Obama saves GM for China..?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Sheesh talk about moving jobs overseas.....so much for apple pie, hot dogs and Democrats...

After viewing this video I'm thinking Obama would be voted, "most popular in China"...well, if they weren't communists and could actually vote...

General Motors is becoming China Motors - YouTube

Oh...duped and hypocrisy come to mind...:wtf:

:lol:..I not really interested in it, then...

Oh and btw... Ford didn't get bailout money and Obama/Seawytch would be hypocrites to steal the credit, mmmkay..

What does that have to do with the price of tea or the sale of cars in China? GM shouldn't be competitive in China because of the bailout? That would ensure they failed again. Of course, that would delight the right wingnuts...

:lol:..I not really interested in it, then...

Oh and btw... Ford didn't get bailout money and Obama/Seawytch would be hypocrites to steal the credit, mmmkay..

What does that have to do with the price of tea or the sale of cars in China? GM shouldn't be competitive in China because of the bailout? That would ensure they failed again. Of course, that would delight the right wingnuts...

70% of GM cars made outside the USA, US jobs moving overseas thanks to Obama/Democrats, just to name a few things you failed to notice...:eusa_whistle:
No UAW there? Where's the outrage? Maybe if Bush were President we'd have protests
No UAW there? Where's the outrage? Maybe if Bush were President we'd have protests


Obama's/Democrats new campaign slogan...

" We keep the Red Chinese Communists Employed"

(an Obama accomplishment, to be sure...)
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Look...in order to remain competitive, GM must make and sell cars in China. This is a fact. China charges a very large import tax on vehicles.

I do vehemently disagree with the additional fact that GM will make cars in China to sell in the United States.

What do you propose? We prevent GM from being competitive and they fail again? (All the major car companies have plants in China). We impose import tariffs? We pay China-like wages to American workers, further decimating the middle class?

I realize y'all think we should have, as Willard Romney wanted, "let Detroit fail". Well, we didn't. We helped out an American business and it was successful. GM, instead of failing and going out of business, (because, as you will recall, there was no private money to be had thanks to George Bush's recession so they would no longer be around...gone. As American as Apple pie wiped out and those jobs gone) they have rebounded and are the number one selling automobile company in the world.

The auto industry is one of the things driving the American economy and we, the American people, helped make that happen by a private/public partnership.

Well, now the partnership is over and GM gets to play with all the other big dogs. They've paid back their loan, with interest.

That does still leave us, the American taxpayer, with a large share of GM stock. Wouldn't you like to make money on that stock that the government owns?
Look...in order to remain competitive, GM must make and sell cars in China. This is a fact. China charges a very large import tax on vehicles.

I do vehemently disagree with the additional fact that GM will make cars in China to sell in the United States.

What do you propose? We prevent GM from being competitive and they fail again? (All the major car companies have plants in China). We impose import tariffs? We pay China-like wages to American workers, further decimating the middle class?

I realize y'all think we should have, as Willard Romney wanted, "let Detroit fail". Well, we didn't. We helped out an American business and it was successful. GM, instead of failing and going out of business, (because, as you will recall, there was no private money to be had thanks to George Bush's recession so they would no longer be around...gone. As American as Apple pie wiped out and those jobs gone) they have rebounded and are the number one selling automobile company in the world.

The auto industry is one of the things driving the American economy and we, the American people, helped make that happen by a private/public partnership.

Well, now the partnership is over and GM gets to play with all the other big dogs. They've paid back their loan, with interest.

That does still leave us, the American taxpayer, with a large share of GM stock. Wouldn't you like to make money on that stock that the government owns?

Why do the feds still own 32% of GM if the loan have been paid? :confused:
Look...in order to remain competitive, GM must make and sell cars in China. This is a fact. China charges a very large import tax on vehicles.

I do vehemently disagree with the additional fact that GM will make cars in China to sell in the United States.

What do you propose? We prevent GM from being competitive and they fail again? (All the major car companies have plants in China). We impose import tariffs? We pay China-like wages to American workers, further decimating the middle class?

I realize y'all think we should have, as Willard Romney wanted, "let Detroit fail". Well, we didn't. We helped out an American business and it was successful. GM, instead of failing and going out of business, (because, as you will recall, there was no private money to be had thanks to George Bush's recession so they would no longer be around...gone. As American as Apple pie wiped out and those jobs gone) they have rebounded and are the number one selling automobile company in the world.

The auto industry is one of the things driving the American economy and we, the American people, helped make that happen by a private/public partnership.

Well, now the partnership is over and GM gets to play with all the other big dogs. They've paid back their loan, with interest.

That does still leave us, the American taxpayer, with a large share of GM stock. Wouldn't you like to make money on that stock that the government owns?

Why do the feds still own 32% of GM if the loan have been paid? :confused:

Beats me...it was part of the bipartisan deal worked out by our legislators. Ask them. All I know is that we don't own GM, they are free to be competitive in a global market ifn they wants to.

So, still no proposals? Tariffs? Lowering Americans wages even further? Somehow prevent GM from competing globally and let them completely fail and we eat the stock?

I'm happy GM is still around and Detroit didn't fail. I'm glad the economy in Michigan and the rest of the United States is being helped by our bailout of GM and I sure as hell hope they succeed. Wouldn't it be great if we could actually make a little scratch off this deal?

I hate that American companies are making things overseas, but I disagree that we should crap even more on the middle class to make 'em come back here.
Look...in order to remain competitive, GM must make and sell cars in China. This is a fact. China charges a very large import tax on vehicles.

I do vehemently disagree with the additional fact that GM will make cars in China to sell in the United States.

What do you propose? We prevent GM from being competitive and they fail again? (All the major car companies have plants in China). We impose import tariffs? We pay China-like wages to American workers, further decimating the middle class?

I realize y'all think we should have, as Willard Romney wanted, "let Detroit fail". Well, we didn't. We helped out an American business and it was successful. GM, instead of failing and going out of business, (because, as you will recall, there was no private money to be had thanks to George Bush's recession so they would no longer be around...gone. As American as Apple pie wiped out and those jobs gone) they have rebounded and are the number one selling automobile company in the world.

The auto industry is one of the things driving the American economy and we, the American people, helped make that happen by a private/public partnership.

Well, now the partnership is over and GM gets to play with all the other big dogs. They've paid back their loan, with interest.

That does still leave us, the American taxpayer, with a large share of GM stock. Wouldn't you like to make money on that stock that the government owns?

Why do the feds still own 32% of GM if the loan have been paid? :confused:

Beats me...it was part of the bipartisan deal worked out by our legislators. Ask them. All I know is that we don't own GM, they are free to be competitive in a global market ifn they wants to.

So, still no proposals? Tariffs? Lowering Americans wages even further? Somehow prevent GM from competing globally and let them completely fail and we eat the stock?

I'm happy GM is still around and Detroit didn't fail. I'm glad the economy in Michigan and the rest of the United States is being helped by our bailout of GM and I sure as hell hope they succeed. Wouldn't it be great if we could actually make a little scratch off this deal?

I hate that American companies are making things overseas, but I disagree that we should crap even more on the middle class to make 'em come back here.

No....the bailout is not repaid...there is still over $23 Billion outstanding...
Daily TARP Update

wow....such a 'deal' for the American public........:eusa_hand:

and to top it off....Obama....crony capitalist that he is.....gave GM a huge tax break......so while you paid your taxes last month the IRS wrote out a check to GM for $110 million dollars......and this tax break is good for the next 20 frikkin years....:mad:

proposals....? how about foregoing expensive bailouts and just lowering corporate taxes so Americans could become competitive in the world market....?
Why do the feds still own 32% of GM if the loan have been paid? :confused:

Beats me...it was part of the bipartisan deal worked out by our legislators. Ask them. All I know is that we don't own GM, they are free to be competitive in a global market ifn they wants to.

So, still no proposals? Tariffs? Lowering Americans wages even further? Somehow prevent GM from competing globally and let them completely fail and we eat the stock?

I'm happy GM is still around and Detroit didn't fail. I'm glad the economy in Michigan and the rest of the United States is being helped by our bailout of GM and I sure as hell hope they succeed. Wouldn't it be great if we could actually make a little scratch off this deal?

I hate that American companies are making things overseas, but I disagree that we should crap even more on the middle class to make 'em come back here.

No....the bailout is not repaid...there is still over $23 Billion outstanding...
Daily TARP Update

wow....such a 'deal' for the American public........:eusa_hand:

and to top it off....Obama....crony capitalist that he is.....gave GM a huge tax break......so while you paid your taxes last month the IRS wrote out a check to GM for $110 million dollars......and this tax break is good for the next 20 frikkin years....:mad:

proposals....? how about foregoing expensive bailouts and just lowering corporate taxes so Americans could become competitive in the world market....?

I wish I could +rep this Guy.. dang it.
I've worked for 20 yrs now at the same company. We make all types of hoses and silicone connectors for auto, truck, aerospace (planes), tubing and now we're getting into Locomotives. We have our company in other countries...UK, Brasil, and within the last 3 yrs China. I'm a Quality Engineering Tech and i have to qualify all parts that come from China and get part approvals from the customers. Some of our customers won't let their products be built in China. (yay for them!). At first i wondered HOW our company could be possibly making money by having our parts built in China...we were always having BIG issues with their parts. But recently i notice how much better they've gotten....And actually their parts look even nicer than ours. When a company can get away with paying pennies on the dollar for parts built in China...it's going to happen! It may have cost our company some big bucks at first to purchase the company in China...and the cost of training was most likely huge...but once they're trained they can save BIG BUCKS.
Why do the feds still own 32% of GM if the loan have been paid? :confused:

Beats me...it was part of the bipartisan deal worked out by our legislators. Ask them. All I know is that we don't own GM, they are free to be competitive in a global market ifn they wants to.

So, still no proposals? Tariffs? Lowering Americans wages even further? Somehow prevent GM from competing globally and let them completely fail and we eat the stock?

I'm happy GM is still around and Detroit didn't fail. I'm glad the economy in Michigan and the rest of the United States is being helped by our bailout of GM and I sure as hell hope they succeed. Wouldn't it be great if we could actually make a little scratch off this deal?

I hate that American companies are making things overseas, but I disagree that we should crap even more on the middle class to make 'em come back here.

No....the bailout is not repaid...there is still over $23 Billion outstanding...
Daily TARP Update

wow....such a 'deal' for the American public........:eusa_hand:

and to top it off....Obama....crony capitalist that he is.....gave GM a huge tax break......so while you paid your taxes last month the IRS wrote out a check to GM for $110 million dollars......and this tax break is good for the next 20 frikkin years....:mad:

proposals....? how about foregoing expensive bailouts and just lowering corporate taxes so Americans could become competitive in the world market....?

I've worked for 20 yrs now at the same company. We make all types of hoses and silicone connectors for auto, truck, aerospace (planes), tubing and now we're getting into Locomotives. We have our company in other countries...UK, Brasil, and within the last 3 yrs China. I'm a Quality Engineering Tech and i have to qualify all parts that come from China and get part approvals from the customers. Some of our customers won't let their products be built in China. (yay for them!). At first i wondered HOW our company could be possibly making money by having our parts built in China...we were always having BIG issues with their parts. But recently i notice how much better they've gotten....And actually their parts look even nicer than ours. When a company can get away with paying pennies on the dollar for parts built in China...it's going to happen! It may have cost our company some big bucks at first to purchase the company in China...and the cost of training was most likely huge...but once they're trained they can save BIG BUCKS.

Of course these companies need to be in China that’s capitalism, this not the point. The point is while Obama demonizes companies for sending jobs overseas he uses tax payer money to do it. All the while he uses this demonization as a political tool. Obama and the rest of the libs are a bunch of hypocrites and all this cronyism needs to stop. True capitalism works, not all this liberal bullshit,a lot of rhino Republicans are also part of the problem.
I've worked for 20 yrs now at the same company. We make all types of hoses and silicone connectors for auto, truck, aerospace (planes), tubing and now we're getting into Locomotives. We have our company in other countries...UK, Brasil, and within the last 3 yrs China. I'm a Quality Engineering Tech and i have to qualify all parts that come from China and get part approvals from the customers. Some of our customers won't let their products be built in China. (yay for them!). At first i wondered HOW our company could be possibly making money by having our parts built in China...we were always having BIG issues with their parts. But recently i notice how much better they've gotten....And actually their parts look even nicer than ours. When a company can get away with paying pennies on the dollar for parts built in China...it's going to happen! It may have cost our company some big bucks at first to purchase the company in China...and the cost of training was most likely huge...but once they're trained they can save BIG BUCKS.

Of course these companies need to be in China that’s capitalism, this not the point. The point is while Obama demonizes companies for sending jobs overseas he uses tax payer money to do it. All the while he uses this demonization as a political tool. Obama and the rest of the libs are a bunch of hypocrites and all this cronyism needs to stop. True capitalism works, not all this liberal bullshit,a lot of rhino Republicans are also part of the problem.

Yup.. exactly right..:thup:

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