Obama in 2011: ‘We’re Leaving Behind a Sovereign, Stable and Self-Reliant Iraq’

Getting out of Iraq was the correct thing to do. Not staying out of the Middle East mess was the mistake that led to ISIS flourishing and becoming a problem for us. We should have left Iraq, and absolved ourselves completely of everything Middle East. But apparently that made too much sense. We had to tinker with Assad, then we had to tinker with the problem we created for Assad, and now we're right back to where we started: Overly involved and worse off for it.
These stupid uneducated low information Libtards always forget that Obama fought the war in Iraq for three years, spent hundreds of billions of dollar, suffered American and Iraqi casualties and then stood up in front of the troops that fought the war and declared it to be a success.

Also, being low information they always forget that Hillary Clinton (and also Bill) was a strong supporter of the invasion and that in 2004 their idiotic clown lover boy John Kerry ran on a platform to continue the war in Iraq. At least he did in the General Election after waffling in the Moon Bat Primary.

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