Obama: 'I Will Veto Any Effort' To Undo Automatic Cuts


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Obama: 'I Will Veto Any Effort' To Undo Automatic Cuts
national journal ^ | Nobember 21, 2011 | George E. Condon Jr.

President Obama Monday evening blamed Republicans for the failure of the super committee to meet its deadline for a debt plan and warned that he will veto any attempt to eliminate the automatic spending cuts that go into effect with that failure.

In an appearance in the White House briefing room a little more than an hour after the committee officially conceded failure, the president said his answer to those who want to eliminate those cuts “is simple: No. I will veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off-ramps on this one.”

http://www.nationaljournal.com//sup...-any-effort-to-undo-automatic-cuts-20111121He added, “We need to keep the pressure up to compromise, not the turn off the pressure.”

I got to say that this is one of the few times I agree with Obama...This forces us the hell out of the middle east as it does what I believe we should do here. With the cuts in defense. Also cutting head long into welfare and other leftist shit!!! YAY!
Not a single bill that I kown of has been proposed to stop the automatic cuts. And last I checked 6 Democrats were on that Super Committee and refused to deal with the republicans.

But I am sure the left feels fine lying about that.
Yeah... it was all the fault of those evil, granny killing, baby eating Republicans, who wouldn't just do what the Dems told them to. How DARE they!

Did anyone think the 'Super Committee" would be anything but a super failure?

Grover Norquist made it clear, there is to be no compromise. If any Republican engaged in actual debate and sought solutons which raised taxes they would lose their job. The SC had not chance of success, six members all signed GN's pledge, taking any real debate off the table.
Yeah... it was all the fault of those evil, granny killing, baby eating Republicans, who wouldn't just do what the Dems told them to. How DARE they!


Liberal Dictionary:
Obstuctionist - Republican Charlie Brown who declines to kick the Democrat football.
Did anyone think the 'Super Committee" would be anything but a super failure?

Grover Norquist made it clear, there is to be no compromise. If any Republican engaged in actual debate and sought solutons which raised taxes they would lose their job. The SC had not chance of success, six members all signed GN's pledge, taking any real debate off the table.

You're a fucking two bit liar. The Republicans have offered many options to close many tax loopholes which essentialy raises taxes your dumbass democrats turned them down. Know why? cause obie doodle needs them to fail so he can blame his shortcomings and boy does he have a lot of those on the Republicans.. America is fed up with his shit and with your shit.. Sow.
Obama: 'I Will Veto Any Effort' To Undo Automatic Cuts
national journal ^ | Nobember 21, 2011 | George E. Condon Jr.

President Obama Monday evening blamed Republicans for the failure of the super committee to meet its deadline for a debt plan and warned that he will veto any attempt to eliminate the automatic spending cuts that go into effect with that failure.

In an appearance in the White House briefing room a little more than an hour after the committee officially conceded failure, the president said his answer to those who want to eliminate those cuts “is simple: No. I will veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off-ramps on this one.”

http://www.nationaljournal.com//sup...-any-effort-to-undo-automatic-cuts-20111121He added, “We need to keep the pressure up to compromise, not the turn off the pressure.”

I got to say that this is one of the few times I agree with Obama...This forces us the hell out of the middle east as it does what I believe we should do here. With the cuts in defense. Also cutting head long into welfare and other leftist shit!!! YAY!

Good for Obama, to bad he knew it would come to this. The Debt Deal was a Joke. The so called Automatic Cuts don't actually happen for a year, and even though its suppose to be 1.2 Trillion over 10 years, It is only 68 Billion the first year.

leaving 2 Years in which Future Congresses can change the deal.

Total Joke, and everyone, Including Obama is to blame for this mess.
Oh, by the way,

even if Obama is defeated in 2012, he'll still be president when the Bush tax cuts expire in December 2012 -

he and his veto pen have the GOP by the balls on that. He can veto another extension and make the new president try to get them past a Democratic filibuster.

lol, what a turnabout that would be.
Not a single bill that I kown of has been proposed to stop the automatic cuts. And last I checked 6 Democrats were on that Super Committee and refused to deal with the republicans.

But I am sure the left feels fine lying about that.

Exactly ... wasnt that the purpose for 6 and 6 ? So the republicans wouldn't budge you say ... well it seems the dems didnt budge either so how does that become the republicans fault ... unbeleiveable
Not a single bill that I kown of has been proposed to stop the automatic cuts. And last I checked 6 Democrats were on that Super Committee and refused to deal with the republicans.

But I am sure the left feels fine lying about that.

You checked? And where exactly did you 'check' that might make you claim sound like something other than horseshit?
Oh, by the way,

even if Obama is defeated in 2012, he'll still be president when the Bush tax cuts expire in December 2012 -

he and his veto pen have the GOP by the balls on that. He can veto another extension and make the new president try to get them past a Democratic filibuster.

lol, what a turnabout that would be.

He lets the Bush Tax cuts expire he raises taxes on everybody.. there won't be a demoncrat fillibuster..
I saw that. He looks like he's about had it with the obstruction.
The only thing Congress is obstructing is Obama's push to communize this free country.

It (communism) is a failed system, and if Obama succeeds in any way, you will know hunger in your lifetime like you've never even read about.
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