Obama & Pro-Iranian Shiite Maliki Signing Iraq withdrawal Baghdad 12/14/08 Photo


Aug 6, 2013

Prez Obama & Pro-Iranian Shiite Premier Maliki Signing Iraq withdrawal agreement at the Premier’s Palace in Baghdad Dec. 14, 2008

& let’s remember that this event at the Premier’s Palace in Baghdad happened December 14, 2008 when Republicans had lost the Executive Branch in the November 2008 elections as well as both the Senate & the House in the Legislative Branch of the 111th Congress of 2009-2011, not to mention without the approval of Congress & much less talking to the incoming Obama Administration that would have to deal with the mess left by the outgoing Bush Administration.

So now Republicans blame Prez Obama for not picking up the unsolvable mess they & they alone created when they decided to overthrow Saddam’s “SECULAR” Nationalist Socialist Baath Party Regime that had found a modus vivendi between Sunnis & Shiites as well as Christians & Jews, thanks to the Reagan Administration's help in the 1980s.
My Reference: How Maliki and Iran Outsmarted the U.S. on Troop Withdrawal | Inter Press Service

Other References: How Maliki and Iran Outsmarted the U.S. on Troop Withdrawal | Global Research

More References: Iraq?s Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence | TIME.com

& More References: Asia Times Online :: How Iran outsmarted the US on Iraq

& More References: President Bush and Iraq Prime Minister Maliki Sign the Strategic Framework Agreement and Security Agreement

Best Regards

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