"Obama official contacted Russian Embassy before Trump inauguration:

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

The Surrender Monkey is up to his neck in the bullshit Russian hoax.....now to see if anything will actually come of it....A ex. President in an orange suit would certainly be a treat to at least half the country!
Thiers no justice in this world unless they hang this prick first

With all that I outted over the years,
Should I be worried that my newer neighbor looks like his offspring? *L*
KIDDING about the worried part, but not that my neighbor looks like he birthed out from the same angry troll.
Apparently it is just fucking fine for the president to do anything he wants now. You have lost the moral authority to complain about anything a president has ever done. Now go back to praising your king.

The Surrender Monkey is up to his neck in the bullshit Russian hoax.....now to see if anything will actually come of it....A ex. President in an orange suit would certainly be a treat to at least half the country!

A month before tramps inauguration?? Obama was still Potus, probably to discuss their sanctions, or Russian interference in the tramps campaign , and the tramp campaign met with many Russians before he had won the Presidency.

Yes, insecure, so why doesn’t Judicial watch know what they talked about. Unsecured phone, the Tramp admin continues to so with emails and phones.

Also its not a transcript, it’s a summary.

And this is not a legal procedure and Tim Morrison is not an attorney.

Judicial Watch is a joke.

Who is Jonathan M. Winer,

Jonathan M. Winer has been the United States Special Envoy for Libya, the deputy assistant secretary of state for international law enforcement, and counsel to United States Senator John Kerry. He has written and lectured widely on U.S. Middle East policy, counter-terrorism, international money laundering, illicit networks, corruption, and U.S.-Russia issues.

Jonathan M. Winer
Morrison, whose appearance on Capitol Hill lasted for more than eight hours, backed up last week's testimony from Taylor, currently the top US diplomat in Ukraine, about interactions the two had regarding the President's efforts to press for investigations while US aid to Ukraine was held up. While he did deviate from Taylor on some details, Morrison testified that Sondland told him the President would release the aid if the Ukrainian prosecutor general announced an investigation, according to sources.

Tim Morrison corroborates testimony linking Ukraine aid to investigations - CNNPolitics

I would say Sondland needs to be re-questioned. Prosecutor or Pres. Z, which is it?? Sondland gave a million buck to tramp.

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