Obama succeeded, PERIOD.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Stock Market flying high.
Record profits at big corporations.
Health care act, passed and upheld.
Osama Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead.
Iraq brought to a close.
Civil servant jobs saved.
Middle class tax cuts.
Terrorists killed in record numbers.
Illegals deported in record numbers.
The Auto industry saved.

And my personal fave...

The World Trade Center has buildings where, for almost 10 years..there were NONE.

Stock Market flying high.
Record profits at big corporations.
Health care act, passed and upheld.
Osama Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead.
Iraq brought to a close.
Civil servant jobs saved.
Middle class tax cuts.
Terrorists killed in record numbers.
Illegals deported in record numbers.
The Auto industry saved.

And my personal fave...

The World Trade Center has buildings where, for almost 10 years..there were NONE.


puff puff give......
Just so people remember..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-A09a_gHJc]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]
And my personal fave...

The World Trade Center has buildings where, for almost 10 years..there were NONE.


Please... show us the Obama policy or executive order that raised the new buildings at the WTC.

Successes during his term are thanks to him. Failures are someone else's fault.

It's like we have a 7 year old president always pointing fingers at everyone else.
Against all odds Obama has been a success , the next 4 years Obama will right

the ship .
Wow, for once we agree!!

Obama has succeeded in dividing this country along income, skin color, amnesty, taxes and welfare roles. He's realized organizing America is a little harder than he thought. He's so used to dealing with people that have little education and have depended on government so long, he didn't know everyone didn't want to be "organized".

Yea, he's definitely succeeded in bringing America to it's knees.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRbqMGtvQD0]2016: Obama's America - Trailer 1 - YouTube[/ame]
Stock Market flying high.
Only because American investors are investing in foreign markets. Even the Chinese just dumped all American stock.

Record profits at big corporations.
They aren't spending any money. The economy is too unstable to expand or invest.

Health care act, passed and upheld.
Upheld as a tax and the largest single tax increase in American history.

Osama Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead.
The man who got Bin Laden is serving a 33 year prison sentence in a Pakistani prison. It was Britain and France that led the efforts to depose Gaddafi. Not that the "liberation of Libya" has been a good thing. The muslim brotherhood take over has resulted in a fundamentalist islamic government that has been systematically slaughtering the black people who lived in Libya.

Iraq brought to a close.
The troop strength has been so severely diminished that the ones who remain cant protect themselves much less friendly Iraqis.

Civil servant jobs saved.
To leech off of a people who are increasingly unable to pay for the union salaries and benefits.

Middle class tax cuts.
Tax cuts on a par with an Indian Casino slot machine. You win every time so how come you end up broke.

Terrorists killed in record numbers.
That's why terrorism is on the rise all over the world. Those that are being killed are just unlucky enough to be on obama's personal hit list.

Illegals deported in record numbers.
But not the criminals. ICE just refuses to take custody of them. obama has also set up a hotline directly to the justice department so illegals can complain how their rights were violated. obama passed his version of the dream act amnesty.

The Auto industry saved.
The auto industry wasn't saved. The auto industry was never in any danger. The government took over GM, but Ford, Toyota, Nissan, Kia, and a host of other manufacturers never needed saving.

And my personal fave...

The World Trade Center has buildings where, for almost 10 years..there were NONE.

Like it was within the realm of possibility that a hunk of downtown Manhattan was going to become a vacant lot.

obama, the story of an American failure.

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