Obama meets Star Trek


Agent P
Sep 15, 2008
Little Rock, AR
From The Next Generation episode "the Descent part 2"...
(episode where Lore messes with Data to help the Borg try to take over...)

Riker and Worf, talking with "Hugh".. the borg drone that they gave individuality in an earlier episode..

Hugh was talking about how screwed up the borg were after gaining individual voices and thoughts...

Riker: And then Lore came along..

Hugh: You probably can't imagine what it is like to be so lost and frightened that you will listen to any voice that promises change.

Worf: Even if that voice insists on controlling you...

Hugh: That's what we wanted. Someone to show us the way out of confusion. Lore promised clarity and purpose. In the beginning he seemed like a savior. The promise of becoming a superior race... of becoming fully artificial was compelling. We gladly did everything he asked of us. But after a while it became clear that Lore had no idea how to keep his promise. That's when he began talking about the need for us to make sacrifices. Before we realized it, this was the result.

(shows borg that had been experimented on)

Hugh: Lore began to experiment... Tried to remake us in his image. This is the result of my encounter with the Enterprise, commander. So you see that I don't particularly welcome your presence here.

Descent, Part II (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki

"Star Trek: The Next Generation" Descent: Part 2 (1993)
STTNG was one of the biggest PC shows of all time though.

Any resemblance to mocking Barry is purely a mistake, they would rather watch Star wars then go against progressivism.
STTNG was one of the biggest PC shows of all time though.

Any resemblance to mocking Barry is purely a mistake, they would rather watch Star wars then go against progressivism.

they would also have to have used one of those time travel back into the past then into the future thingy's.
Star Trek analogies are always fun, for instance I see a lot of similarities between MBAs and Ferengi.
Myself, a drunken Klingon who should have died in glorious battle, or at least on the way there. Though there is a lot of Captain Kirk in my penis.

I have a very Kirky penis.
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