China Can Field an Army of 200 Million Men


Sep 11, 2011
Chinese have an unlimited surplus of young fighting age men with no wives to be able to send anywhere in the world it is fact that they have boasted that they can field an army of 300 million men and women. China has had a long history of being the economic trading superpower of the world, perhaps they are attempting to rule the world economically again. Can we stop it? We do have a large army but we are already sick of these resource wars.

I agree with the estimate of China's immense "militia." There are tens of millions of young men and women moving around the countryside looking for work, living in temp shelters, footloose and with a deep anger about their fate of being shut out of the ancient, sacred family tradition they share with all Chinese, The unattached mobs of young men have always been tender boxes. This is so immense it is hard to grasp its implications. Since China is allying with Russia, Pakistan, Iran, and central Asia with all of that oil and gas, it's a potentially great global shift, if they can solve their bureaucracy problems.

The Chinese et al. will probably buy gold quietly and slowly to avoid rapid price hikes. It will be hard to detect directly, but people like Soros and Faber might have sources to watch. This could become a massive move toward a new currency base to escape the U.S. Fed's tsunami of trash paper and its Global Inflation Bubble.

World leaders and financial people always think that China is 1.3 billion or 1300 million people economy and they say China is very important for the world economic growth.

World people forget that a country with 1300 million people can build an army of 300 million or 400 million soldiers. Country with high population will have military ambitions and desire to rule the world financially or militarily.

Look on both sides of the road/street before you cross it.

If China has 700 million men and China loses 300 million men and 100 million women in big wars then China will have 400 million men and 400 million women. This is perfect for future population explosion. China will remove/abolish one-child policy.

No need for logistics. China will start conquering countries close to its border and they will keep moving ahead for the world. Similar to what Hitler did in year 1939.
Iraq feilded a massive army as well... In today's techno battlefeild, it's not about the numbers, it's about the willingness of the individual solder.

Iraqs military blunder was that they used conscripts. As a general rule, forcing someone to join the military leads to solders that have less "staying power" in the realm of moral.

Their armys numbers mean nothing if the solders don't want to be in the fight
China is an oil importer, and most of that oil passes through the Straights of Malacca. Its army of 200 million won't help it fuel its economy of 1.3 billion as well as the oil supply does.
Uncle Ferd says, "Yea...

... dat's why dey buildin' up their military an' got dat new aircraft carrier...

... so' dey can come over here an' foreclose onna White House cause o' all dat money we owe `em...

... an' steal alla white womens."
What good is a huge army if you can't move them? Using carrier sized ships, it would take an armada of 10,000 ships that they don't have, can't afford and couldn't defend.
What good is a huge army if you can't move them? Using carrier sized ships, it would take an armada of 10,000 ships that they don't have, can't afford and couldn't defend.

That's assuming they aren't moving over land.

Course, the logistic problem is still there.
Why fight for it when they can just own the whole thing without a single shot fired?
What good is a huge army if you can't move them? Using carrier sized ships, it would take an armada of 10,000 ships that they don't have, can't afford and couldn't defend.
China deploys nuclear missiles on Indian border: US

China has deployed more advanced and survivable solid-fuel nuclear capable CSS-5 MRBM missiles against India as a 'deterrent posture', Pentagon has said warning that a high degree of mistrust continues to strain their bilateral ties.

China deploys nuclear missiles on Indian border: US
What good is a huge army if you can't move them? Using carrier sized ships, it would take an armada of 10,000 ships that they don't have, can't afford and couldn't defend.

That's assuming they aren't moving over land.

Course, the logistic problem is still there.

They'll be looking for chicks
By 2020, there will be some 30 million more men of marriage age than women, said a recent report.
Rising sex-ratio imbalance 'a danger'
China warned " attack on Pakistan would construed as an attack on China"

China has "warned in unequivocal terms that any attack on Pakistan would be construed as an attack on China", The News daily quoted diplomatic sources as saying.

Asked about reports that China has asked US during its recently concluded strategic dialogue with Washington to respect Pakistan's sovereignty as Islamabad came under heavy pressure after bin Laden's killing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Jiang Yu told media here that "sovereignty and territorial integrity of Pakistan must be respected."

The warning was formally conveyed by the Chinese foreign minister at last week's China-US strategic dialogue and economic talks in Washington, it said.

For his part, Gilani reiterated Pakistan's support for its policy of 'One China' and said his country fully supports China on the issues of Taiwan and Tibet.

During her briefing today Jiang skirted questions about Pakistan-China signing new defence agreements. Asked about assertions by Pakistan's Ambassador to China Masood Khan before Gilani's arrival that new defence deals would be signed, she said the two sides signed agreements in economy, technology, finance and energy resources.

"As to specific cooperation, please refer to relevant companies," she said, adding that China is actively implementing pledges to help pro-disaster reconstruction and exerting utmost to help tide over difficulties."

China on Thursday said the international community "must respect" Pakistan's sovereignty, tacitly confirming reports that it has asked the US not to violate Islamabad's territorial integrity, following the killing of Osama bin Laden.

"We believe that Pakistan has made great contribution to international counter-terrorism efforts, as well as huge sacrifices. The international community should understand and support Pakistan's efforts to restore national stability and develop its economy," she said.

China asks US to respect Pak's sovereignty, independence - Economic Times
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It probably would be a good idea to respect borders, unless your at war with the country.
Obama: Would raid Pakistan again if militant found

President Barack Obama would approve a new incursion into Pakistan if the United States found another leading militant there, he said in a BBC interview broadcast on Sunday.

U.S. Navy SEALs killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, mastermind of the September 11 attacks on U.S. cities in 2001, in a raid on his fortified compound in Pakistan on May 2, ending a manhunt for the world's most-wanted militant.

Asked if Obama would do the same again if the United States discovered another "high-value target" in Pakistan or another country, such as a senior al Qaeda member or Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Omar, he said he would "take the shot."

"We are very respectful of the sovereignty of Pakistan. But we cannot allow someone who is actively planning to kill our people or our allies' people, we can't allow those kind of active plans to come to fruition without us taking some action," Obama told the BBC.

Obama: would raid Pakistan again if militant found | Reuters
Respect happens when its a serious issue. We invaded a supposedly friendly nation. China has every right to support thier friends from such aggression.
India has nukes, as does Pakistan ... China can get involved if they want. I'm sure that they know 200M die just as easy under a mushroom cloud as 100k
And there are over 200 million Firearms in private (In Non-Military Non-Law Enforcement hands in North America)

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