Obama going around Congress... to speed up EPA and other agencies???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama Says He’ll Bypass Congress to Get Elements of Jobs Plan

“There are some in Washington who don’t seem to share the same sense of urgency” about the economy, he told a crowd of mostly students at the University of Colorado’s Denver campus.
“How can you say no to creating jobs when so many people are looking for work?”

Obama Says He’ll Bypass Congress to Get Elements of Jobs Plan - Businessweek

Now my question to Obama is WHY NOW?

Why has he been waiting if he was so concerned about jobs.
Why was he waiting for Congress if it was so urgent?

I mean there is NO need for Congress/ their legislation..
all Obama has to do is in HIS OWN words:

Obama also said that he was instructing his staff to move forward on job-creating initiatives without congressional approval where possible.
The White House announced steps to speed environmental and other regulatory approvals for 14 public works projects across the country."

Why if it was his EPA and other regulatory agencies not going fast enough why is that CONGRESS' fault?
If Obama ADMITS he has to "speed up" EPA, et.al. in his administration doesn't that mean that HIS ADMINISTRATION is doing what most businesses are complaining about as to why they aren't hiring.. i.e. more rules, red tape and regulations?

I mean explain to me how any office would hire more people if OSHA says the following:

For example are you aware that PER OSHA "water closet" means a toilet facility maintained within a toilet room for the purpose of both defecation and urination and which is flushed with water.
Minimum number of Number of employees water closets
1 to 15.................................................... 1
16 to 35................................................... 2
36 to 55................................................... 3
56 to 80................................................... 4

OSHA requires if a business has 1 water closet for 15 workers
by hiring just ONE worker or 16 the business owner
must have 2 water closets!

Sanitation. - 1910.141

So OSHA admits that if a business wants to hire more people they have to put more bathrooms IN!!!
Electioneering. No lie, no illegal activity, no Unconstitutional move is to much for Obama. And the left eats it up.

He has lost most of the undecideds and so his latest antics are an attempt to win them back. And I suspect it won't work even with the left leaning press on his side. You see even though he can count on the Senate to NOT do anything no matter how illegal he gets, the people may just find his Unconstitutional activities a bad thing when they realize if they let HIM do it the next President no matter party will be free to do it also.
I would really like someone to ask Obama the next time he says "We can't wait"..
why does his administration have to 'speed" up a process that seems to delay job creation?
I mean almost everyone has heard the horror stories of the EPA thwarting businesses that wanted to expand..i.e. biggest story Shell being shut down in Alaska after spending over $4 billion only to be stopped because of a village 70 miles away possibly being exposed to a Shell plan to control supply ships waste that wasn't approved by the EPA! Instead of working with Shell.. EPA shut them down!
Hundreds of jobs eliminated all because of a stupid report.. not filed!

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