*Obama Has To Chip In Into His Own Campaign:LOL!!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Ahhh shit, thats the breaks.
2. Obama haaas to put into the campaign budget,..!!!!!!!
3. Not enough people donate, so he is going broke,..ahhh shoot!
4. I would like to see him go broke this campaign, flat broke!
5. Link:Obama donates to himself - POLITICO.com


President Obama has given $5,000 to his own reelection campaign, an official confirms to POLITICO.

In an email to supporters this morning, Obama said that he had given to his own reelection campaign for the first time as a symbolic gesture.

"On its own, what I gave won't be enough to surmount the unprecedented fundraising we've seen on the other side, both from our opponent's campaign and from the outside groups and special interests supporting him," Obama wrote. "But we have always believed that there's nothing we can't do when we all pitch in. That includes me."

6. This could be the *Best Election Year Ever*!!!

After Obama won, I remember liberals telling us his Experience running such a Successful Campaign alone showed he was ready for the Job.

So now that his Campaign is bleeding money and running a Huge Deficit Just like the Country he is running, are we allowed to think that might be a sign he not qualified to run a country?

After Obama won, I remember liberals telling us his Experience running such a Successful Campaign alone showed he was ready for the Job.

So now that his Campaign is bleeding money and running a Huge Deficit Just like the Country he is running, are we allowed to think that might be a sign he not qualified to run a country?


His campaign isn't running a "huge deficit", nor is it "bleeding money". He's out-raised Romney 2-1, and has nearly 5 times the cash on hand.

I don't know where you're getting your information from.

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