Obama keeping promise for skyrocketing electricity rates???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A carbon tax starting at $20 a ton of carbon dioxide equivalent and rising at about 6 percent a year could raise $154 billion by 2021,

Obama May Levy Carbon Tax to Cut the U.S. Deficit, HSBC Says - Bloomberg

Obama's keeping his promise!!!
HIS EPA forcing the following to lay off people:
a) coal companies facing “a regulatory environment that’s aggressively aimed at constraining the use of coal.”
b) Obama says: "if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
c) And he went on to say: “Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"

But of course the IDIOT doesn't seem to understand MARKET forces...
Because HE IS OK with skyrocketing rates!!!
OH did I mention that EVERYONE including the WEALTHY use electricity BUT only a FEW of us will PAY for it!
I see no benefit from continuing to post this shit. They've heard it a hundred times and they still voted for him. Now think of yourself and ways you can survive for the next four years.
LMAO, You might want to see if you can get paid by the Republicans for all the BS you post.
People like you are like the drunk with the terrible hangover the next day asking themselves.. "Did I really vote for that???

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