Obama - "Ordinary illegal immigrants" will not be deported even if they don't register


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The "no registration needed" policy is important since many illegals fear that if they announce they are illegal a future president might deport them. Now that there is no incentive to register few will do so, which means obama's talk about background checks and paying back taxes is void.

You re Not Going to Be Deported Obama Assures Ordinary Illegal Immigrants CNS News

dec 10 2014
(CNSNews.com) - Speaking about his new immigration program in Nashville on Tuesday, President Obama assured "ordinary" illegal immigrants, "You're not going to be deported," even if they don't register with the U.S. government.

"So even if somebody didn't sign up, they're still much less likely to be subject to deportation. That's because we've changed our enforcement priorities, in a formal way," Obama said.

Obama explained that the Homeland Security Department has set deportation priorities: "And at the top are criminals, people who pose a threat, and at the bottom are ordinary people who are otherwise law-abiding. And what we're saying, essentially, is in that low-priority list, you won't -- you won't be a priority for deportation. You're not going to be deported. We're not going to keep on separating families."

Later, Obama said the same thing in different words: "The prioritization in terms of deportation, that applies to everybody, even if you don't do anything" (register).

Nevertheless, Obama urged people with U.S.-citizen relatives to register with the government, submit themselves to a criminal background check and pay back taxes: "[A]nd if you do that, you'll actually get a piece of paper that gives you an assurance that you can work and live here without fear of deportation."
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This has actually been obozo's unstated policy for 6 years. His talk of deporting 500,000 a year was all a lie. He hasn't deported anyone and now he's making it official.
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  • #3
So prosecutorial discretion now means we ignore the law completely??!!
that's alright, Obama has a couple more weeks to run his mouth. then they can tell him to get to the back of the bus. the Republicans are in CHARGE
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Obama doesn't want to break up families? When americans are thrown in prison that breaks up families.
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  • #6
that's alright, Obama has a couple more weeks to run his mouth. then they can tell him to get to the back of the bus. the Republicans are in CHARGE

If they choose to be, but it appears most repubs support amnesty too. The GOP is paid huge bribes by the low-wage-loving business community.
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  • #8
We've got 40 million illegals in america and now 40 million more will come. Obozo is letting all of latin america dump their welfare bum indios on the US taxpayers. Watch your schools disintegrate and your hospitals go bankrupt.

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