Obama Takes Credit For Bush Surge Tonight

I dont hear a fat lady singing and if there are just under 50 thousand troops still there at a cost to who and daily violence it isn't over yet! Lets not forget the Iraqi's pleading with us to stay 10 more years all they have to do is nothing and we will be right back as stated last night from the shit stain in office. Setting himself up ... maybe
Give Bush the credit for the Surge, but also give him the credit for lying and getting us into a war that costs over 2000 American lives and spent over 700,000 dollars. All that to avenge the threat on his father and to sweeten the pockets of some of his and DICK'S pals. SWEET MOVE GW!
it's funny how everyone seems to forget what the surge was SUPPOSED to do.

Sure... it was designed to significantly reduce the sectarian violence, but it did that so that political reconciliation could occur. The sectarian violence did significantly diminish, but the political/sectarian animosity still exists. And I predict that, as our troops depart, the violence will return and the animosities between sunni, shiite and kurd will be exacerbated.
This is hysterical....the topic creator thinks the surge worked...HAHAHAH... Is there a Government in Iraq ? No there is not...The purpose of the surge..per bush..was to provide "Political Breathing Space" for a functioning government. That did not happen... Thus the Surge did not work. End of story. Mods you can close the thread now.

The surge caused the Level of Violence and loss of US troops to decline sharply and did indeed provide an environment where the Iraqis should have been able to set up a stable government. If they have not that is not the fault of the Surge.

The facts are clear here. Obama Opposed the surge and wanted us to tuck and run when the Violence was at it's highest. Which would have been clearly seen as a defeat around the world.

Thank god Obama and the Dems did not get their way. We did get the surge which has allowed us to get out maybe with out a victory, but not with the stunning defeat we would have been seen to receive if we had tucked and ran when Obama and Reid were saying we had lost and should get out.

Obama also talked about how we failed to protect our Economy from the problems it has now, and implied that was Bushes and the Republicans fault alone. Ignoring the Fact that his party was in power since 2007 in congress, and he himself opposed Bushes calls to reform fanny and Freddy as he was voting present in congress over and over.

Now that Obama has proudly proclaimed that combat operations in Iraq is over he has set up a dangerous scenario. If violence escalates and commanders on the ground begin calling for armor and more troops to handle the violence it might take months for Obama to respond. It took Obama 3 solid months to decide to send more troops to Afghanistan. So meanwhile 50,000 of our men and women in uniform are still at risk.

I got news for you Muddy...

The Iraqis live there. They know where our troops are. They know what units and equipment are on the ground.

They do not have to read the newspaper to find out
it's funny how everyone seems to forget what the surge was SUPPOSED to do.

Sure... it was designed to significantly reduce the sectarian violence, but it did that so that political reconciliation could occur. The sectarian violence did significantly diminish, but the political/sectarian animosity still exists. And I predict that, as our troops depart, the violence will return and the animosities between sunni, shiite and kurd will be exacerbated.

For the sake of the Iraqi people, I hope it is not true. They have been dealt a shit hand for 50 years and this is an opportunity for them.

No doubt there will be some power struggle after we leave. But hopefully they can work out some peaceful compromise.

As much as I opposed the Bush invasion, I hope it ultimately is successful, I hope they can work this out and establish some stability.
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American Progressives are still steamed that Bush wouldn't turn Iraq over to their hero Al Sadr and the Iranian Sponsored, Soviet backed Insurgency (Do you see where their loyalties lie?).

They really despise the fact that Bush beat the Iraqi Army AND the Iraqi Insurgency allowing our military to leave the battlefield victorious.

They so desperately wanted another Tet, when even after we inflicted one of the biggest asskicking in military history on the enemy, the Left, lead by Cronkite can declare defeat and have us leave disgraced.
The surge caused the Level of Violence and loss of US troops to decline sharply and did indeed provide an environment where the Iraqis should have been able to set up a stable government. If they have not that is not the fault of the Surge.

The facts are clear here. Obama Opposed the surge and wanted us to tuck and run when the Violence was at it's highest. Which would have been clearly seen as a defeat around the world.

Thank god Obama and the Dems did not get their way. We did get the surge which has allowed us to get out maybe with out a victory, but not with the stunning defeat we would have been seen to receive if we had tucked and ran when Obama and Reid were saying we had lost and should get out.

Obama also talked about how we failed to protect our Economy from the problems it has now, and implied that was Bushes and the Republicans fault alone. Ignoring the Fact that his party was in power since 2007 in congress, and he himself opposed Bushes calls to reform fanny and Freddy as he was voting present in congress over and over.

Now that Obama has proudly proclaimed that combat operations in Iraq is over he has set up a dangerous scenario. If violence escalates and commanders on the ground begin calling for armor and more troops to handle the violence it might take months for Obama to respond. It took Obama 3 solid months to decide to send more troops to Afghanistan. So meanwhile 50,000 of our men and women in uniform are still at risk.

I got news for you Muddy...

The Iraqis live there. They know where our troops are. They know what units and equipment are on the ground.

They do not have to read the newspaper to find out

Pay him no mind. He claims that this is Bush's plan that is being executed and that Bush should get the credit for it but now the other side of his mouth is claiming that somehow it's Obama that just set up a dangerous situation :cuckoo:
Now that Obama has proudly proclaimed that combat operations in Iraq is over he has set up a dangerous scenario. If violence escalates and commanders on the ground begin calling for armor and more troops to handle the violence it might take months for Obama to respond. It took Obama 3 solid months to decide to send more troops to Afghanistan. So meanwhile 50,000 of our men and women in uniform are still at risk.

I got news for you Muddy...

The Iraqis live there. They know where our troops are. They know what units and equipment are on the ground.

They do not have to read the newspaper to find out

Pay him no mind. He claims that this is Bush's plan that is being executed and that Bush should get the credit for it but now the other side of his mouth is claiming that somehow it's Obama that just set up a dangerous situation :cuckoo:

Your brain is in your ass as usual. You really can't look outside the box. I was in Somalia when Clinton did the same exact thing.

The dangerous scenario is that Obama never acts quickly when it comes to complex decisions he'd rather not deal with. When it comes to domestic policies...when it comes to spending us into bankruptcy....he's on that like stink on shit.

Obama has tipped off what the mission is and because he's made a proud statement that combat is over in Iraq the enemy has an advantage. Obama doesn't want to go through the embarrassment of admitting he pulled out too soon.

Bush never set an exact date. He said it would be dictated by conditions on the ground....not some artificial drop-dead cut and run deadline. So now Obama has painted himself into a corner....and if everything goes to shit in Iraq he'll just ignore it till it bites him in the ass. Meanwhile our kids will die because his pride won't allow him to adapt to changing events in a place he has officially turned the page on.
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I got news for you Muddy...

The Iraqis live there. They know where our troops are. They know what units and equipment are on the ground.

They do not have to read the newspaper to find out

Pay him no mind. He claims that this is Bush's plan that is being executed and that Bush should get the credit for it but now the other side of his mouth is claiming that somehow it's Obama that just set up a dangerous situation :cuckoo:

Your brain is in your ass as usual.

The dangerous scenario is that Obama never acts quickly when it comes to matters of type. When it comes to domestic policies...when it comes to spending us into bankruptcy....he's on that like stink on shit.

Obama has tipped off what the mission is and because he's made a proud statement that combat is over in Iraq the enemy has an advantage. Obama doesn't want to go through the embarrassment of admitting he pulled out too soon. Bush never set an exact date. He said it would be dictated by conditions on the ground....not some artificial drop-dead cut and run deadline. So now Obama has painted himself into a corner....and if everything goes to shit in Iraq he'll just ignore it till it bits him in the ass. Meanwhile our kids will die because his pride won't allow him to adapt to changing events in a place he has officially turned the page on.

You claimed in your OP that this is Bush's plan that Obama is executing ... that this plan was put in place by the Bush Admin and that Obama is trying to steal credit for it. Yet now you want to claim that this is all on Obama and anything that goes bad is his fault. So which is it? Bush's withdrawal or Obama's? You can't have your cake and eat it too. Make up your mind and get back to me.
American Progressives are still steamed that Bush wouldn't turn Iraq over to their hero Al Sadr and the Iranian Sponsored, Soviet backed Insurgency (Do you see where their loyalties lie?).

They really despise the fact that Bush beat the Iraqi Army AND the Iraqi Insurgency allowing our military to leave the battlefield victorious.

They so desperately wanted another Tet, when even after we inflicted one of the biggest asskicking in military history on the enemy, the Left, lead by Cronkite can declare defeat and have us leave disgraced.

wrong. The initial invasion was a boneheaded mistake. Once the troops hit the ground, all I ever wanted was for them to win every skirmish, for every bullet they fired to hit its target and for every bullet fired at them to miss. And then I wanted them to leave as soon as possible.

Iraq WILL soon be a close ally of Iran, and shiite fundamentalists will increase their power in Iraq. That will now happen because we took down the strong man that had prevented it from happening.
American Progressives are still steamed that Bush wouldn't turn Iraq over to their hero Al Sadr and the Iranian Sponsored, Soviet backed Insurgency (Do you see where their loyalties lie?).

They really despise the fact that Bush beat the Iraqi Army AND the Iraqi Insurgency allowing our military to leave the battlefield victorious.

They so desperately wanted another Tet, when even after we inflicted one of the biggest asskicking in military history on the enemy, the Left, lead by Cronkite can declare defeat and have us leave disgraced.

wrong. The initial invasion was a boneheaded mistake. Once the troops hit the ground, all I ever wanted was for them to win every skirmish, for every bullet they fired to hit its target and for every bullet fired at them to miss. And then I wanted them to leave as soon as possible.

Iraq WILL soon be a close ally of Iran, and shiite fundamentalists will increase their power in Iraq. That will now happen because we took down the strong man that had prevented it from happening.

And this will gain us what? At the cost of a trillion dollars and 4500 US lives.....
Pay him no mind. He claims that this is Bush's plan that is being executed and that Bush should get the credit for it but now the other side of his mouth is claiming that somehow it's Obama that just set up a dangerous situation :cuckoo:

Your brain is in your ass as usual.

The dangerous scenario is that Obama never acts quickly when it comes to matters of type. When it comes to domestic policies...when it comes to spending us into bankruptcy....he's on that like stink on shit.

Obama has tipped off what the mission is and because he's made a proud statement that combat is over in Iraq the enemy has an advantage. Obama doesn't want to go through the embarrassment of admitting he pulled out too soon. Bush never set an exact date. He said it would be dictated by conditions on the ground....not some artificial drop-dead cut and run deadline. So now Obama has painted himself into a corner....and if everything goes to shit in Iraq he'll just ignore it till it bits him in the ass. Meanwhile our kids will die because his pride won't allow him to adapt to changing events in a place he has officially turned the page on.

You claimed in your OP that this is Bush's plan that Obama is executing ... that this plan was put in place by the Bush Admin and that Obama is trying to steal credit for it. Yet now you want to claim that this is all on Obama and anything that goes bad is his fault. So which is it? Bush's withdrawal or Obama's? You can't have your cake and eat it too. Make up your mind and get back to me.

It was laid out in the Forces Reduction Agreement made back in 2008.

Obama felt the need to pound his chest and make an announcement to the world that he had fulfilled a campaign promise when in fact this was already in the works before he took office. He would have been better off keeping his mouth shut but instead he chose to blast off his big mouth. He officially took credit for it so whatever happens from here on in belongs to him and him alone.
Your brain is in your ass as usual.

The dangerous scenario is that Obama never acts quickly when it comes to matters of type. When it comes to domestic policies...when it comes to spending us into bankruptcy....he's on that like stink on shit.

Obama has tipped off what the mission is and because he's made a proud statement that combat is over in Iraq the enemy has an advantage. Obama doesn't want to go through the embarrassment of admitting he pulled out too soon. Bush never set an exact date. He said it would be dictated by conditions on the ground....not some artificial drop-dead cut and run deadline. So now Obama has painted himself into a corner....and if everything goes to shit in Iraq he'll just ignore it till it bits him in the ass. Meanwhile our kids will die because his pride won't allow him to adapt to changing events in a place he has officially turned the page on.

You claimed in your OP that this is Bush's plan that Obama is executing ... that this plan was put in place by the Bush Admin and that Obama is trying to steal credit for it. Yet now you want to claim that this is all on Obama and anything that goes bad is his fault. So which is it? Bush's withdrawal or Obama's? You can't have your cake and eat it too. Make up your mind and get back to me.

It was laid out in the Forces Reduction Agreement made back in 2008.

Obama felt the need to pound his chest and make an announcement to the world that he had fulfilled a campaign promise when in fact this was already in the works before he took office. He would have been better off keeping his mouth shut but instead he chose to blast off his big mouth. He officially took credit for it so whatever happens from here on in belongs to him and him alone.

He took credit for it because it was his plan one full month before it was Bush's. If you want the man to own it, and I mean really own it, then stop pretending the withdrawal was Bush's plan.
Your brain is in your ass as usual.

The dangerous scenario is that Obama never acts quickly when it comes to matters of type. When it comes to domestic policies...when it comes to spending us into bankruptcy....he's on that like stink on shit.

Obama has tipped off what the mission is and because he's made a proud statement that combat is over in Iraq the enemy has an advantage. Obama doesn't want to go through the embarrassment of admitting he pulled out too soon. Bush never set an exact date. He said it would be dictated by conditions on the ground....not some artificial drop-dead cut and run deadline. So now Obama has painted himself into a corner....and if everything goes to shit in Iraq he'll just ignore it till it bits him in the ass. Meanwhile our kids will die because his pride won't allow him to adapt to changing events in a place he has officially turned the page on.

You claimed in your OP that this is Bush's plan that Obama is executing ... that this plan was put in place by the Bush Admin and that Obama is trying to steal credit for it. Yet now you want to claim that this is all on Obama and anything that goes bad is his fault. So which is it? Bush's withdrawal or Obama's? You can't have your cake and eat it too. Make up your mind and get back to me.

It was laid out in the Forces Reduction Agreement made back in 2008.

Obama felt the need to pound his chest and make an announcement to the world that he had fulfilled a campaign promise when in fact this was already in the works before he took office. He would have been better off keeping his mouth shut but instead he chose to blast off his big mouth. He officially took credit for it so whatever happens from here on in belongs to him and him alone.

Prior to Obama laying out his plan for troop reduction, both McCain/Palin AND Bush had no plans for withdrawing our troops. In fact, in one of his many gaffes, McCain said he was more than happy to occupy Iraq for the next 100 years.....
President Bush did sign an agreement before he left office. Yes he did, and you libturd can spin til you turn to butter. President Bush agreed to a withdrawal with the Iraqi gov.
President Bush did sign an agreement before he left office. Yes he did, and you libturd can spin til you turn to butter. President Bush agreed to a withdrawal with the Iraqi gov.

Here sure did. Bush signed a withdrawal agreement. That is 100% true. A fact. So if things go wrong you will blame Bush, yes? His plan, right?

Oh, wait. While we are on the subject of facts here's another fact for you. The withdrawal plan Bush signed mirrored the plan Obama put forward a month earlier.
President Bush did sign an agreement before he left office. Yes he did, and you libturd can spin til you turn to butter. President Bush agreed to a withdrawal with the Iraqi gov.

Here sure did. Bush signed a withdrawal agreement. That is 100% true. A fact. So if things go wrong you will blame Bush, yes? His plan, right?

Oh, wait. While we are on the subject of facts here's another fact for you. The withdrawal plan Bush signed mirrored the plan Obama put forward a month earlier.

If it will make you happy and cause you to stfu. yes I will.
Wow...you really think the surge worked? What victory did we get? We are still losing troops lives. You repubs are amazing. IRAQ has no government and you just sit there and say well it's there fault... BS, we were there to assist them in doing it and we could not because of continued violence...People still getting blown up at elections...it's ridiculous to think the surge worked and that we had a victory. You just can't admit that your prior idiot president screwed up. Like the prior posted said...the Surge was just a d-over for what they didn't do the first time... And did we even remotely stop terrorism? Nope..

And guess what, the purpose of the Surge was so that a government could be established. It never happened..Who cares what the IRAQIS didin't do. No gov't = failed surge... and soldiers are still getting killed ... The most bogus war ever and the Arabs won.. i'm actually happy about that, because it makes Bush looks stupid like he is.

This is hysterical....the topic creator thinks the surge worked...HAHAHAH... Is there a Government in Iraq ? No there is not...The purpose of the surge..per bush..was to provide "Political Breathing Space" for a functioning government. That did not happen... Thus the Surge did not work. End of story. Mods you can close the thread now.

The surge caused the Level of Violence and loss of US troops to decline sharply and did indeed provide an environment where the Iraqis should have been able to set up a stable government. If they have not that is not the fault of the Surge.

The facts are clear here. Obama Opposed the surge and wanted us to tuck and run when the Violence was at it's highest. Which would have been clearly seen as a defeat around the world.

Thank god Obama and the Dems did not get their way. We did get the surge which has allowed us to get out maybe with out a victory, but not with the stunning defeat we would have been seen to receive if we had tucked and ran when Obama and Reid were saying we had lost and should get out.

Obama also talked about how we failed to protect our Economy from the problems it has now, and implied that was Bushes and the Republicans fault alone. Ignoring the Fact that his party was in power since 2007 in congress, and he himself opposed Bushes calls to reform fanny and Freddy as he was voting present in congress over and over.

If the surge didn't work...why are we leaving?

If we're leaving and this is just a surrender then do you think Obama is responsible or Bush?

I really don't know what you're thinking on this.
Why don't we just ask Petraeus about the surge?

Gen. Petraeus:

The Iraqi surge has been much greater than our surge. And actually, it is being felt. Yes, there's an uneven quality to Iraqi forces but they brought in some over 160,000 this year in terms of police, soldiers, border police and other assorted Iraqi security force members. That's huge.

Petraeus Q & A | The Weekly Standard
An article from December 2007 is not very convincing. Adding troops is not an add water and stir endeavor. The surge took time to be fully effective.

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