Obama says he set Trump up with a good economy

Sorry to say, but most people who voted for Trump did so because they agreed with at least some of what he had to say. While Donald Trump was talking about how we can make America better, Hillary was vilifying big business (as she takes donations from them - ha ha!), and talking about social justice issues. Most Americans with jobs or who own businesses or a stake in a business (such as investors) are more concerned about the issues that Trump brought up during the campaign than they are concerned with gay rights or Black Lives Matter. This is just the cold hard truth that you leftists need to be able to deal with and you need to start addressing some issues instead of focusing so much on perceived "oppression" which is basically nonsense.
Sorry to say, most Americans supported Hillary
Sorry to say, but most people who voted for Trump did so because they agreed with at least some of what he had to say. While Donald Trump was talking about how we can make America better, Hillary was vilifying big business (as she takes donations from them - ha ha!), and talking about social justice issues. Most Americans with jobs or who own businesses or a stake in a business (such as investors) are more concerned about the issues that Trump brought up during the campaign than they are concerned with gay rights or Black Lives Matter. This is just the cold hard truth that you leftists need to be able to deal with and you need to start addressing some issues instead of focusing so much on perceived "oppression" which is basically nonsense.
Sorry to say, most Americans supported Hillary

Seriously? Don't put it past the dems to meddle with the election in some way, especially considering what happened with Bernie. They are SO dirty.
Businesses create jobs, not Obama. Lol.

Those businesses were eliminating 750,000 jobs a month before the Great Obama bailed them out
Just what did the "Great Obama" do? The stimulus package? lol Cash for clunkers? lol
The Great Obama passed Stimulus which got us out of a recession, stopped a stock market collapse and reversed a falling employment rate
Not to mention saving the banks and auto sector

You're such a card.

Cash for clunkers was an epic fail. All it did was pull some demand forward and make the used cars that low income people need much more expensive. In addition, it spawned the looming subprime auto loan bubble that is beginning to burst.

Thanks Obabble!

And all the Stimulus did was funnel money to government cronies. This picture says it all:

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Notice how the Great Bush Recession dropped lower than any of the others by a wide margin

The Great Obama saved us

K, Obamabot. Lol. You are really pathetic, you know that?
Businesses create jobs, not Obama. Lol.

Those businesses were eliminating 750,000 jobs a month before the Great Obama bailed them out
Just what did the "Great Obama" do? The stimulus package? lol Cash for clunkers? lol
The Great Obama passed Stimulus which got us out of a recession, stopped a stock market collapse and reversed a falling employment rate
Not to mention saving the banks and auto sector

You're such a card.

Cash for clunkers was an epic fail. All it did was pull some demand forward and make the used cars that low income people need much more expensive. In addition, it spawned the looming subprime auto loan bubble that is beginning to burst.

Thanks Obabble!

And all the Stimulus did was funnel money to government cronies. This picture says it all:

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Notice how the Great Bush Recession dropped lower than any of the others by a wide margin

The Great Obama saved us

You are an embarrassment to man kind. :D
Sorry to say, but most people who voted for Trump did so because they agreed with at least some of what he had to say. While Donald Trump was talking about how we can make America better, Hillary was vilifying big business (as she takes donations from them - ha ha!), and talking about social justice issues. Most Americans with jobs or who own businesses or a stake in a business (such as investors) are more concerned about the issues that Trump brought up during the campaign than they are concerned with gay rights or Black Lives Matter. This is just the cold hard truth that you leftists need to be able to deal with and you need to start addressing some issues instead of focusing so much on perceived "oppression" which is basically nonsense.
Sorry to say, most Americans supported Hillary

Seriously? Don't put it past the dems to meddle with the election in some way, especially considering what happened with Bernie. They are SO dirty.

Do tell....

How did they meddle in the election. Can’t believe you are drinking Trump kool aid
Those businesses were eliminating 750,000 jobs a month before the Great Obama bailed them out
Just what did the "Great Obama" do? The stimulus package? lol Cash for clunkers? lol
The Great Obama passed Stimulus which got us out of a recession, stopped a stock market collapse and reversed a falling employment rate
Not to mention saving the banks and auto sector

You're such a card.

Cash for clunkers was an epic fail. All it did was pull some demand forward and make the used cars that low income people need much more expensive. In addition, it spawned the looming subprime auto loan bubble that is beginning to burst.

Thanks Obabble!

And all the Stimulus did was funnel money to government cronies. This picture says it all:

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Notice how the Great Bush Recession dropped lower than any of the others by a wide margin

The Great Obama saved us

You are an embarrassment to man kind. :D
But I am kind to puppies an$ kittens
Imagine where we would be today if Bush had left Obama as strong an economy as Obama left Trump
Watch this to see how disingenuous that statement was....he didn't know what to do or he knew exactly what he was doing...making America more dependent again.......thank God he is gone and Hillary lost.....or we would be in deep shit right now.....

This isn't Obama's economy...this is Trump's economy.....

Lol, President Obama is correct. The economy is simply continuing the trajectory it was on when tRump cheated his way into office.

0bama continues his lying after he left office. This is a complete lie.

Tell us, what did that idiot do to create this economy? Was it the excessive regulations? Was it the high taxes? Was it Obamacare? Was it his efforts to bankrupt the coal industry?
Watch this to see how disingenuous that statement was....he didn't know what to do or he knew exactly what he was doing...making America more dependent again.......thank God he is gone and Hillary lost.....or we would be in deep shit right now.....

This isn't Obama's economy...this is Trump's economy.....

Lol, President Obama is correct. The economy is simply continuing the trajectory it was on when tRump cheated his way into office.

0bama continues his lying after he left office. This is a complete lie.

Tell us, what did that idiot do to create this economy? Was it the excessive regulations? Was it the high taxes? Was it Obamacare? Was it his efforts to bankrupt the coal industry?

The Great Obama invested in our economy at a time when private investors were bailing
Imagine where we would be today if Bush had left Obama as strong an economy as Obama left Trump

If that were the case, McCain would have won. If I ignore that fact and except your scenario, then here's what would have happened: Obama would have destroyed it.

McCain would have done better but still would not have won. He still had two unpopular wars and Palin
Watch this to see how disingenuous that statement was....he didn't know what to do or he knew exactly what he was doing...making America more dependent again.......thank God he is gone and Hillary lost.....or we would be in deep shit right now.....

This isn't Obama's economy...this is Trump's economy.....

Lol, President Obama is correct. The economy is simply continuing the trajectory it was on when tRump cheated his way into office.

0bama continues his lying after he left office. This is a complete lie.

Tell us, what did that idiot do to create this economy? Was it the excessive regulations? Was it the high taxes? Was it Obamacare? Was it his efforts to bankrupt the coal industry?

The Great Obama invested in our economy at a time when private investors were bailing

Do you mean QED? If so, then why didn't the economy get better when he was doing it? Why did an influx of billions of taxpayer dollars take so long to work? Tell us all how QED fixed the economy.
Imagine where we would be today if Bush had left Obama as strong an economy as Obama left Trump

If that were the case, McCain would have won. If I ignore that fact and except your scenario, then here's what would have happened: Obama would have destroyed it.

McCain would have done better but still would not have won. He still had two unpopular wars and Palin

Wrong. If the economy was strong, there would be no need for "Change".
Watch this to see how disingenuous that statement was....he didn't know what to do or he knew exactly what he was doing...making America more dependent again.......thank God he is gone and Hillary lost.....or we would be in deep shit right now.....

This isn't Obama's economy...this is Trump's economy.....

Lol, President Obama is correct. The economy is simply continuing the trajectory it was on when tRump cheated his way into office.

0bama continues his lying after he left office. This is a complete lie.

Tell us, what did that idiot do to create this economy? Was it the excessive regulations? Was it the high taxes? Was it Obamacare? Was it his efforts to bankrupt the coal industry?

The Great Obama invested in our economy at a time when private investors were bailing

Do you mean QED? If so, then why didn't the economy get better when he was doing it? Why did an influx of billions of taxpayer dollars take so long to work? Tell us all how QED fixed the economy.

Seems to me the economy boomed

All reversed an economy in freefall

Thanks to the Great Obama
Seems to me the economy boomed

All reversed an economy in freefall

Thanks to the Great Obama
Yet 8 years afterward people were still living pay check to pay check if they were lucky...If the economy was so good and the recovery was real under Obama...why didn't Hillary the Obama economy extender win?
You are delusional.....
Watch this to see how disingenuous that statement was....he didn't know what to do or he knew exactly what he was doing...making America more dependent again.......thank God he is gone and Hillary lost.....or we would be in deep shit right now.....

This isn't Obama's economy...this is Trump's economy.....

Lol, President Obama is correct. The economy is simply continuing the trajectory it was on when tRump cheated his way into office.

0bama continues his lying after he left office. This is a complete lie.

Tell us, what did that idiot do to create this economy? Was it the excessive regulations? Was it the high taxes? Was it Obamacare? Was it his efforts to bankrupt the coal industry?

The Great Obama invested in our economy at a time when private investors were bailing

Do you mean QED? If so, then why didn't the economy get better when he was doing it? Why did an influx of billions of taxpayer dollars take so long to work? Tell us all how QED fixed the economy.

Seems to me the economy boomed

All reversed an economy in freefall

Thanks to the Great Obama

So, how come it took so long? The Stimulus was in 2009.
Those businesses were eliminating 750,000 jobs a month before the Great Obama bailed them out
Just what did the "Great Obama" do? The stimulus package? lol Cash for clunkers? lol
The Great Obama passed Stimulus which got us out of a recession, stopped a stock market collapse and reversed a falling employment rate
Not to mention saving the banks and auto sector

You're such a card.

Cash for clunkers was an epic fail. All it did was pull some demand forward and make the used cars that low income people need much more expensive. In addition, it spawned the looming subprime auto loan bubble that is beginning to burst.

Thanks Obabble!

And all the Stimulus did was funnel money to government cronies. This picture says it all:

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Notice how the Great Bush Recession dropped lower than any of the others by a wide margin

The Great Obama saved us

You are an embarrassment to man kind. :D

Indeed. It is an embarrassment, but it's rather a stretch to call it a Man.

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