturday to quit crying and complaining and "put on your marching shoes" to follow him into battle for jobs and opportunity.

Obama is better than anything the right has to offer, but he's still a hypocritical, disingenuous piece of shit. Does he think we can't remember any of his previous bullshit? For example...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SA9KC8SMu3o&feature=player_detailpage]2007: Barack Obama promised to "walk on that picket line" if workers are denied the right to bargain - YouTube[/ame]
" Democrats had a FULL house--in Jan. 2010 for two solid years Obama--Pelosi--Reid. In fact Republicans were such a minority--they could even muster up a filibuster".

You're a brainwashed NORON... Dems were filibusterproof for FIVE MONTHS: 7/8/2010 till 1/2010. not to worry, 30% of the country is too...

I doubt you even know what a filibuster is. A filibuster is nothing more than A NON-WORKING stall on a VOTE of an existing bill. Someone gets up there and does a marathon speech about anything--and once they finish their marathon speech--the vote goes on schedule. It doesn't stop anything.

And you have to have a certain amount of reps./dems. to muster up a filibuster--which did not happen for 2 solid years--up until Jan. 2011--it couldn't have happened because republicans were such a minority. This is exactly why OBAMACARE was able to pass--there was republican opposition--but they were the minut minority and couldn't stop it from passing.

So don't be blaming the failures of democrats and Obama on Republicans for their failed economic policies. They did it--and they paid for it in November 2010--in an historic 75 year wipe out of democrats in the house and senate--and in state legislatures all across this country.

Idiot. Pubs set RECORDS for filibusters in Obama's first two years, except from 7/8/2009 till 1/2010, when Dems had 60 votes...Pub dupes!!
WASHINGTON (AP) - In a fiery summons to an important voting block, President Barack Obama told blacks on Saturday to quit crying and complaining and "put on your marching shoes" to follow him into battle for jobs and opportunity.

And though he didn't say it directly, for a second term, too.

Obama's speech to the annual awards dinner of the Congressional Black Caucus was his answer to increasingly vocal griping from black leaders that he's been giving away too much in talks with Republicans -- and not doing enough to fight black unemployment, which is nearly double the national average at 16.7 percent.


Blacks are complaining? They feel that Barry hasn't done enough (OR ANYTHING) to "FIGHT UNEMPLOYMENT"??

Good! Why should they be different from the rest of us!

And though he didn't say it directly ----> From the second paragraph. Seems they took a few "liberties".

The enemy is the Republican leadership. The group that let Bin Laden go, that helped send millions of jobs to China, that put the women of Iraq back into 14th century slavery, that held millions of Americans hostage to extend tax cuts for millionaires, that apologized to BP for the oil spill they caused.

Look over the last 10 years at what Republicans have done for the country and you would come to the conclusion they are working for al Qaeda. What else could it be? Everything they've touched, they've ruined. Republicans have accomplished what al Qaeda could only dream about. They've brought torture "back". Now let's go cheer some executions and shout the new Republican health care campaign slogan, "Let him die".
Dean.....when was the last time someone called you a Dick?....
unlike apes we whites males have a longer average life span than 45 !!:lol::lol:

For now.
what wars have ******* ever won against whites !! name one conflict where an army of ******* has defeated an entire army of humans ?? and don't bring up some ****** unit in the US military either !! I'm talking about an entire army of ******* fighting alone against an army of humans !! the only examples you can give are in uprisings that happened over a 150 yrs ago where the ******* outnumbered the humans 30 to 1 !!

What ARE we dealing with, anyway?
unlike apes we whites males have a longer average life span than 45 !!:lol::lol:

For now.
what wars have ******* ever won against whites !! name one conflict where an army of ******* has defeated an entire army of humans ?? and don't bring up some ****** unit in the US military either !! I'm talking about an entire army of ******* fighting alone against an army of humans !! the only examples you can give are in uprisings that happened over a 150 yrs ago where the ******* outnumbered the humans 30 to 1 !!

your racist ass should have been banned a long time ago... along with the rest of you.
wow, that Obama, he be such a UNITER.

I guess you can't take the Community Organizer out of the Chicago thug politician. even when he's President.
Maybe Obama should stop trying to silence people and try listening to them instead.

Perhaps if he wants them to fight for something he believes in, he should give them a reason.

Maybe he should attempt to be a leader for once in his selfish shallow life.
A. Pubs have blocked ALL jobs bills since 1/2010. ie, battle them and their gigantic propaganda machine.
B. Pubs want those trade agreements more, but NOT training for workers affected, or for that matter ANY education of ANY kind for ANYBODY.


You always crack me up. You're like a combo David Axelrod/ Arianna/ Maher but with no sense of humor whatsoever.

I know.

I finally got it. You are the king proctologist of liberal posters. Where did you get your PHD again?
" Democrats had a FULL house--in Jan. 2010 for two solid years Obama--Pelosi--Reid. In fact Republicans were such a minority--they could even muster up a filibuster".

You're a brainwashed NORON... Dems were filibusterproof for FIVE MONTHS: 7/8/2010 till 1/2010. not to worry, 30% of the country is too...

I doubt you even know what a filibuster is. A filibuster is nothing more than A NON-WORKING stall on a VOTE of an existing bill. Someone gets up there and does a marathon speech about anything--and once they finish their marathon speech--the vote goes on schedule. It doesn't stop anything.

And you have to have a certain amount of reps./dems. to muster up a filibuster--which did not happen for 2 solid years--up until Jan. 2011--it couldn't have happened because republicans were such a minority. This is exactly why OBAMACARE was able to pass--there was republican opposition--but they were the minut minority and couldn't stop it from passing.

So don't be blaming the failures of democrats and Obama on Republicans for their failed economic policies. They did it--and they paid for it in November 2010--in an historic 75 year wipe out of democrats in the house and senate--and in state legislatures all across this country.

Idiot. Pubs set RECORDS for filibusters in Obama's first two years, except from 7/8/2009 till 1/2010, when Dems had 60 votes...Pub dupes!!


back it up PHD boy. Or was it just a Masters you were bragging on?
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I guess now we will see MORE of Maxi Waters telling us American citizens to go to hell and maybe she will tell us this time how she plans to help us get there.

Disgusting behavior for a President.
I guess now we will see MORE of Maxi Waters telling us American citizens to go to hell and maybe she will tell us this time how she plans to help us get there.

Disgusting behavior for a President.

I agree Stephanie, he's acting more and more less like a President and more like a community organizer.
He's right that they need to stop crying and complaining, and pull themselves up without relying on anyone do it for them. Quit blaming the man for every ailment they have, put down the crack pipe and/or brown bag, and look after their babies/families.
The same goes for anyone living in so called poverty, regardless of race.
WASHINGTON (AP) - In a fiery summons to an important voting block, President Barack Obama told blacks on Saturday to quit crying and complaining and "put on your marching shoes" to follow him into battle for jobs and opportunity.

And though he didn't say it directly, for a second term, too.

Obama's speech to the annual awards dinner of the Congressional Black Caucus was his answer to increasingly vocal griping from black leaders that he's been giving away too much in talks with Republicans -- and not doing enough to fight black unemployment, which is nearly double the national average at 16.7 percent.


Blacks are complaining? They feel that Barry hasn't done enough (OR ANYTHING) to "FIGHT UNEMPLOYMENT"??

Good! Why should they be different from the rest of us!

Fight? That's his advice. Dude a couple years ago when I looked for work for almost a year. If someone had told me I just needed to fight, I would have knocked their ass out. I was fighting my ass off, applying for Jobs that pay half of what I am used to, and competing with 400 other over qualified applicants.
Obama, is just completely out of touch.

Now that's a refreshing statement. Usually what you hear is that the unemployed are all lazy good for nothings looking for a free hand out. But here you are saying they're out hustling for jobs like they should be but there simply ain't enough good jobs.


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