Obama I got it right the first time thread


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Try it again? Try what again. People go around talking about Obama like he's something; like he's not an imposter. I said from the start this guy was no good. There's nothing to try again.

This is just stuff off the top of my head:

* I knew that Obama would f up healthcare. He said things that just were economically egregious. And when a politician defies basic economics to make promises that people want to hear, then that's bad writing on the wall.

* Obama talked about cutting the deficit in half but gave no specifics on how to do it. No surprise that that then didn't happen.

* Obama endorsed bailouts and so-called stimuluses. And there was no accounting of the money, none. He literally gave billions of dollars to his benefactors for nothing.

* Obama used the BP gulf oil spill to create a $20 billion slush fund.

* Obama took over GM and made sure that union fat cats weren't punished for f'ing up their companies. He also lined bankers pockets with bailout money.

* Obama funded the Syrian Rebels and abandoned Iraq paving the road for the ISIS genocide.

* Obama supported The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt; but the people had their own ideas of what was right.

* Benghazi. We all know about those lies.

* Things that don't get attention is house sale commissions going to to government healthcare? WTF!

* Taxing healthy people for not buying worthless products? That's mafia style politics right there.

* Obama appointed total nimrods to the Supreme Court.

* Obama has lied about immigration numbers and continued to allow lawlessness.

* Obama gave guns to the Mexican cartels.

* Obama used the IRS to harass people. And was ever so often the case, e-mails disappeared and the DOJ did not prosecute.

* Obama spies on every day Americans.

* Obama illegal raised funds oversees during the 2012 election and ballot box stuffed to turn a loss into an easy victory.

* Obama has continued to allow Iran to build nuclear weapons.

* Obama has bowed to Saudi Arabia both literally and effectively.

* Obama's implementation of Common Core is a joke that subverts the educational process.

* Obama has controlled the media and even had non-compliant ones killed.

* Rejection of Keystone

* The massive increases in food stamps and disability claims.

* Real Unemployment skyrocketing.

* Dude's not even an American citizen; and despite his false claims to be Christian, he has fought against Christians.

* Etc.
well it's been a know fact everything this moron touches turns to doo doo.

did ya here josh ernest today. ahhh, well, we're not going to light our hair on fire.
Tell that to the mother of a dead marine ...oops he already did, Benghazi.
well it's been a know fact everything this moron touches turns to doo doo.

did ya here josh ernest today. ahhh, well, we're not going to light our hair on fire.
Tell that to the mother of a dead marine ...oops he already did, Benghazi.

It isn't necessarily obamas fault because Everything government touches turns to crap.
well it's been a know fact everything this moron touches turns to doo doo.

did ya here josh ernest today. ahhh, well, we're not going to light our hair on fire.
Tell that to the mother of a dead marine ...oops he already did, Benghazi.

It isn't necessarily obamas fault because Everything government touches turns to crap.

Plenty of scoundrels in govt. But the president sets the bar of what's allowed and not allowed.
Unions ruined GM? They designed the wrong cars for the wrong people?
* Obama funded the Syrian Rebels and abandoned Iraq paving the road for the ISIS genocide.
He didn't "abandon" Iraq. President Bush signed the SOFA agreeing to withdrawel from cities by June 2009 and Obama extended that to August 2010.

* Obama appointed total nimrods to the Supreme Court.
Not my favorites, but Thomas and then Ginsberg are the biggest partisans.

* Obama has lied about immigration numbers and continued to allow lawlessness.
Eh, slightly different method of measuring. Creative, but not lies.

* Obama spies on every day Americans.
Personally? Wow, busy guy.

* Obama has continued to allow Iran to build nuclear weapons.
No, he hasn't

* Obama's implementation of Common Core is a joke that subverts the educational process.
Obama has not "implemented" Common Core. It's not a Federal program and the Federal government has nothing to do with it.

* Real Unemployment skyrocketing.
No it's not. Oh....are you one of those people who want to classify retirees, disabled and people who don't want to work as unemployed?
* Obama funded the Syrian Rebels and abandoned Iraq paving the road for the ISIS genocide.
He didn't "abandon" Iraq. President Bush signed the SOFA agreeing to withdrawel from cities by June 2009 and Obama extended that to August 2010.

* Obama appointed total nimrods to the Supreme Court.
Not my favorites, but Thomas and then Ginsberg are the biggest partisans.

* Obama has lied about immigration numbers and continued to allow lawlessness.
Eh, slightly different method of measuring. Creative, but not lies.

* Obama spies on every day Americans.
Personally? Wow, busy guy.

* Obama has continued to allow Iran to build nuclear weapons.
No, he hasn't

* Obama's implementation of Common Core is a joke that subverts the educational process.
Obama has not "implemented" Common Core. It's not a Federal program and the Federal government has nothing to do with it.

* Real Unemployment skyrocketing.
No it's not. Oh....are you one of those people who want to classify retirees, disabled and people who don't want to work as unemployed?

* No....Obama left Iraq and the fallout was immediate. He had campaigned on leaving Iraq and decided that a sea of dead Middle East Christians ignored by the media was better than body counts of relatively few American soldiers. One could make the case that it was the right decision if a premium is placed on American lives. But all this nonsense that we couldn't have stayed is partisan talk.

* You doing the ostrich with the head in the sand? We know that the Obama regime has extensively spied on Americans. It's sickening. A total betrayal of liberty. Some think we're being 'safe.' All's we're doing is taking the next steps towards a KGB style police state.

* Dude, everyone and their dog knows that Iran is getting closer to having nukes.

* Yes, common core is implemented at the state level. But it's tied to major federal funding, which is why nearly every state adopted it over night without any vetting whatsoever.

* That's rich that it's about retirees? :lmao: And the disabled are on disability. No, people are more and more underemployed or not counted in the unemployment metrics. Those are facts. There are plenty of sources on this. Your rebuttal is nothing more than nuh uh.
well it's been a know fact everything this moron touches turns to doo doo.

did ya here josh ernest today. ahhh, well, we're not going to light our hair on fire.
Tell that to the mother of a dead marine ...oops he already did, Benghazi.

It isn't necessarily obamas fault because Everything government touches turns to crap.

Plenty of scoundrels in govt. But the president sets the bar of what's allowed and not allowed.

This parasite has buried the bar.

His sycophantic loons are doing everything they can to keep it from being dug up.

* Obama funded the Syrian Rebels and abandoned Iraq paving the road for the ISIS genocide.
He didn't "abandon" Iraq. President Bush signed the SOFA agreeing to withdrawel from cities by June 2009 and Obama extended that to August 2010.

* Obama appointed total nimrods to the Supreme Court.
Not my favorites, but Thomas and then Ginsberg are the biggest partisans.

* Obama has lied about immigration numbers and continued to allow lawlessness.
Eh, slightly different method of measuring. Creative, but not lies.

* Obama spies on every day Americans.
Personally? Wow, busy guy.

* Obama has continued to allow Iran to build nuclear weapons.
No, he hasn't

* Obama's implementation of Common Core is a joke that subverts the educational process.
Obama has not "implemented" Common Core. It's not a Federal program and the Federal government has nothing to do with it.

* Real Unemployment skyrocketing.
No it's not. Oh....are you one of those people who want to classify retirees, disabled and people who don't want to work as unemployed?
Denying reality is a libtard trait, libtard.

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