Obama hits Americans when they're down


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
All of Obama's anti-oil policies and political decisions are going to really hurt the middle class with these higher gas prices. Why does he want us to be poorer?

Anti Oil?
Then why has production INCREASED under his watch?


They just love it when the people who run the world with their money try to push the people arround
yeah the monied interests are winning.

does it warm the cockles of your heart?
This will drive up food prices too. Let the middle class eat Mr. President!
Of course it will drive up prices and you will cheer becasue you love it when the monied interests cracks their whips and make you bleed
Of course it will drive up prices and you will cheer becasue you love it when the monied interests cracks their whips and make you bleed

What is your suggestion for bringing our economies life blood back to a price that will not kill our economy oh great one?
I know what your plan is FR.

lick the arabs asses and beg for more whipping from the monied interrests
When you include the tax breaks for the oil companies, the environment damage done by fossil fuels, and the trillions we spend in the Middle East protecting the oil supply with our military, the real cost of a gallon of gas is probably closer to $15.

If we switched to alternative energy and conservation, we wouldn't have all these additional costs.

Anti Oil?
Then why has production INCREASED under his watch?



Price is going up. Nice chart, may you enjoy it with the higher prices.

Well it just blew your argument to shit. Production is up.

Now why do you suppose prices are up? Which "anti-oil" policy caused that one?

The Iran sanctions?

No clueless one. Iranian oil goes to Europe and other places. We get our oil from the US, Mexico and Canada primarily. Obama made Canadian oil harder to get here. Prices are up, so obviously production isn't high enough.

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