Obama Official Helped Prepare Dire National Climate Assessment

You're the one arguing that the product of hundreds of scientists, reviewed by thousands more and the general public, was somehow hijacked by a lone Obama appointee. Just get the fuck out of our faces. In all the years you've been throwing shit at us, not one speck has ever been worth the time required to read it.
The report is produced by a presidential directive issued in 1989 by then-president Ronald Fucking Reagan and mandated by Congress in 1990 in the Global Change Research Act.

You people are just SOOOOOO fucking stupid
Its a piece of propaganda horse shit derived by climate Marxists as a tool to kill capitalism. And your a fool/useful idiot who has believed the lie hook line and sinker...
Ronald Reagan directed the production of Marxist propaganda to attack capitalism?
Ronald Reagan directed the production of Marxist propaganda to attack capitalism?
No you stupid fuck! Obama, Clinton and Bush turned it into it trying to make the US part of the Globalist Marxist UN.. You pieces of shit bastardized it from a legitimate use to a political one.
And when did they do that? What actions did they take to accomplish that? And why don't you find us some political content in the most recent NCAR asshole.
You're the one arguing that the product of hundreds of scientists, reviewed by thousands more and the general public, was somehow hijacked by a lone Obama appointee. Just get the fuck out of our faces. In all the years you've been throwing shit at us, not one speck has ever been worth the time required to read it.
Put on a white lab coat and you get people like Crock licking your boots.
It's not my fault you don't understand anything more complex than a drinking straw.
The question is why do I hate you? You're not worth the effort.

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