Obama - Sell Out!!!


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
This column is from some months ago, but very accurate. It is nice to know that at least one liberal columnist, tells the truth about the Left's Messiah.

"YES WE CAN"...sell you out...save the TBTF banks...screw the poor and middle class....start lots of wars....YES WE CAN!!!!

He kicked out 10 million Americans from their homes...screwed them hard, but he protected the TBTF banks. Funny...he said before being POTUS that he would break up the big banks, but he only made them bigger, more powerful, and now he takes their money.

He was and is a sell out. He is not a progressive. All he cares about is making money for HIMSELF!
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech
Did you really avoid breaking up the big banks because you thought it would undermine financial stability, or were you on the take? Did you really think a fracking ban would be bad for the environment, or were you on the take? One man’s sophisticated and pragmatic approach to public policy can be the other man’s grab bag of corrupt opportunism.

But still, Obama does not need this gig. And both his party — and his ideological kin the world over — could really use some distance from Wall Street, given that even the center-left’s own technocrats now recognize that the financial industry is an overgrown parasite whose rapacious rent-seeking immiserates working people.

That said, there may be an argument for Obama milking his appeal as a paid speaker to redistribute millions of dollars away from Wall Street firms and into the coffers of GiveDirectly, the Deworm the World Initiative, or the Eric Levitz Fund for Millennial Journalists Who Would Like a Big-Ass Smart TV.
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech
Obama sold out the entire country. It's all he did for 8 years. His motto was "Fuck things up as much as possible while I make myself rich".
Why would anyone pay $400,000 to listen to that traitor use the words "I" and "me" dozens of times as well as hundreds of "ums" and "uhs" and combinations of his worn out cliches, "that's not who we are," "wrong side of history," "we have a lot of work to do," and "(such-and-such country) punches well above its weight." His speeches are what I call pseudo-verbosity.
This column is from some months ago, but very accurate. It is nice to know that at least one liberal columnist, tells the truth about the Left's Messiah.

"YES WE CAN"...sell you out...save the TBTF banks...screw the poor and middle class....start lots of wars....YES WE CAN!!!!

He kicked out 10 million Americans from their homes...screwed them hard, but he protected the TBTF banks. Funny...he said before being POTUS that he would break up the big banks, but he only made them bigger, more powerful, and now he takes their money.

He was and is a sell out. He is not a progressive. All he cares about is making money for HIMSELF!
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech
Did you really avoid breaking up the big banks because you thought it would undermine financial stability, or were you on the take? Did you really think a fracking ban would be bad for the environment, or were you on the take? One man’s sophisticated and pragmatic approach to public policy can be the other man’s grab bag of corrupt opportunism.

But still, Obama does not need this gig. And both his party — and his ideological kin the world over — could really use some distance from Wall Street, given that even the center-left’s own technocrats now recognize that the financial industry is an overgrown parasite whose rapacious rent-seeking immiserates working people.

That said, there may be an argument for Obama milking his appeal as a paid speaker to redistribute millions of dollars away from Wall Street firms and into the coffers of GiveDirectly, the Deworm the World Initiative, or the Eric Levitz Fund for Millennial Journalists Who Would Like a Big-Ass Smart TV.
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech

Like they used to say, if Obama is the solution, then how bad is the problem? Obama is the price we pay for having a class of people so large, stupid and ignorant that after a lifetime of lies, insults and free rides, a lifetime of disses at the United States and doing essentially nothing, they elected him as President anyway just because his skin was Black because it helped make a lot pf people feel good about themselves. And we will pay for that mistake the rest of our lives.

If anyone should be giving speeches to Wall Street, it should be TRUMP for bringing the Dow up to 26,000.
This column is from some months ago, but very accurate. It is nice to know that at least one liberal columnist, tells the truth about the Left's Messiah.

"YES WE CAN"...sell you out...save the TBTF banks...screw the poor and middle class....start lots of wars....YES WE CAN!!!!

He kicked out 10 million Americans from their homes...screwed them hard, but he protected the TBTF banks. Funny...he said before being POTUS that he would break up the big banks, but he only made them bigger, more powerful, and now he takes their money.

He was and is a sell out. He is not a progressive. All he cares about is making money for HIMSELF!
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech
Did you really avoid breaking up the big banks because you thought it would undermine financial stability, or were you on the take? Did you really think a fracking ban would be bad for the environment, or were you on the take? One man’s sophisticated and pragmatic approach to public policy can be the other man’s grab bag of corrupt opportunism.

But still, Obama does not need this gig. And both his party — and his ideological kin the world over — could really use some distance from Wall Street, given that even the center-left’s own technocrats now recognize that the financial industry is an overgrown parasite whose rapacious rent-seeking immiserates working people.

That said, there may be an argument for Obama milking his appeal as a paid speaker to redistribute millions of dollars away from Wall Street firms and into the coffers of GiveDirectly, the Deworm the World Initiative, or the Eric Levitz Fund for Millennial Journalists Who Would Like a Big-Ass Smart TV.
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech

Like they used to say, if Obama is the solution, then how bad is the problem? Obama is the price we pay for having a class of people so large, stupid and ignorant that after a lifetime of lies, insults and free rides, a lifetime of disses at the United States and doing essentially nothing, they elected him as President anyway just because his skin was Black because it helped make a lot pf people feel good about themselves. And we will pay for that mistake the rest of our lives.

If anyone should be giving speeches to Wall Street, it should be TRUMP for bringing the Dow up to 26,000.
Many Americans thought Obama was the solution, when he first got elected. Many had high hopes. Of course, being the consummate politician he talked a good game (like nearly all pols), but failed to deliver on just about everything he campaigned on. I find it shameful that the DNCMSM refused to criticize him or inform Americans of his numerous broken promises.

That same media is all over Trump and while much of their reporting is unfair and fake, I much prefer it to their sickening devotion for BO.
This column is from some months ago, but very accurate. It is nice to know that at least one liberal columnist, tells the truth about the Left's Messiah.

"YES WE CAN"...sell you out...save the TBTF banks...screw the poor and middle class....start lots of wars....YES WE CAN!!!!

He kicked out 10 million Americans from their homes...screwed them hard, but he protected the TBTF banks. Funny...he said before being POTUS that he would break up the big banks, but he only made them bigger, more powerful, and now he takes their money.

He was and is a sell out. He is not a progressive. All he cares about is making money for HIMSELF!
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech
Did you really avoid breaking up the big banks because you thought it would undermine financial stability, or were you on the take? Did you really think a fracking ban would be bad for the environment, or were you on the take? One man’s sophisticated and pragmatic approach to public policy can be the other man’s grab bag of corrupt opportunism.

But still, Obama does not need this gig. And both his party — and his ideological kin the world over — could really use some distance from Wall Street, given that even the center-left’s own technocrats now recognize that the financial industry is an overgrown parasite whose rapacious rent-seeking immiserates working people.

That said, there may be an argument for Obama milking his appeal as a paid speaker to redistribute millions of dollars away from Wall Street firms and into the coffers of GiveDirectly, the Deworm the World Initiative, or the Eric Levitz Fund for Millennial Journalists Who Would Like a Big-Ass Smart TV.
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech
I didn't vote for the guy, but how can a man who is not in office and who will never again run for office "sell out?" He didn't lobby for the gop to undo Dodd-Frank

Obama's biggest failing may be that he didn't adequately sell the ACA or rally people around reinstalling Glass Steagall, but for all of his speech making he didn't really like to do the dirty work of politics
wait until Obama starts stumping for the Dems in the mid terms ... Repubes are fucked.

wait until Obama starts stumping for the Dems in the mid terms ... Repubes are fucked.

It will be interesting. In some ways Trump may be good for America. We are seeing more female candidates than ever before, and Trump's p*ssy comment is the fuel. Unfortunately they're dems and not gopers, but better dems than not at all. Oprah is a credible candidate, which may evidence some lessening of career pols having a stranglehold on gummit.

Former presidents may not be disinclined to voice opinions. In a way the two term limit has sort of created a path of every 8 years we just reverse policies, but only along the narrow margins of how each of the two parties differ. And neither one seems to care about fiscal restraint.
I really don't know how any American can think Obama was a good POTUS. You have to be a devoted D voter and blind to the facts.

He lied about everything, was a terrible warmonger, protected the 1% and threw the poor, working class and middle class under the bus. He was a corporatist just like Hillary.
wait until Obama starts stumping for the Dems in the mid terms ... Repubes are fucked.

It will be interesting. In some ways Trump may be good for America. We are seeing more female candidates than ever before, and Trump's p*ssy comment is the fuel. Unfortunately they're dems and not gopers, but better dems than not at all. Oprah is a credible candidate, which may evidence some lessening of career pols having a stranglehold on gummit.

Former presidents may not be disinclined to voice opinions. In a way the two term limit has sort of created a path of every 8 years we just reverse policies, but only along the narrow margins of how each of the two parties differ. And neither one seems to care about fiscal restraint.

Obama has a mid 50% approval rating AFTER OFFICE ..

Trump has HIGH 30% first year approval rating ..

if anyone thinks those numbers dont make any difference just hide and watch .. Dems didnt show up for Hillary, but a year of Trump's sorry ass has changed voter participation ten fold.
wait until Obama starts stumping for the Dems in the mid terms ... Repubes are fucked.

It will be interesting. In some ways Trump may be good for America. We are seeing more female candidates than ever before, and Trump's p*ssy comment is the fuel. Unfortunately they're dems and not gopers, but better dems than not at all. Oprah is a credible candidate, which may evidence some lessening of career pols having a stranglehold on gummit.

Former presidents may not be disinclined to voice opinions. In a way the two term limit has sort of created a path of every 8 years we just reverse policies, but only along the narrow margins of how each of the two parties differ. And neither one seems to care about fiscal restraint.

Obama has a mid 50% approval rating AFTER OFFICE ..

Trump has HIGH 30% first year approval rating ..

if anyone thinks those numbers dont make any difference just hide and watch .. Dems didnt show up for Hillary, but a year of Trump's sorry ass has changed voter participation ten fold.
I believe Obama's up to 60% now. And I'd be willing to trade him for Trump. Hell, I'd vote for Oprah. LOL
This column is from some months ago, but very accurate. It is nice to know that at least one liberal columnist, tells the truth about the Left's Messiah.

"YES WE CAN"...sell you out...save the TBTF banks...screw the poor and middle class....start lots of wars....YES WE CAN!!!!

He kicked out 10 million Americans from their homes...screwed them hard, but he protected the TBTF banks. Funny...he said before being POTUS that he would break up the big banks, but he only made them bigger, more powerful, and now he takes their money.

He was and is a sell out. He is not a progressive. All he cares about is making money for HIMSELF!
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech
Did you really avoid breaking up the big banks because you thought it would undermine financial stability, or were you on the take? Did you really think a fracking ban would be bad for the environment, or were you on the take? One man’s sophisticated and pragmatic approach to public policy can be the other man’s grab bag of corrupt opportunism.

But still, Obama does not need this gig. And both his party — and his ideological kin the world over — could really use some distance from Wall Street, given that even the center-left’s own technocrats now recognize that the financial industry is an overgrown parasite whose rapacious rent-seeking immiserates working people.

That said, there may be an argument for Obama milking his appeal as a paid speaker to redistribute millions of dollars away from Wall Street firms and into the coffers of GiveDirectly, the Deworm the World Initiative, or the Eric Levitz Fund for Millennial Journalists Who Would Like a Big-Ass Smart TV.
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech

Like they used to say, if Obama is the solution, then how bad is the problem? Obama is the price we pay for having a class of people so large, stupid and ignorant that after a lifetime of lies, insults and free rides, a lifetime of disses at the United States and doing essentially nothing, they elected him as President anyway just because his skin was Black because it helped make a lot pf people feel good about themselves. And we will pay for that mistake the rest of our lives.

If anyone should be giving speeches to Wall Street, it should be TRUMP for bringing the Dow up to 26,000.
That is just too funny coming from a dumbass Trump supporter.
Republicans might as well bend over and kiss their lying ass ADIOS.

This column is from some months ago, but very accurate. It is nice to know that at least one liberal columnist, tells the truth about the Left's Messiah.

"YES WE CAN"...sell you out...save the TBTF banks...screw the poor and middle class....start lots of wars....YES WE CAN!!!!

He kicked out 10 million Americans from their homes...screwed them hard, but he protected the TBTF banks. Funny...he said before being POTUS that he would break up the big banks, but he only made them bigger, more powerful, and now he takes their money.

He was and is a sell out. He is not a progressive. All he cares about is making money for HIMSELF!
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech
Did you really avoid breaking up the big banks because you thought it would undermine financial stability, or were you on the take? Did you really think a fracking ban would be bad for the environment, or were you on the take? One man’s sophisticated and pragmatic approach to public policy can be the other man’s grab bag of corrupt opportunism.

But still, Obama does not need this gig. And both his party — and his ideological kin the world over — could really use some distance from Wall Street, given that even the center-left’s own technocrats now recognize that the financial industry is an overgrown parasite whose rapacious rent-seeking immiserates working people.

That said, there may be an argument for Obama milking his appeal as a paid speaker to redistribute millions of dollars away from Wall Street firms and into the coffers of GiveDirectly, the Deworm the World Initiative, or the Eric Levitz Fund for Millennial Journalists Who Would Like a Big-Ass Smart TV.
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech

Like they used to say, if Obama is the solution, then how bad is the problem? Obama is the price we pay for having a class of people so large, stupid and ignorant that after a lifetime of lies, insults and free rides, a lifetime of disses at the United States and doing essentially nothing, they elected him as President anyway just because his skin was Black because it helped make a lot pf people feel good about themselves. And we will pay for that mistake the rest of our lives.

If anyone should be giving speeches to Wall Street, it should be TRUMP for bringing the Dow up to 26,000.
That is just too funny coming from a dumbass Trump supporter.

you mean like the dumbass Obomination Black Flag supporter?:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Why would anyone pay $400,000 to listen to that traitor use the words "I" and "me" dozens of times as well as hundreds of "ums" and "uhs" and combinations of his worn out cliches, "that's not who we are," "wrong side of history," "we have a lot of work to do," and "(such-and-such country) punches well above its weight." His speeches are what I call pseudo-verbosity.
Envy.....pure envy.
This column is from some months ago, but very accurate. It is nice to know that at least one liberal columnist, tells the truth about the Left's Messiah.

"YES WE CAN"...sell you out...save the TBTF banks...screw the poor and middle class....start lots of wars....YES WE CAN!!!!

He kicked out 10 million Americans from their homes...screwed them hard, but he protected the TBTF banks. Funny...he said before being POTUS that he would break up the big banks, but he only made them bigger, more powerful, and now he takes their money.

He was and is a sell out. He is not a progressive. All he cares about is making money for HIMSELF!
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech
Did you really avoid breaking up the big banks because you thought it would undermine financial stability, or were you on the take? Did you really think a fracking ban would be bad for the environment, or were you on the take? One man’s sophisticated and pragmatic approach to public policy can be the other man’s grab bag of corrupt opportunism.

But still, Obama does not need this gig. And both his party — and his ideological kin the world over — could really use some distance from Wall Street, given that even the center-left’s own technocrats now recognize that the financial industry is an overgrown parasite whose rapacious rent-seeking immiserates working people.

That said, there may be an argument for Obama milking his appeal as a paid speaker to redistribute millions of dollars away from Wall Street firms and into the coffers of GiveDirectly, the Deworm the World Initiative, or the Eric Levitz Fund for Millennial Journalists Who Would Like a Big-Ass Smart TV.
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech

Why is getting paid for a specch to goldman sachs a "sell out" when he gets paid that amount or more from other institutions for a speech?

I'd rather him or Hillary give a speach to some Wall Street company THAN

to hire 5 Goldman Sach's Wall Streeters as your advisors as Trump has done...

Now YOU TELL ME, who has REALLY sold you OUT?

for goodness sake....

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