Obama sticks by threat to veto defense bill.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
This is just one bad bill..

White House Threatens Veto Of Indefinite Detention Bill

WASHINGTON -- Accusing the Senate of "political micromanagement" of national security, the White House Friday stood by its threat to veto a defense bill over controversial military detention provisions.

The National Defense Authorization Act passed Thursday by the Senate contains a section that spells out the military's power to detain Americans indefinitely without trial and mandates military detention for some terrorism suspects.

The White House warned last month that senior advisers would recommend a veto, saying the detainee provisions could restrict the ability of law enforcement to combat terrorism and "make the job of preventing terrorist attacks more difficult."

It also contended that rather than clarifying the rules, the bill was adding uncertainty to the difficult legal landscape around detentions. Civil libertarians and many senators opposed to the detainee section charged that the bill was trampling Americans' basic rights to due process.
White House Threatens Veto Of Indefinite Detention Bill
I don't trust Obama as far as I can throw him, but I do hope he does the right thing and vetoes this awful peace of legislation. If not, then you democrats should finally admit that he doesn't have core American principles at heart.
I don't trust Obama as far as I can throw him, but I do hope he does the right thing and vetoes this awful peace of legislation. If not, then you democrats should finally admit that he doesn't have core American principles at heart.

Most people need to admit the Reps and Dems in congress don't like America for that matter... Well 7 people voted against it, Rand was 1 I believe.
I don't trust Obama as far as I can throw him, but I do hope he does the right thing and vetoes this awful peace of legislation. If not, then you democrats should finally admit that he doesn't have core American principles at heart.

Most people need to admit the Reps and Dems in congress don't like America for that matter... Well 7 people voted against it, Rand was 1 I believe.

I completely agree.
It should've never even come to this. Funny how when tasked with cutting a fraction of their crippling spending, Washington cannot for the life of them find even a minimal solution but when it comes to cutting individual liberties they coalesce and operate like hyper-efficient machines.
When you stick "Defense spending" on a bill..it makes it awful hard to vote against it, politically.

I do hope Obama gets a spine on this..and vetoes it. I think it's 50/50. He disappointed the crap out of me by extended the Bush tax cuts and Patriot Act.
It should've never even come to this. Funny how when tasked with cutting a fraction of their crippling spending, Washington cannot for the life of them find even a minimal solution but when it comes to cutting individual liberties they coalesce and operate like hyper-efficient machines.

When you stick "Defense spending" on a bill..it makes it awful hard to vote against it, politically.

I do hope Obama gets a spine on this..and vetoes it. I think it's 50/50. He disappointed the crap out of me by extended the Bush tax cuts and Patriot Act.

Why would it be hard to veto? Just point out what makes it shit and demand better.... That's why we have a President, to lead and uphold the constitution.

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