Obama Gets Away With Some WHOPPERS At By-Invite-Only Anti-Gun Twon Hall Mtg


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama gets away with some whoppers on guns at town hall event | Fox News

"President Obama’s appearance at a town hall meeting Thursday night on “Guns in America” was an orchestrated performance by invitation only. But event, hosted by CNN at George Mason University, saw anchor Anderson Cooper continually surprise the president. (Nothing like 'stacking' your own 'deck'.)

Cooper demonstrated a deft command of the facts related to the gun issue and that came through with his guests and in his questions—though, as the evening unfolded, he continually let the president get away with untruths about his past positions."

REVEALING: 'Obama, Have you ever owned a gun?'
Cooper began by asking President Obama if he’d ever owned a gun. Mr. Obama sat up in surprise and said “no.” He tried to make it sound like he was adept at firing shotguns while skeet shooting at Martha's Vineyard, but his terminology exposed the fact that he doesn't know what he's talking about. It seems he does know which way the end where the 'bullets' come out gets pointed.

QUESTION: Taya Kyle, the wife of the late “American Sniper” Chris Kyle, pointed out that while the murder rate is at an all-time low, gun ownership is at an all time high. And then she asked, “Why not celebrate who we are?”

OBAMA RESPONSE: "President Obama began shifting on his stool and searching for words to lawyer his way out of these basic facts. He finally pointed out that national trends don’t necessarily hold true in all locales, but he never had to answer why the areas with the strictest gun controls tend to have the highest murder rates."
--- Too much of an 'inconvenient truth' for Obama to address...

QUESTION: Rape survivor, Kimberly Corban, said, “I have been unspeakably vandalized once already” before asking 'Why shouldn’t I be able to carry a gun to protect myself?'

OBAMA RESPONSE: President Obama was really uncomfortable then. He began back peddling and said his current executive actions won’t interfere with her right to carry a gun. But he never had to explain that he has supported bans on concealed-carry permits.

GUILT OF OMISSION: President Obama also repeatedly said that people can “just go on the Internet and buy whatever weapon they want.”

WHAT OBAMA INTENTIONALLY LEFT / LEAVES OUT: He was never forced to explain and never mentions that any gun bought from a dealer over the Internet has to be sent to a local dealer that by law has to perform a background check before they can transfer the gun.

- "Sheriff Paul Babue pushed Obama on how his proposals wouldn’t solve recent mass shootings. Cooper even broke in to say that “none of the guns used in recent mass shootings, I should point out, were purchased from legal dealers.”

"President Obama didn’t have a clear answer to say why he isn’t swayed by these facts. He meandered before saying, “The young man who killed those children in Newtown didn’t have a criminal record but he had access to an arsenal.” He referred to an attack in China where a person attacked people with a knife and said “the vast majority survived because he wasn’t wielding a semiautomatic.”
-- Again, Cooper allowed President Obama to escape an obvious allusion to the fact that he would like to ban semiautomatic firearms."

The president was also allowed to get away with a big lie on “smart-guns.” President Obama said, “[Smart Gun technology] has not been developed primarily because it has been blocked by the NRA” and firearms manufacturers.

"This is a clear and provable fabrication by President Obama. As I detail, with interviews with many gun makers, law makers and gun experts in my book “The Future of the Gun,” the NRA and the NSSF, to name two pro-Second Amendment groups, have statements on their websites saying they are not opposed to “smart-gun” technology. All the manufacturers, the NRA leadership and more, point to laws that seek to mandate smart-gun technology—regulations previously backed by the Obama administration—that are what is impeding smart-gun development. Even “60 Minutes” noted this, and pointed out a New Jersey law on the books that would do this, in a recent report."

"President Obama said early on in the town hall event that “people occupy different realities.”
- Anyone who watched CNN’s “Guns in America” was certainly left with the conclusion that in Obama’s chosen reality he wishes he could, with a stroke of his pen, pass European-style gun controls in America."

Despite the audience being there setting Obama back on his heels a few times and calling him out on some of his claims, the REASON why Obama's 'anti-gun' Town Hall Meeting was by 'Invite Only' was obvious - so actual experts and people who knew Obama was lying, avoiding, and holding back from telling the whole truth would not be there.

The one big question, FACT, that Obama can NOT avoid is that NONE of his ideas, aimed at the law-abiding citizens of this country, would have prevented any of the mass killings, crimes, or terrorist attacks he has allowed to happen on US soil nor will they prevent them in the future.

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Read the article on Huff Post about it this morning, and how the wild-eyed, crazy Cooper kept bring up weird questions to ask Obama, wasting his, and everyone elses time.

I watched some of it. It was a sad affair, what with Obama whining about having confiscation conspiracies pinned him, and yet in the same breath holding up the UK and Australia as ideals.

And what did the UK and Australia do? Confiscated weapons. Duh.

Never here.

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