Obama Shadow Govt Attackers – Shooting Themselves In The Foot


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Within the US government’s agencies and departments, are some employees who were hired during the Obama administration. These loyal-to-Obama holdovers have been showing themselves to be equally DISloyal to the Trump administration, which they are supposed to be serving in.

Instead, they are subversives who are doing all they can to disrupt or dismantle the Trump administration. One way they operate in this “shadow government”, is by exposing classified information to the media, which they deem harmful to Trump.

Another way, in cahoots with the liberal media, is to simply fabricate stories that sound bad. Prime example ids the months-long attack on the Trump administration, regarding alleged collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign, in 2016.

The problem with political fabrications though, is that they are unable to withstand the test of time. After 4 or 5 months of huffing & puffing, and not a shred of evidence produced, it does more than just die out. It also produces a “boy who cried wolf” effect, of damaging the credibility of those who made the accusations.

Even worse than that is the trouble the accusers get themselves into as a result of their overconfidence, coupled with miscalculation. The Russian collusion rock-throwers now find themselves in full retreat, as their dopey, baseless story has morphed into a separate story (wiretapping of Trump aides in Trump Tower), which is damaging to them.

This current story has the potential to put some people in prison, possibly even Obama himself. And unlike the evidenceless, hot air of the Russian collusion ruse, the wiretapping issue was not only raised by President Trump in his tweets, it also came as a result of a New York Times headline. On the front page of their January 20, 2017 edition.

The shadow boys seem to be a little lost on how best to wiggle out of this. The Times claimed that Trump’s accusation was false. But if that were true, then the Times’ own front page story must also be false (Trump simply echoed what the Time had reported
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Fake News and Alt Fact material are the almost exclusive possession of the Alt and Far Right.

It's good someone has a watch on the king.
Within the US government’s agencies and departments, are some employees who were hired during the Obama administration. These loyal-to-Obama holdovers have been showing themselves to be equally DISloyal to the Trump administration, which they are supposed to be serving in.

Instead, they are subversives who are doing all they can to disrupt or dismantle the Trump administration. One way they operate in this “shadow government”, is by exposing classified information to the media, which they deem harmful to Trump.

Another way, in cahoots with the liberal media, is to simply fabricate stories that sound bad. Prime example ids the months-long attack on the Trump administration, regarding alleged collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign, in 2016.

The problem with political fabrications though, is that they are unable to withstand the test of time. After 4 or 5 months of huffing & puffing, and not a shred of evidence produced, it does more than just die out. It also produces a “boy who cried wolf” effect, of damaging the credibility of those who made the accusations.

Even worse than that is the trouble the accusers get themselves into as a result of their overconfidence, coupled with miscalculation. The Russian collusion rock-throwers now find themselves in full retreat, as their dopey, baseless story has morphed into a separate story (wiretapping of Trump aides in Trump Tower), which is damaging to them.

This current story has the potential to put some people in prison, possibly even Obama himself. And unlike the evidenceless, hot air of the Russian collusion ruse, the wiretapping issue was not only raised by President Trump in his tweets, it also came as a result of a New York Times headline. On the front page of their January 20, 2017 edition.

The shadow boys seem to be a little lost on how best to wiggle out of this. The Times claimed that Trump’ accusation was false. But if that were true, then the Times’ own front page story must also be false (Trump simply echoed what the Time had reported

I fully expect Obama to end up behind bars. I liken Obama to a mad, out of control gambler who doesn't know when to quit. He's got this dream of hitting the jackpot not realizing that he's only losing more and more of what he had when he came to the table. The longer he stays, the more he loses.........

Trump casino's know this which is why the saying for those who own the house - The House Always Wins....

With Trump inside the White House and access to everything Obama "used to have but doesn't have anymore"........ He is the proverbial "HOUSE" and Obama? I'm betting he doesn't have the common sense to walk away now. He'll keep gambling until he loses everything he has got and the rest of his debt due he'll pay for behind bars......
Fake News and Alt Fact material are the almost exclusive possession of the Alt and Far Right.

It's good someone has a watch on the king.
No, they are the almost exclusive possession of the looney left.

So how about THIS "material"? >>>

That material means that wire taps were conducted IAW with the law.

You have trouble with the intel and feebs conducting lawful surveillance of Trump associates who may have been concluding with the Russians during campaign.

Are you a running dog and lackey of the Russians?
That material means that wire taps were conducted IAW with the law.

You have trouble with the intel and feebs conducting lawful surveillance of Trump associates who may have been concluding with the Russians during campaign.

Are you a running dog and lackey of the Russians?
It is UNlawful. That's why it's a big story. If it were lawful, nobody would care, and it wouldn't be front page news. You can go back to sleep now.

The left has a bad habit of thinking that just because Obama's govt did something, that means it's legal.. They did scores of illegal things. ho hum. More liberal looneyness. :rolleyes:

PS - your dopey Russian ruse has been dead for 3 days now.
No, it is lawful. You can quote nothing that would show that it is unlawful. Under our US legal code it is legal. You can be prosecuted for libel.
No, it is lawful. You can quote nothing that would show that it is unlawful. Under our US legal code it is legal. You can be prosecuted for libel.
You don't even know what this issue is about. That's what happens when you only view liberal OMMISSION media. Again, if it were legal, it wouldn't BE an issue. Duh!
No, it is lawful. You can quote nothing that would show that it is unlawful. Under our US legal code it is legal. You can be prosecuted for libel.
You don't even know what this issue is about. That's what happens when you only view liberal OMMISSION media. Again, if it were legal, it wouldn't BE an issue. Duh!
I do understand, while you clearly do not. Because it is legal is the reason the hack far right and alt right and the libertarians are going nutso.
It was NOT legal. Here's why >>

The FISA procedures were put in place in the aftermath of the Nixon-era scandals. To obtain a FISA warrant, the government needs to demonstrate probable cause that the “target of the surveillance is a foreign power or agent of a foreign power". On top of that, the agents must prove that the main purpose of the surveillance is to obtain “foreign intelligence information".

It is true that, if the target is a ‘U.S. person there must be probable cause to believe that the U.S. person’s activities may involve espionage or other similar conduct in violation of the criminal statutes of the United States.

Problem here is even if the second FISA request was granted, it is illegal by virtue of false information being submitted to obtain it. The Obamans NEVER had a shred of evidence of any Russian/Trump campaign collusion. Not a shred. 100% ILLEGAL.

No charge for the tutoring.
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And the FISA court, taking all of that into consideration plus the material you left out, of course, issued the warrant.

protectionist could be considered an unofficial agent of a foreign power in lieu of misconstrued, false interpretation of the law.
And the FISA court, taking all of that into consideration plus the material you left out, of course, issued the warrant.

protectionist could be considered an unofficial agent of a foreign power in lieu of misconstrued, false interpretation of the law.
BUT >> taking into consideration FALSE information supplied to them. So the the warrant having been acquired under FALSE pretenses was therefore invalid, and the whole thing was illegal. Get it ?

From 1979 to 2013, over 70,000 FISA request were made, and only 12 were denied. You have to have a pretty shabby (pony) "case" to get denied by a FISA court. The Obamans DID get denied - June 2016. After they polished up their request with a lot of BS, only then did they get approved in Oct 2016. Total SCAM.
Bottom line - the Obamans have NEVER presented a shred of TRUE evidence of any Russian/Trump collusion. while thing (including their FISA warrant) is a ruse, and everybody knows it. You're not going anywhere with this thing Jake. All you liberal cronies are in full retreat. You want to show some evidence ? Let's hear it. :biggrin:

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