Obama Is "The Greatest Enemy Of Press Freedom In A Generation"


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Pulitzer Prize Winner calls out Nobel Peace Prize loser

Pulitzer Prize James Risen call out the Nazi in Chief Obamloser


James Risen is not just a phenomenal reporter, he is also an extremely courageous and honorable American patriot. His case is a very disturbing one, and it has justifiably received a great deal of national attention. In a nutshell, the Obama Administration is threatening the pulitzer prize winning journalist with prison unless he reveals the source behind one of his stories. This is something no journalist worth his salt would ever do, but the fact our own government would resort to threats of incarceration in order to instill fear in the press to prevent it from doing its job is quite telling and extremely dangerous.

Mr. Risen understands this danger more than just about anyone else, which is why he has previously stated he is prepared to go to jail in order to defend the First Amendment from Obama, who he calls the greatest enemy to press freedom in a generation.”

Pulitzer Prize Winner: Obama Is "The Greatest Enemy Of Press Freedom In A Generation" | Zero Hedge
They don't seem to care and half of them have relatives who work in the Obama administration. so we don't have a FREE press anyway under this regime...We have a bunch of lamestream LAPdogs stuck on Obama's leg


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