Obama goes off to campaign and tour multiple states as Issac barrels down on gulf coa

Isn't it like an unwritten rule that when one of the parties are having their National Convention, that the other party doesn't campaign? I heard it's always been that way....so Obama shouldn't be campaigning right now until the Republican convention is over. But of course Obama's never cared about rules anyway.....
Isn't it like an unwritten rule that when one of the parties are having their National Convention, that the other party doesn't campaign? I heard it's always been that way....so Obama shouldn't be campaigning right now until the Republican convention is over. But of course Obama's never cared about rules anyway.....

Shows his utterly classless persona. The guy has no shame, his Narcissistic Personality Disorder prevents him from thinking about anyone but himself, period.

He doesn't even deserve the title of "thug", he's nothing but a Chicago punk. A gang member that used the political system for personal gain since his Choom Gang days.
Isn't it like an unwritten rule that when one of the parties are having their National Convention, that the other party doesn't campaign? I heard it's always been that way....so Obama shouldn't be campaigning right now until the Republican convention is over. But of course Obama's never cared about rules anyway.....

That's because he is worried about losing this election and he is going to throw out the rules.
Can you believe the outrage of it Ravi? Like the GOPERS Obama is so heartless huh?


barrels down


Isaac: Storm nears hurricane strength as it moves toward New Orleans - The Washington Post

Isaac, once an unorganized and fast-moving storm, has slowed down considerably, plodding northwest at just 7 mph.

Granted, the flooding poses a threat, but the levees have been fortified by the Army Corps of Engineers...still our president did caution residents to take heed of warnings. Meanwhile, back at the gop:

With Isaac bearing down, Republican leaders at the party’s national convention in Tampa have been left to walk a delicate political tightrope: trying to bash President Obama’s handling of the economy and spotlight the GOP challenger, Mitt Romney, while potentially sharing broadcast time with scenes of hurricane devastation and the Obama administration’s response to it.

Can you believe the outrage of it Ravi? Like the GOPERS Obama is so heartless huh?


But FEMA's got it handled, they've been called in for a Cat 1 hurricane (maybe only a tropical storm). The Dems are looking a little foolish politicizing a storm. It's all they've got, their guy can't run on his record, he's using Isaac's. :eusa_whistle:

You've disobeyed the unwritten rules of the gop. Here you are blatantly contradicting the OP, :nono:


The Dems are looking a little foolish politicizing a storm.

But, but, but...

Rush Limbaugh blames Obama for Hurricane Isaac — RT

Why exactly is Limbaugh so heated up about the storm? He claims, obviously, that it is being orchestrated as part of a major Democratic conspiracy.

“They are desperately hoping, they are so desperately hoping for Tampa,” he says. “The media…I can see Obama sending FEMA in in advance of the hurricane hitting Tampa so that the Republican convention is nothing but a bunch of tents in Tampa. A bunch of RVs and stuff. Make it look like a disaster area before the hurricane even hits there.”

So there you have it. The president is hacking the planet’s weather for the sake of soaking a few of his opponents. At least it’s a very imaginative idea, Rush.

In all fairness, we're really not expecting much from this.... So, I can't really come down on him on this one.
We're ready!!


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The classic toddler thread.

"Some of you did it once, so now we are doing it"

This really goes a long way for making Neo-nitwits look like the fools that they are.


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