Obama Praises Allah – Again

Damn if another religion doesn't scare you.

No...part of it is Obama has always tried to convince us he's a Christian. But we always knew better. A Christian would definatley not do the things Obama has defending the muslims. And it wouldn't bother you if it is proven he's a member of a terrorist organization? Really?

Muslims are not terrorists..

No, but most terrorists and most terrorist sympathizers are.
Pamela Geller and her followers are among the most disgusting and reprehensible Americans today.

It's people like her (and people like you, who repeat her bullshit as fact) that allow me to understand how otherwise intelligent people can be led to do terrible things.

Pamela Geller is as bad as any Mullah.
I post on a couple of Islamic/muslim forums and believe me Pres. Obama is very unpopular because of the drone attacks on various muslim countries and his reneging on the closing of Gitmo.

If someone there posted that Obama was a muslim.

They would be laughed off the forum and banned as a troll. .. :cool:
You believe an Egyptian newspaper.

BHO's drones killed Muslims in their hundreds across the ME.

Lunacy on your part.
The Examiner is simply a blog conglomerate site, not a very solid source, anyone can contribute to it and it is less edited than even things like Wikipedia.
imho, anyone who believes BHO is a muslim is a fool, or mentally feeble, or uneducated, or malignantly motivated, or any combination of the four.

Utterly insane.
Pamela Geller and her followers are among the most disgusting and reprehensible Americans today.

It's people like her (and people like you, who repeat her bullshit as fact) that allow me to understand how otherwise intelligent people can be led to do terrible things.

Pamela Geller is as bad as any Mullah.

Pamela Geller is one of the few Americans who actually report the TRUTH about Islam and the threat it represents to this nation!

Like Limbaugh, she drives people like you nuts because she says what you don't want to hear.:mad:
Pamela Geller is one of the few Americans who actually report the TRUTH about Islam and the threat it represents to this nation!

Like Limbaugh, she drives people like you nuts because she says what you don't want to hear.:mad:

Pamela Geller might as well write for Inspire Magazine. She hurts our national security through gross generalizations and by promoting a setting that Al Qaeda supports. It's disgusting.
Damn if another religion doesn't scare you.

No...part of it is Obama has always tried to convince us he's a Christian. But we always knew better. A Christian would definatley not do the things Obama has defending the muslims. And it wouldn't bother you if it is proven he's a member of a terrorist organization? Really?

It wouldn't bother you if it is proven George Washington was a member of an alien lizard race? Really?
Pamela Geller is one of the few Americans who actually report the TRUTH about Islam and the threat it represents to this nation!

Like Limbaugh, she drives people like you nuts because she says what you don't want to hear.:mad:
Pamela Geller is a rabid zionist Islamophobe that continually makes up outrageous lies about muslims and Islam.

Her so called 'Truth' has zero bearing on reality. .. :cool:
Pamela Geller and her followers are among the most disgusting and reprehensible Americans today.

It's people like her (and people like you, who repeat her bullshit as fact) that allow me to understand how otherwise intelligent people can be led to do terrible things.

Pamela Geller is as bad as any Mullah.

Pamela Geller is one of the few Americans who actually report the TRUTH about Islam and the threat it represents to this nation!

Like Limbaugh, she drives people like you nuts because she says what you don't want to hear.:mad:

Sieg Heil!
Damn if another religion doesn't scare you.

No...part of it is Obama has always tried to convince us he's a Christian. But we always knew better. A Christian would definatley not do the things Obama has defending the muslims. And it wouldn't bother you if it is proven he's a member of a terrorist organization? Really?

If he was a Muslim, just taking the oath of office upon a Bible would make him a target of radical Muslims.The church he attends, why it must be a Mosque in disguise.
Damn if another religion doesn't scare you.

I do wish those Muslims would stop killing Christians and burning churches. And they want the Jews dead, too. Yup, those tolerant members of the Muslim Brotherhood sure love murder.

Why doesn't the left just admit that Obama is a Muslim? It's obvious many believe it since the left has staunchly defended Muslims no matter how many innocents they slaughtered.

Being a peaceful Muslim is one thing, but Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood. That is the same as supporting terrorism.

I wish the Americans that keep on burning down the Mosque in Joplin, Missouri would stop, but there is a lunatic fringe no matter where you live.
No...part of it is Obama has always tried to convince us he's a Christian. But we always knew better. A Christian would definatley not do the things Obama has defending the muslims. And it wouldn't bother you if it is proven he's a member of a terrorist organization? Really?

Muslims are not terrorists..

Muslim brotherhood is.....and until all "good" muslims start speaking out against the terrorists, then for me they're all the same.

So I see you hate christians also, why they kill and burn down abortion clinics and the doctors that work there, not to mention what they do to the nurses.
Muslims must denounce jihadists, period.

All Christians should denounce the so-called Christian sovereign groups as embracing un-American values.
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There is no law against freedom of religion, no matter what sect a president is a member of(unless it is a violent one) it is no problem and has no bearing upon his ability to be president.
Pamela Geller is one of the few Americans who actually report the TRUTH about Islam and the threat it represents to this nation!

Like Limbaugh, she drives people like you nuts because she says what you don't want to hear.:mad:
Pamela Geller is a rabid zionist Islamophobe that continually makes up outrageous lies about muslims and Islam.

Her so called 'Truth' has zero bearing on reality. .. :cool:

Just once, why don't you disprove a single one of her reports! :eusa_whistle:

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