Obama Still Blaming Bush for our Economic Problems.


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
n an anticipated move, Obama blamed slow economic recovery on the lingering effects of his Republican predecessor's policies. Under President George W. Bush, Obama said, the United States experienced the slowest job growth in a half-century and slid into a crippling recession that typically takes 10 years to undo. He balanced his acknowledgement that the economy has yet to fully rebound with an assertion that it has improved since he took office in 2009.
February 2009 the President said his stimulus bill was “the beginning of the first steps to set our economy on a firmer foundation, paving the way to long-term growth and prosperity.
In April 2010, it was: “Our economy is stronger; that economic heartbeat is growing stronge
”In January 2011, he claimed, “The next two years, our job now, is putting our economy into overdrive.
”Latest Posts - Home - United States Senate Republican Policy Committee

During his first to years with a Democratic majority he focused on Obama Care, instead of
focusing on the economy.

POTUS tried to implement failed policies with the expectations that he would get a different out come.

Obama has had 3 1/2 years to reduce our national debt. He has increased rather than reduced it.

Our borrowing interest rate has been increased and we now have the highest Corporate Tax Rate among OEDC countries.

Lending money to supposedly Green Companies has been a complete disaster.

Mr. President, Keynesian economics doe not work.
Recognizing the problem is why Obama has been succeeding.

The problem is that not only are conservatives not cowed by the destruction they caused..the are actively obstructing solutions.

Everyone else needs to be reminded why we are at this point. Because conservative propaganda lists that all our economic woes started the second Obama assumed office..and all expenditures started in 2009. Their propaganda changes the history.
I'd like to see you do a better job.

Well the thing is..Obama's solutions have been working.

A fine example would be Japan, which experienced a recession that would be deemed very mild when compared to what happened in the US.

They tried the solution that Republicans are touting. That was like 20 years ago.

And they still haven't climbed out of it.
The only thing Obama has done is to increase our economic problems and run up the National Debt. He is telling Europe to implement the same failed policies that he introduced. Germany has done the opposite and has a stronger economy.
The only thing Obama has done is to increase our economic problems and run up the National Debt. He is telling Europe to implement the same failed policies that he introduced. Germany has done the opposite and has a stronger economy.

Is that why the Germans ;

BERLIN (Reuters) - German business sentiment collapsed in May and the manufacturing sector shrank as turmoil in the euro zone unsettled firms, threatening to end the immunity of Europe's largest economy to the troubles surrounding it.

By Annika Breidthardt | Reuters – Thu, May 24, 2012

German economy succumbs to euro gloom - Yahoo! News Maktoob
I'd like to see you do a better job.

Well the thing is..Obama's solutions have been working.

A fine example would be Japan, which experienced a recession that would be deemed very mild when compared to what happened in the US.

They tried the solution that Republicans are touting. That was like 20 years ago.

And they still haven't climbed out of it.

that was meant for stinger.
The only thing Obama has done is to increase our economic problems and run up the National Debt. He is telling Europe to implement the same failed policies that he introduced. Germany has done the opposite and has a stronger economy.

The Germans don't have a "Strong" economy ace. They have a less fucked up economy then the rest of Europe.

Which, by the way, is in turmoil because of US financial institution's shennigans.
The only thing Obama has done is to increase our economic problems and run up the National Debt. He is telling Europe to implement the same failed policies that he introduced. Germany has done the opposite and has a stronger economy.

Please expand for the class...
I'd like to see you do a better job.

Well the thing is..Obama's solutions have been working.

A fine example would be Japan, which experienced a recession that would be deemed very mild when compared to what happened in the US.

They tried the solution that Republicans are touting. That was like 20 years ago.

And they still haven't climbed out of it.

that was meant for stinger.

Yeah..but I picked it up to riff on the Japanese..who essentially really did try austerity.
The only thing Obama has done is to increase our economic problems and run up the National Debt. He is telling Europe to implement the same failed policies that he introduced. Germany has done the opposite and has a stronger economy.

Please expand for the class...

He can't, really.

Conservatives in this country..haven't really done the austerity measures that have been practiced in Europe..when they are in power.

Reagan spent. Bush I spent. Bush II spent.

The only part of those equations that didn't make sense was they cut revenues generated from top earners and shifted the burden to middle and lower earners.

Which pooled money to the top. And the top didn't spend it..they horded it. And this left the middle and lower earners with less disposable cash..so they didn't spend either.

So what happens to an economy that depends on 70% consumer spending..when no consumers are spending?

Do the math.

The only thing Obama has done is to increase our economic problems and run up the National Debt. He is telling Europe to implement the same failed policies that he introduced. Germany has done the opposite and has a stronger economy.

Is that why the Germans ;

BERLIN (Reuters) - German business sentiment collapsed in May and the manufacturing sector shrank as turmoil in the euro zone unsettled firms, threatening to end the immunity of Europe's largest economy to the troubles surrounding it.

By Annika Breidthardt | Reuters – Thu, May 24, 2012

German economy succumbs to euro gloom - Yahoo! News Maktoob

What a stupid article, how is Germany "immune" to the problems in Europe?
The only thing Obama has done is to increase our economic problems and run up the National Debt. He is telling Europe to implement the same failed policies that he introduced. Germany has done the opposite and has a stronger economy.

Is that why the Germans ;

BERLIN (Reuters) - German business sentiment collapsed in May and the manufacturing sector shrank as turmoil in the euro zone unsettled firms, threatening to end the immunity of Europe's largest economy to the troubles surrounding it.

By Annika Breidthardt | Reuters – Thu, May 24, 2012

German economy succumbs to euro gloom - Yahoo! News Maktoob

What a stupid article, how is Germany "immune" to the problems in Europe?

they had a strong exports in heavy industry to China, same with Australia. But Germany is not immune from financial problems. The US is because the rich just got through fucking the middle class.Again.
The only thing Obama has done is to increase our economic problems and run up the National Debt. He is telling Europe to implement the same failed policies that he introduced. Germany has done the opposite and has a stronger economy.

Is that why the Germans ;

BERLIN (Reuters) - German business sentiment collapsed in May and the manufacturing sector shrank as turmoil in the euro zone unsettled firms, threatening to end the immunity of Europe's largest economy to the troubles surrounding it.

By Annika Breidthardt | Reuters – Thu, May 24, 2012

German economy succumbs to euro gloom - Yahoo! News Maktoob

What a stupid article, how is Germany "immune" to the problems in Europe?

The "stupidity" is thinking that somehow..if by magic..austerity is some kind of magic bullet.

It ain't. And in fact it's fucking stupid.
The only thing Obama has done is to increase our economic problems and run up the National Debt. He is telling Europe to implement the same failed policies that he introduced. Germany has done the opposite and has a stronger economy.

Please expand for the class...

He can't, really.

Conservatives in this country..haven't really done the austerity measures that have been practiced in Europe..when they are in power.

Reagan spent. Bush I spent. Bush II spent.

The only part of those equations that didn't make sense was they cut revenues generated from top earners and shifted the burden to middle and lower earners.

Which pooled money to the top. And the top didn't spend it..they horded it. And this left the middle and lower earners with less disposable cash..so they didn't spend either.

So what happens to an economy that depends on 70% consumer spending..when no consumers are spending?

Do the math.

But...Sallow...surely the JOB CREATORS will ride in on their middle-class-subsidised white steeds and save the day...at any moment now...???
Is that why the Germans ;

BERLIN (Reuters) - German business sentiment collapsed in May and the manufacturing sector shrank as turmoil in the euro zone unsettled firms, threatening to end the immunity of Europe's largest economy to the troubles surrounding it.

By Annika Breidthardt | Reuters – Thu, May 24, 2012

German economy succumbs to euro gloom - Yahoo! News Maktoob

What a stupid article, how is Germany "immune" to the problems in Europe?

they had a strong exports in heavy industry to China, same with Australia. But Germany is not immune from financial problems. The US is because the rich just got through fucking the middle class.Again.

How the fuck does anyone take Liberals serious with great minds like Paul Krugman and Rex Nutting dispensing economic advice?
What a stupid article, how is Germany "immune" to the problems in Europe?

they had a strong exports in heavy industry to China, same with Australia. But Germany is not immune from financial problems. The US is because the rich just got through fucking the middle class.Again.

How the fuck does anyone take Liberals serious with great minds like Paul Krugman and Rex Nutting dispensing economic advice?

I need to find a translator app...
What a stupid article, how is Germany "immune" to the problems in Europe?

they had a strong exports in heavy industry to China, same with Australia. But Germany is not immune from financial problems. The US is because the rich just got through fucking the middle class.Again.

How the fuck does anyone take Liberals serious with great minds like Paul Krugman and Rex Nutting dispensing economic advice?

How the fuck am I suppose to take you seriously when you cannot stick to the subject of conversation.

The key words and phrases were;

problems in Europe
strong exports in heavy industry to China,
financial problems

What the fuck does that have to do with Paul Krugman and Rex Nutting?

I swear to God, I started reading the forum to decide which way to vote and I'm now convinced, I sure as shit ain't voting Republican. You guys are fucking morons.
The only thing Obama has done is to increase our economic problems and run up the National Debt. He is telling Europe to implement the same failed policies that he introduced. Germany has done the opposite and has a stronger economy.

Is that why the Germans ;

BERLIN (Reuters) - German business sentiment collapsed in May and the manufacturing sector shrank as turmoil in the euro zone unsettled firms, threatening to end the immunity of Europe's largest economy to the troubles surrounding it.

By Annika Breidthardt | Reuters – Thu, May 24, 2012

German economy succumbs to euro gloom - Yahoo! News Maktoob

Not to point out the OBVIOUS here, Moon...but Germany being negatively affected by the idiots that it has with it in the EU is hardly an indication that Germany's policies are flawed...it simply illustrates that countries like Greece, Italy and Spain who continue to spend recklessly will eventually harm even the most prudent of their neighbors who are forced to support them...like Germany!
they had a strong exports in heavy industry to China, same with Australia. But Germany is not immune from financial problems. The US is because the rich just got through fucking the middle class.Again.

How the fuck does anyone take Liberals serious with great minds like Paul Krugman and Rex Nutting dispensing economic advice?

How the fuck am I suppose to take you seriously when you cannot stick to the subject of conversation.

The key words and phrases were;

problems in Europe
strong exports in heavy industry to China,
financial problems

What the fuck does that have to do with Paul Krugman and Rex Nutting?

I swear to God, I started reading the forum to decide which way to vote and I'm now convinced, I sure as shit ain't voting Republican. You guys are fucking morons.

Lead by Obama, Krugman and Nutting, you're the ones running on "Higher taxes and Mo' n Bigga Gubbamint spending"

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