Obama now in the 30's!!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
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Poll: Rocky road seen ahead for Obama

Read more: Poll: Rocky road seen ahead for Obama - Jim VandeHei and Charles Mahtesian - POLITICO.com

By JIM VANDEHEI & CHARLES MAHTESIAN | 9/26/10 10:53 PM EDT Updated: 9/27/10 12:11 PM EDT

A significant majority of voters are considering voting against President Barack Obama in the 2012 election, expressing sour views of his new health care law and deep skepticism about his ability to create jobs and grow the sluggish economy, according to the latest POLITICO / George Washington University Battleground Poll.

Only 38 percent of respondents said Obama deserves to be reelected, even though a majority of voters hold a favorable view of him on a personal level. Forty-four percent said they will vote to oust him, and 13 percent said they will consider voting for someone else.

Read more: Poll: Rocky road seen ahead for Obama - Jim VandeHei and Charles Mahtesian - POLITICO.com

Of course, as soon as this poll was released, we had to go to Sammy and ask him his opinion.......Sammy is the ranking political guru here on the USMessageBoard forums!!!

Anyway......so Sammy, were you surprised by these poll numbers and what would you say to liberal supporters who have seen Obama's poll number plummet so precipitously?????


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