Obama seeks "fuller understanding" of what happened in Algeria siege

This fucking boy King just got more Americans killed and wants to understand what happened?? REALLY??? Perhaps you should have listened to Mitt Romney who YOU mocked and ridiculed when he brought up Mali during the debates as being an Al Qaeda hot bed of terrorism.. BUT NO.... You had an election to win and the media had their marching orders. FUCK AMERICANS and fuck lost lives, right Obama???

This sack of shit President and his looney tunes Zombie ass lickers are what you parasites sold your souls for.. All for cheap Obama phones and food stamp cards.

Obama seeks fuller understanding of what happened in Algeria siege | Reuters

If Obama would attend his security briefings once in a while, maybe he'd be able to figure out what's going on.
Obama is mad he can't get a kidnap exchange for the blind sheik

There you have it. This is why obama sat on his ass while those people were murdered. This is what happens when there is a lack of leadership and obama is too busy masturbating over his upcoming coronation to deal with the lives of silly little people.

Hostages died because there was no real plan, except to get the terrorists. You can't do that sort of thing at a moment's notice, a point that's seems to be forgotten by those squawking over Ben Ghazi. Sometimes it seems like they wished there'd been another Desert One incident. Moving too quick just gets more people killed. THAT'S the lesson of Algeria and why Ben Ghazi was limited to just a few unfortunate deaths. Listen to the ODS sufferers and we probably would have had more dead Americans.

squawking over Ben Ghazi....? you're damn right.... if BO had taken action like the Algerians did we probably would have saved American lives.....there was help only a couple hours away (plus air power 1 hour away) which was never sent while the Seals held off the attackers for 7 hours....but help was told to stand down.....

moving too quick gets people killed.....? the Algerians saved well over 700 people....plus they saved the gas works which would have been set on fire if they had not moved quickly....

the lesson is to kill the fucking terrorists as quick as possible with no negotiation because that's what works.....THAT'S the lesson of Algeria....

but our Prez is still trying to get a "fuller understanding".......:cuckoo:

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