Obama Ignoring Family Wishes - Oregon Bound - What Should Family / UCC Community Do?

Honestly what should they do?
Nothing, say nothing to him, don't complain or suggest he stays away.
However, when he is there, they should either not show up for him, or walk out when he starts to speak.
It can really show him people are tired of him while at the same time maintaining their dignity.
How great would it be for him to show up and be the only one there. Wont happen but still.

That is the way a free society works

Why are conservatives trying to block the President from appearing?
Honestly what should they do?
Nothing, say nothing to him, don't complain or suggest he stays away.
However, when he is there, they should either not show up for him, or walk out when he starts to speak.
It can really show him people are tired of him while at the same time maintaining their dignity.
How great would it be for him to show up and be the only one there. Wont happen but still.

That is the way a free society works

Why are conservatives trying to block the President from appearing?
I don't have a clue.
it would send a much bigger message if he showed up and they stayed home because of it.
I know if he showed up on my property (and that would never happen) I would call and try to have him arrested for trespassing.
Honestly what should they do?
Nothing, say nothing to him, don't complain or suggest he stays away.
However, when he is there, they should either not show up for him, or walk out when he starts to speak.
It can really show him people are tired of him while at the same time maintaining their dignity.
How great would it be for him to show up and be the only one there. Wont happen but still.

That is the way a free society works

Why are conservatives trying to block the President from appearing?

Who's trying to block him? Those who want to meet him are free to do so. Those who choose to ignore him are free to do so.
Honestly what should they do?
Nothing, say nothing to him, don't complain or suggest he stays away.
However, when he is there, they should either not show up for him, or walk out when he starts to speak.
It can really show him people are tired of him while at the same time maintaining their dignity.
How great would it be for him to show up and be the only one there. Wont happen but still.
The bitching, whining and exploiting are coming from rw conservatives like the blogger turd who poses as a newspaper instead of being honest and admitting he is a blogger running a blog site. To date one father of an injured student has objected to the President coming to town if he is coming to promote an anti gun agenda. He has not organized anything. He simply stated that he and his family would not attend a meeting with the President because he believed that might be the purpose of the President's coming to town. Everything else seems to be rw bullshit misinformation.
Honestly what should they do?
Nothing, say nothing to him, don't complain or suggest he stays away.
However, when he is there, they should either not show up for him, or walk out when he starts to speak.
It can really show him people are tired of him while at the same time maintaining their dignity.
How great would it be for him to show up and be the only one there. Wont happen but still.

That is the way a free society works

Why are conservatives trying to block the President from appearing?

Who's trying to block him? Those who want to meet him are free to do so. Those who choose to ignore him are free to do so.
The premise is that because one guy stated his opinion in an article, the entire state no, the entire geographical region wants obama to stay away,.
I don't think that's the case, I imagine that a great deal of people have little interest in him showing up but that's based on my personal feelings toward him. No respect for him at all, in the least.
You Obamabots are incredible! Obozo instantly takes a tragedy and tries to politicize it. The friends and families of the victims want nothing to do with it. So you instantly attack anyone who doesn't agree with Dear Leader.

Republican hypocrisy.

Complained that Obama didnt show up for that San Fran lady who was accidently shot by the illegal . A death the GOP used to make all kinds of political hay.

Now u say he shouldn't show to this mass shooting ?!! That he's using this for politics ?

No one suggested Obama was NOT welcome at the lady's funeral. People were only upset because Obama was only attending the funerals of criminal black youth who attacked cops and tried to steal their weapons. In this case, Obama has politicized the deaths of Americans whom he has proven he cares nothing about and has been asked NOT to attend...to which he has by completely ignoring those wishes and plans to attend to politicize the even to the max! Good grief....
The premise is that because one guy stated his opinion in an article, .

Do some research so you don't sound stupid. (And NO I will not spoon-feed you!) The mayor, the sheriff, and several families have expressed their displeasure over Obama coming after politicizing these deaths. As of last night 25,000 people were reportedly showing up to protest Obama.
you are correct.
I never read any more on it since the first post.
looks like the whole town is asking him not to show up. In light of my new found information, I would suggest that obama just stay the hell away.
I do however like the idea of him showing up and being met with a less than supportive crowd.
Defend Roseburg - Deny barack 0bama | Facebook
The problem now is Obozo's huge ego. How can he back down because of some common people? He is, after all, the twice-elected chief honcho and everyone should be paying homage to him.
The problem now is Obozo's huge ego. How can he back down because of some common people? He is, after all, the twice-elected chief honcho and everyone should be paying homage to him.

Well, time will tell. If 25,000 townspeople publicly turn their backs on him, it will speak louder than any phony commiserative speech he could give.
The premise is that because one guy stated his opinion in an article, .

Do some research so you don't sound stupid. (And NO I will not spoon-feed you!) The mayor, the sheriff, and several families have expressed their displeasure over Obama coming after politicizing these deaths. As of last night 25,000 people were reportedly showing up to protest Obama.
You are the one who needs to do some research, unless you are just a liar. The city council and mayor put out an official welcome to the President several days ago. It was covered in the real local newspaper. During this entire thread there have been continued request to provide a link showing family members asking the President not to show up. None has been provided. The 25,000 number you are using to claim attendance at a protest rally is not what you are claiming. It is the number of persons protesting on an internet survey and not people planning to flock to Roseburg from all over the nation and even world. It has nothing to do with any actual physical protest scheduled to occur in Roseburg. Feel free to continue the lies or show a link to back up you dishonesty and prove your credibility.
The premise is that because one guy stated his opinion in an article, .

Do some research so you don't sound stupid. (And NO I will not spoon-feed you!) The mayor, the sheriff, and several families have expressed their displeasure over Obama coming after politicizing these deaths. As of last night 25,000 people were reportedly showing up to protest Obama.
You are the one who needs to do some research, unless you are just a liar. The city council and mayor put out an official welcome to the President several days ago. It was covered in the real local newspaper. During this entire thread there have been continued request to provide a link showing family members asking the President not to show up. None has been provided. The 25,000 number you are using to claim attendance at a protest rally is not what you are claiming. It is the number of persons protesting on an internet survey and not people planning to flock to Roseburg from all over the nation and even world. It has nothing to do with any actual physical protest scheduled to occur in Roseburg. Feel free to continue the lies or show a link to back up you dishonesty and prove your credibility.
actually I think there could be a substantial turnout of protestors.
and to be honest, how the rest of the city reacts is not what Im interested in. Its how the families of those murdered are going to act.
You are the one who needs to do some research, unless you are just a liar..

Now why is it that Maryland Patriot was able to do some research and found the articles to support what I said, but YOU are conveniently unable to do so and instead call me a 'liar'?!

Perhaps because you are a rabid liberal who is trying so hard to defend a pathetic narcissistic agenda-driven President who openly admitted he did not give a damn about the victims of the Oregon shooting and instead just wanted to use them as props for his own anti-gun agenda AND a President so callous and disrespectful of the victims, their families, and the community who have said they do not want to be used as his props and that he is unwelcome that he is going to show up anyway, turning a funeral meant to honor the victims into a media circus that is all about HIM and his agenda?!

I don't know who is more pathetic...Obama for doing so or anyone who would try to defend his pathetic actions!
Upon hearing there had been a shooting at UCC, without waiting to hear any of the details, without voicing any concern for the victims or their families, Obama openly declared he was politicizing the shootings and deaths to push his anti-gun agenda and encouraged others to do so as well.

Obama reached out to the father of a murdered girl and asked to meet with him and his family. The man declined, declaring he and his grieving family would NOT be USED by Obama as PROPS to push his anti-gun agenda.

After completely and immorally disrespecting the victims and their families, Obama declared he was going to attend their funerals. Since then the families, the community, has made it perfectly clear that they do NOT want Obama at their loved ones' funerals.... In response, Obama gave them al a big :fu:and declared he was coming anyway!

So What should the UCC community and families do about it?

They should just ignore him and leave him alone playing with himself.
You are the one who needs to do some research, unless you are just a liar..

Now why is it that Maryland Patriot was able to do some research and found the articles to support what I said, but YOU are conveniently unable to do so and instead call me a 'liar'?!

Perhaps because you are a rabid liberal who is trying so hard to defend a pathetic narcissistic agenda-driven President who openly admitted he did not give a damn about the victims of the Oregon shooting and instead just wanted to use them as props for his own anti-gun agenda AND a President so callous and disrespectful of the victims, their families, and the community who have said they do not want to be used as his props and that he is unwelcome that he is going to show up anyway, turning a funeral meant to honor the victims into a media circus that is all about HIM and his agenda?!

I don't know who is more pathetic...Obama for doing so or anyone who would try to defend his pathetic actions!
Articles? I saw a link to a facebook page and checked it out. The "likes" which are the only true measure of how much support the page is getting have been disabled by the administrator of the page so that there is no way to tell what kind of support the effort is getting. People are leaving both negative and positive responses. Only the administrator can delete these post. There is no way of knowing how many negative comments are being deleted.

This article from the legitimate newspaper for Roseburg is what makes you a liar. It has been out for several days and was posted here when it first came out and repeatedly referred to.


Hey, the lies might end up working. You guys may be successful in sucking some people into Roseburg to make a circus out of a tragedy. Perhaps you can meet with the Westboro Baptist Church scum bags to co-ordinate future demonstrations in the future.

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