Obama Election, The End of Sovereignty


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The American Patriots Have Lost to the Globalists.

1. It follows logically that those of us who believe that America is exceptional, in its history, its accomplishments, and its singularity, would revel in same, and desire to perpetuate it...

....but those who despise America, believe that America was founded by racists and slaveholders, that it is an imperialist nation, that 35 million Americans go hungry, that it invades countries for corporate profits, and that it is largely racist and xenophobic, wish to transform it.
These, the Leftists, wish for global governance….the end of our sovereignty.

2. Flying under the radar in this election is the fact that it ensconced progressives…and that doesn’t just mean Democrats, in charge. Listen to them speak:

a.Strobe Talbot, president of the Brookings Institution, has written that he welcomed ‘super-national political authority,’ saying "In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all."

b.Harold Koh, chief legal adviser of the State Department, and the legal authority of the government on foreign legal policy, states that the Supreme Court "must play a key role in coordinating U.S. domestic constitutional rules with rules of foreign and international law," The only way for the Supreme Court to do that "coordinating" is to subordinate the real American Constitution to ever-evolving rules of foreign and international law.

c.Richard Haass, Republican, president of the Council on Foreign Relations “… states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies if the international system is to function…. sovereignty must be redefined if states are to cope with globalization.”

d. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended the use of foreign law by American judges,...American hostility to the consideration of foreign law, she said, “is a passing phase.” http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/12/us/12ginsburg.html

3. When we consider the abrupt changes in Europe, we should be concerned about the lack of consensus in our own country regarding. The following from a speech by Jeremy Rabkin, professor of law, George Mason School of Law, June 5, 2009 at Washington, D.C. on the importance of constitutional sovereignty....

a. Had we ratified the Kyoto Protocol we would have delegated the authority over huge areas of public policy to international authorities, i.e. the lost of constitutional treaty making powers. But the Obama administration is aiming to negotiate a new treaty along those lines.

b. There is the thinking that 'human rights law' transcends the laws of particular countries, even those pertaining to national defense. But who should set the standards- especially against terrorists?

c. People who expect to retain the benefits of sovereignty- such as defense and protection of rights, without constitutional discipline, without retaining responsibility for their own legal system, are putting all their faith in words or in the idea that as long as we say nice things about humanity, we will be safe. Sounds as good as incantations and witchcraft.

d. In Medellin vs. Texas (2008), the International Court of Justice ruled that Texas could not execute a convicted murderer. The Supreme Court ruled that decisions of the International Court of Justice are not binding domestic law. The vote was 6 to 3 (Souter, Breyer, Ginsburg). How long before the Supreme Court throws out the Constitution?

e. In May, 2009 Spanish judges are boldly declaring their authority to prosecute high-ranking government officials in the United States, but our government has not protested this nonsense, akin to piracy, and has, in fact, accepted an internationalist atmosphere which makes this sort of thing seem plausible.

6. Tragically, this is the position Obama voters have created.

Unable to judge the future, these voters, these Brutuses, have left the rest of us in the position of one day saying...

..'Forgive them, they knew not what they did.'
Relax Chic,
The only way the US political system becomes socialist is if we allow 30,000,000 illegals the right to vote. Then the capitalists bail, and the system economic collapses. As long as the GOP controls the House, the dollar should be sound, the US should fix the economy, and the $16-$20T Debt should get more manageable.
IMHO this next "big deal" should be like the 1993 deal whereby the rich pay a little more, defense gets cut, and the entitlements get scaled back to reality.

There is no benefit to anyone to see the US economy become like Greece. Either we go over the cliff to fix the spending, or we get a Simpson-Bowles type deal...
Relax Chic,
The only way the US political system becomes socialist is if we allow 30,000,000 illegals the right to vote. Then the capitalists bail, and the system economic collapses. As long as the GOP controls the House, the dollar should be sound, the US should fix the economy, and the $16-$20T Debt should get more manageable.
IMHO this next "big deal" should be like the 1993 deal whereby the rich pay a little more, defense gets cut, and the entitlements get scaled back to reality.

There is no benefit to anyone to see the US economy become like Greece. Either we go over the cliff to fix the spending, or we get a Simpson-Bowles type deal...

Don’t you realize that there is little to be gained by a ‘kyz-r’ without a cause-a?

Imagine you saying to Paul Revere ‘Relax Paul,
The only way the US political system is lost…..”

As Rabkin showed, in his speech:
1. One can see that it is possible to lose sovereignty quickly. Consider the European Union. It began in 1957 when six countries signed a treaty agreeing that they would cooperate on certain economic matters. They established the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg to interpret disputes about the treaty.

a. In the 1960’s the Court decreed that if acts of national parliament’s acts came into conflict with the treaty, the treaty would take precedence!

b. In the 1970’s the Court stated that it had precedence over national constitutions!

c. Today, whatever regulations are cranked out by the bureaucrats at the European Commission supersede both parliamentary statutes and national constitutions. This includes any questions about basic rights.

d. Neither does the EU have a constitution, nor does the EU have an army or police force for common control of its borders. Thus it has political superiority over member states, but declines to be responsible for its defense. Inherent in this idea of transcending nation-states is the idea that defense is unimportant.

Obama will get to appoint Supreme Court justices….and they will be of the Ginsburg variety.
Our sovereignty is doomed.

Hardly! Agitate!!! Excite!!
Relax Chic,
The only way the US political system becomes socialist is if we allow 30,000,000 illegals the right to vote. Then the capitalists bail, and the system economic collapses. As long as the GOP controls the House, the dollar should be sound, the US should fix the economy, and the $16-$20T Debt should get more manageable.
IMHO this next "big deal" should be like the 1993 deal whereby the rich pay a little more, defense gets cut, and the entitlements get scaled back to reality.

There is no benefit to anyone to see the US economy become like Greece. Either we go over the cliff to fix the spending, or we get a Simpson-Bowles type deal...

Don’t you realize that there is little to be gained by a ‘kyz-r’ without a cause-a?

Imagine you saying to Paul Revere ‘Relax Paul,
The only way the US political system is lost…..”

As Rabkin showed, in his speech:
1. One can see that it is possible to lose sovereignty quickly. Consider the European Union. It began in 1957 when six countries signed a treaty agreeing that they would cooperate on certain economic matters. They established the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg to interpret disputes about the treaty.

a. In the 1960’s the Court decreed that if acts of national parliament’s acts came into conflict with the treaty, the treaty would take precedence!

b. In the 1970’s the Court stated that it had precedence over national constitutions!

c. Today, whatever regulations are cranked out by the bureaucrats at the European Commission supersede both parliamentary statutes and national constitutions. This includes any questions about basic rights.

d. Neither does the EU have a constitution, nor does the EU have an army or police force for common control of its borders. Thus it has political superiority over member states, but declines to be responsible for its defense. Inherent in this idea of transcending nation-states is the idea that defense is unimportant.

Obama will get to appoint Supreme Court justices….and they will be of the Ginsburg variety.
Our sovereignty is doomed.

Hardly! Agitate!!! Excite!!

Maybe I'm not seeing the threat, but in general nothing is as good or as bad as it seems.

We survived a liberal USSC court before, and we'll survive them again. We DO HAVE a Constitution that they can't toss out. We also have many states that won't go liberal.

My biggest fear is that the "maggot/taxpayer" ratio will explode, the Debt will become unmanageable, and the US economy will collapse. I'm all for going over the cliff and getting the Budget more in balance. Otherwise, it will get very depression-like.

If not "relax" wait and see if the DC whores do their jobs and either pass "Simpson-Bowles" or go over the cliff and deal with sequestration.
Relax Chic,
The only way the US political system becomes socialist is if we allow 30,000,000 illegals the right to vote. Then the capitalists bail, and the system economic collapses. As long as the GOP controls the House, the dollar should be sound, the US should fix the economy, and the $16-$20T Debt should get more manageable.
IMHO this next "big deal" should be like the 1993 deal whereby the rich pay a little more, defense gets cut, and the entitlements get scaled back to reality.

There is no benefit to anyone to see the US economy become like Greece. Either we go over the cliff to fix the spending, or we get a Simpson-Bowles type deal...


You nutters just crack me up. Every time one of you screeches about the sky falling, the number of illegals goes up.
The American Patriots Have Lost to the Globalists.

1. It follows logically that those of us who believe that America is exceptional, in its history, its accomplishments, and its singularity, would revel in same, and desire to perpetuate it...

....but those who despise America, believe that America was founded by racists and slaveholders, that it is an imperialist nation, that 35 million Americans go hungry, that it invades countries for corporate profits, and that it is largely racist and xenophobic, wish to transform it.
These, the Leftists, wish for global governance….the end of our sovereignty.

2. Flying under the radar in this election is the fact that it ensconced progressives…and that doesn’t just mean Democrats, in charge. Listen to them speak:

a.Strobe Talbot, president of the Brookings Institution, has written that he welcomed ‘super-national political authority,’ saying "In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all."

b.Harold Koh, chief legal adviser of the State Department, and the legal authority of the government on foreign legal policy, states that the Supreme Court "must play a key role in coordinating U.S. domestic constitutional rules with rules of foreign and international law," The only way for the Supreme Court to do that "coordinating" is to subordinate the real American Constitution to ever-evolving rules of foreign and international law.

c.Richard Haass, Republican, president of the Council on Foreign Relations “… states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies if the international system is to function…. sovereignty must be redefined if states are to cope with globalization.”

d. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended the use of foreign law by American judges,...American hostility to the consideration of foreign law, she said, “is a passing phase.” http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/12/us/12ginsburg.html

3. When we consider the abrupt changes in Europe, we should be concerned about the lack of consensus in our own country regarding. The following from a speech by Jeremy Rabkin, professor of law, George Mason School of Law, June 5, 2009 at Washington, D.C. on the importance of constitutional sovereignty....

a. Had we ratified the Kyoto Protocol we would have delegated the authority over huge areas of public policy to international authorities, i.e. the lost of constitutional treaty making powers. But the Obama administration is aiming to negotiate a new treaty along those lines.

b. There is the thinking that 'human rights law' transcends the laws of particular countries, even those pertaining to national defense. But who should set the standards- especially against terrorists?

c. People who expect to retain the benefits of sovereignty- such as defense and protection of rights, without constitutional discipline, without retaining responsibility for their own legal system, are putting all their faith in words or in the idea that as long as we say nice things about humanity, we will be safe. Sounds as good as incantations and witchcraft.

d. In Medellin vs. Texas (2008), the International Court of Justice ruled that Texas could not execute a convicted murderer. The Supreme Court ruled that decisions of the International Court of Justice are not binding domestic law. The vote was 6 to 3 (Souter, Breyer, Ginsburg). How long before the Supreme Court throws out the Constitution?

e. In May, 2009 Spanish judges are boldly declaring their authority to prosecute high-ranking government officials in the United States, but our government has not protested this nonsense, akin to piracy, and has, in fact, accepted an internationalist atmosphere which makes this sort of thing seem plausible.

6. Tragically, this is the position Obama voters have created.

Unable to judge the future, these voters, these Brutuses, have left the rest of us in the position of one day saying...

..'Forgive them, they knew not what they did.'

1. More like

2. the end of sanity

3. for many

4. on the right.
Relax Chic,
The only way the US political system becomes socialist is if we allow 30,000,000 illegals the right to vote. Then the capitalists bail, and the system economic collapses. As long as the GOP controls the House, the dollar should be sound, the US should fix the economy, and the $16-$20T Debt should get more manageable.
IMHO this next "big deal" should be like the 1993 deal whereby the rich pay a little more, defense gets cut, and the entitlements get scaled back to reality.

There is no benefit to anyone to see the US economy become like Greece. Either we go over the cliff to fix the spending, or we get a Simpson-Bowles type deal...

Don’t you realize that there is little to be gained by a ‘kyz-r’ without a cause-a?

Imagine you saying to Paul Revere ‘Relax Paul,
The only way the US political system is lost…..”

As Rabkin showed, in his speech:
1. One can see that it is possible to lose sovereignty quickly. Consider the European Union. It began in 1957 when six countries signed a treaty agreeing that they would cooperate on certain economic matters. They established the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg to interpret disputes about the treaty.

a. In the 1960’s the Court decreed that if acts of national parliament’s acts came into conflict with the treaty, the treaty would take precedence!

b. In the 1970’s the Court stated that it had precedence over national constitutions!

c. Today, whatever regulations are cranked out by the bureaucrats at the European Commission supersede both parliamentary statutes and national constitutions. This includes any questions about basic rights.

d. Neither does the EU have a constitution, nor does the EU have an army or police force for common control of its borders. Thus it has political superiority over member states, but declines to be responsible for its defense. Inherent in this idea of transcending nation-states is the idea that defense is unimportant.

Obama will get to appoint Supreme Court justices….and they will be of the Ginsburg variety.
Our sovereignty is doomed.

Hardly! Agitate!!! Excite!!

Maybe I'm not seeing the threat, but in general nothing is as good or as bad as it seems.

We survived a liberal USSC court before, and we'll survive them again. We DO HAVE a Constitution that they can't toss out. We also have many states that won't go liberal.

My biggest fear is that the "maggot/taxpayer" ratio will explode, the Debt will become unmanageable, and the US economy will collapse. I'm all for going over the cliff and getting the Budget more in balance. Otherwise, it will get very depression-like.

If not "relax" wait and see if the DC whores do their jobs and either pass "Simpson-Bowles" or go over the cliff and deal with sequestration.

1. "We DO HAVE a Constitution that they can't toss out..."
I only wish.

If that were the case, how could the chief executive obviate a law passed by Congress...I have in mind the Clinton era welfare act, which required actual work as ascertained by a paycheck....altered by an Obama executive order.

2. "the Debt will become unmanageable, and the US economy will collapse.."
I understand your concerns center on the economy and domestic policy....
...but perhaps I failed to make clear in the OP that the particular issues of this thread deal with our sovereignty.....without which the Constitution becomes even less a factor in America.

a. Loss of sovereignty means the loss of majority rule, limited through the restrictions of the Constitution: separation of powers, federalism, and limited government.

3. The global governance movement claims precedence over a wide area of issues: budget practices, law enforcement, criminal law, criminal law, school curriculum, textbooks, immigration, border enforcement, healthcare, parental care, discipline of children, employment, multilingualism, gender composition of government bodies, among others. UN Human Rights treaties address all of the above.

a. Imagine unelected UN bureaucrats deciding for Americans in all of the areas above.
Obama voters were unconcerned and ignorant of these results.

I'd be happy to give examples of same currently at issue.

Agitated yet?
Don’t you realize that there is little to be gained by a ‘kyz-r’ without a cause-a?

Imagine you saying to Paul Revere ‘Relax Paul,
The only way the US political system is lost…..”

As Rabkin showed, in his speech:
1. One can see that it is possible to lose sovereignty quickly. Consider the European Union. It began in 1957 when six countries signed a treaty agreeing that they would cooperate on certain economic matters. They established the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg to interpret disputes about the treaty.

a. In the 1960’s the Court decreed that if acts of national parliament’s acts came into conflict with the treaty, the treaty would take precedence!

b. In the 1970’s the Court stated that it had precedence over national constitutions!

c. Today, whatever regulations are cranked out by the bureaucrats at the European Commission supersede both parliamentary statutes and national constitutions. This includes any questions about basic rights.

d. Neither does the EU have a constitution, nor does the EU have an army or police force for common control of its borders. Thus it has political superiority over member states, but declines to be responsible for its defense. Inherent in this idea of transcending nation-states is the idea that defense is unimportant.

Obama will get to appoint Supreme Court justices….and they will be of the Ginsburg variety.
Our sovereignty is doomed.

Hardly! Agitate!!! Excite!!

Maybe I'm not seeing the threat, but in general nothing is as good or as bad as it seems.

We survived a liberal USSC court before, and we'll survive them again. We DO HAVE a Constitution that they can't toss out. We also have many states that won't go liberal.

My biggest fear is that the "maggot/taxpayer" ratio will explode, the Debt will become unmanageable, and the US economy will collapse. I'm all for going over the cliff and getting the Budget more in balance. Otherwise, it will get very depression-like.

If not "relax" wait and see if the DC whores do their jobs and either pass "Simpson-Bowles" or go over the cliff and deal with sequestration.

1. "We DO HAVE a Constitution that they can't toss out..."
I only wish.

If that were the case, how could the chief executive obviate a law passed by Congress...I have in mind the Clinton era welfare act, which required actual work as ascertained by a paycheck....altered by an Obama executive order.

2. "the Debt will become unmanageable, and the US economy will collapse.."
I understand your concerns center on the economy and domestic policy....
...but perhaps I failed to make clear in the OP that the particular issues of this thread deal with our sovereignty.....without which the Constitution becomes even less a factor in America.

a. Loss of sovereignty means the loss of majority rule, limited through the restrictions of the Constitution: separation of powers, federalism, and limited government.

3. The global governance movement claims precedence over a wide area of issues: budget practices, law enforcement, criminal law, criminal law, school curriculum, textbooks, immigration, border enforcement, healthcare, parental care, discipline of children, employment, multilingualism, gender composition of government bodies, among others. UN Human Rights treaties address all of the above.

a. Imagine unelected UN bureaucrats deciding for Americans in all of the areas above.
Obama voters were unconcerned and ignorant of these results.

I'd be happy to give examples of same currently at issue.

Agitated yet?

What Obama executive order "obviates" the Clinton Era Welfare Act?

Go ahead.......lie.
The op is retarded beyond help. This is the dumb ass who says the kkk is a left wing group, that nazis are socialist cause the word is in the name. She is so simplistic in her views it's hard to believe she has made it to adulthood
The American Patriots Have Lost to the Globalists.

1. It follows logically that those of us who believe that America is exceptional, in its history, its accomplishments, and its singularity, would revel in same, and desire to perpetuate it...

....but those who despise America, believe that America was founded by racists and slaveholders, that it is an imperialist nation, that 35 million Americans go hungry, that it invades countries for corporate profits, and that it is largely racist and xenophobic, wish to transform it.
These, the Leftists, wish for global governance….the end of our sovereignty.

2. Flying under the radar in this election is the fact that it ensconced progressives…and that doesn’t just mean Democrats, in charge. Listen to them speak:

a.Strobe Talbot, president of the Brookings Institution, has written that he welcomed ‘super-national political authority,’ saying "In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all."

b.Harold Koh, chief legal adviser of the State Department, and the legal authority of the government on foreign legal policy, states that the Supreme Court "must play a key role in coordinating U.S. domestic constitutional rules with rules of foreign and international law," The only way for the Supreme Court to do that "coordinating" is to subordinate the real American Constitution to ever-evolving rules of foreign and international law.

c.Richard Haass, Republican, president of the Council on Foreign Relations “… states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies if the international system is to function…. sovereignty must be redefined if states are to cope with globalization.”

d. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended the use of foreign law by American judges,...American hostility to the consideration of foreign law, she said, “is a passing phase.” http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/12/us/12ginsburg.html

3. When we consider the abrupt changes in Europe, we should be concerned about the lack of consensus in our own country regarding. The following from a speech by Jeremy Rabkin, professor of law, George Mason School of Law, June 5, 2009 at Washington, D.C. on the importance of constitutional sovereignty....

a. Had we ratified the Kyoto Protocol we would have delegated the authority over huge areas of public policy to international authorities, i.e. the lost of constitutional treaty making powers. But the Obama administration is aiming to negotiate a new treaty along those lines.

b. There is the thinking that 'human rights law' transcends the laws of particular countries, even those pertaining to national defense. But who should set the standards- especially against terrorists?

c. People who expect to retain the benefits of sovereignty- such as defense and protection of rights, without constitutional discipline, without retaining responsibility for their own legal system, are putting all their faith in words or in the idea that as long as we say nice things about humanity, we will be safe. Sounds as good as incantations and witchcraft.

d. In Medellin vs. Texas (2008), the International Court of Justice ruled that Texas could not execute a convicted murderer. The Supreme Court ruled that decisions of the International Court of Justice are not binding domestic law. The vote was 6 to 3 (Souter, Breyer, Ginsburg). How long before the Supreme Court throws out the Constitution?

e. In May, 2009 Spanish judges are boldly declaring their authority to prosecute high-ranking government officials in the United States, but our government has not protested this nonsense, akin to piracy, and has, in fact, accepted an internationalist atmosphere which makes this sort of thing seem plausible.

6. Tragically, this is the position Obama voters have created.

Unable to judge the future, these voters, these Brutuses, have left the rest of us in the position of one day saying...

..'Forgive them, they knew not what they did.'

1. More like

2. the end of sanity

3. for many

4. on the right.

Torte-boy checking in?

There are the folks who know, and the folks who don’t know, but you belong to the third group:
the ones who don’t know, and don’t know they don’t know.

Have no fear! I'm here to teach.
Here is a prime example of the dangers of allowing globalists to dictate to America:

1. The United States is a party to the Geneva Conventions of 1949. These, the traditional laws of war, were radically altered in 1977 with the addition of Protocol 1, to the Geneva Conventions. Protocol 1 was supported by the Third World bloc, the Group of 77 (developing nations), the Soviet bloc, the Swiss, many NGO’s and human rights groups,

2. Protocol 1 recognized ‘irregular forces, guerillas, and terrorists, operating without uniforms and without clear command structures, as legitimate combatants.’ Thus, the rules of war were changed to favor said irregular forces over traditional forces.

a. So, terrorists are permitted to hide in a civilian population with concealed weapons, attack- at which time they may be fired upon…but once they retreat into crowds, they may not be fired upon nor pursued While giving the advantage to the terrorists…it also endangers civilians. Thanks to ‘human rights’ groups.’

b. Protocol 1 also requires a warning be given in the event of an air attack, so that civilians may remove themselves. The US Air Force does not follow this rule…but the Israelis do, and, as a result, receive more casualties.

3. Under Reagan, the United States repudiated Carter’s signature, and said we would not ratify Protocol 1, but most of the world has ratified it.

a. During the 1980’s the US and Australia conducted a series of war games, with one side operating under Protocol 1, the other not. The side that followed Protocol 1 always lost the war games.

4. During the 1990’s, lawyers for Human Right’s Watch, and Amnesty International brought charges of serious violations of the rules of war against the US Air Force actions during the Kosovo and Yugoslavia War. The charges were brought before the UN. These American lawyers complained that the air force was too concerned about pilot safety.

5. Here we see the effect of ‘global rules,’ and ‘transnational politics.’ The same lawyers brought charges in the UN International Court resulting from the Afghan War.

6. This is “lawfare’ in use for propaganda and ideological purpose: to achieve the supremacy of international law over national law.
The above covered in "Sovereignty or Submission,” by John Fonte

Now....if you believe it is 'the end of sanity' to be concerned that the forces of the United States will be endangered by both military and legal enemies, well then, let's see you make that case.

And...you're welcome for that legal lesson.
Maybe I'm not seeing the threat, but in general nothing is as good or as bad as it seems.

We survived a liberal USSC court before, and we'll survive them again. We DO HAVE a Constitution that they can't toss out. We also have many states that won't go liberal.

My biggest fear is that the "maggot/taxpayer" ratio will explode, the Debt will become unmanageable, and the US economy will collapse. I'm all for going over the cliff and getting the Budget more in balance. Otherwise, it will get very depression-like.

If not "relax" wait and see if the DC whores do their jobs and either pass "Simpson-Bowles" or go over the cliff and deal with sequestration.

1. "We DO HAVE a Constitution that they can't toss out..."
I only wish.

If that were the case, how could the chief executive obviate a law passed by Congress...I have in mind the Clinton era welfare act, which required actual work as ascertained by a paycheck....altered by an Obama executive order.

2. "the Debt will become unmanageable, and the US economy will collapse.."
I understand your concerns center on the economy and domestic policy....
...but perhaps I failed to make clear in the OP that the particular issues of this thread deal with our sovereignty.....without which the Constitution becomes even less a factor in America.

a. Loss of sovereignty means the loss of majority rule, limited through the restrictions of the Constitution: separation of powers, federalism, and limited government.

3. The global governance movement claims precedence over a wide area of issues: budget practices, law enforcement, criminal law, criminal law, school curriculum, textbooks, immigration, border enforcement, healthcare, parental care, discipline of children, employment, multilingualism, gender composition of government bodies, among others. UN Human Rights treaties address all of the above.

a. Imagine unelected UN bureaucrats deciding for Americans in all of the areas above.
Obama voters were unconcerned and ignorant of these results.

I'd be happy to give examples of same currently at issue.

Agitated yet?

What Obama executive order "obviates" the Clinton Era Welfare Act?

Go ahead.......lie.

I never lie.

Education to follow:

1. "Obama to Clinton welfare reform: Drop dead
By Jennifer Rubin
President Obama is the chief executive, obligated by the Constitution to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” Obama, however, seems to have — by executive order — altered that to read “take Care that the Laws [which he likes or wished Congress had passed] be faithfully executed. The list of laws he won’t enforce or is unilaterally amending is getting long: Defense of Marriage Act, immigration laws, voting laws, and anti-terror laws. He won’t even enforce all the provisions of his signature legislation as we’ve seen in the bushels-full of Obamacare waivers. The latest and most inexplicable gambit is his decision to undo bipartisan welfare reform.

2. “After the Obama administration announced this week that it is opening up waivers to states from the work requirements contained in welfare reform, Republicans began to speak out against the move, complaining it completely undercuts the law. . . . Congressional Republicans decried the move as ‘a blatant violation of the law’ and contend the waivers will actually cause harm to the impoverished Americans because beneficiaries will come to rely on the handout with little motivation to seek employment.”
Obama to Clinton welfare reform: Drop dead - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Should I wait for your apology?
why is it when repubs lose elections the sky is falling? :dunno:

If you think this just started you relly have your head up your ass, Maobama is just accelerating the process, the one worlders have been pushing for a global government since the league of nations, and they're gaining ground.
The op is retarded beyond help. This is the dumb ass who says the kkk is a left wing group, that nazis are socialist cause the word is in the name. She is so simplistic in her views it's hard to believe she has made it to adulthood

1. "We DO HAVE a Constitution that they can't toss out..."
I only wish.

If that were the case, how could the chief executive obviate a law passed by Congress...I have in mind the Clinton era welfare act, which required actual work as ascertained by a paycheck....altered by an Obama executive order.

2. "the Debt will become unmanageable, and the US economy will collapse.."
I understand your concerns center on the economy and domestic policy....
...but perhaps I failed to make clear in the OP that the particular issues of this thread deal with our sovereignty.....without which the Constitution becomes even less a factor in America.

a. Loss of sovereignty means the loss of majority rule, limited through the restrictions of the Constitution: separation of powers, federalism, and limited government.

3. The global governance movement claims precedence over a wide area of issues: budget practices, law enforcement, criminal law, criminal law, school curriculum, textbooks, immigration, border enforcement, healthcare, parental care, discipline of children, employment, multilingualism, gender composition of government bodies, among others. UN Human Rights treaties address all of the above.

a. Imagine unelected UN bureaucrats deciding for Americans in all of the areas above.
Obama voters were unconcerned and ignorant of these results.

I'd be happy to give examples of same currently at issue.

Agitated yet?

What Obama executive order "obviates" the Clinton Era Welfare Act?

Go ahead.......lie.

I never lie.

Education to follow:

1. "Obama to Clinton welfare reform: Drop dead
By Jennifer Rubin
President Obama is the chief executive, obligated by the Constitution to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” Obama, however, seems to have — by executive order — altered that to read “take Care that the Laws [which he likes or wished Congress had passed] be faithfully executed. The list of laws he won’t enforce or is unilaterally amending is getting long: Defense of Marriage Act, immigration laws, voting laws, and anti-terror laws. He won’t even enforce all the provisions of his signature legislation as we’ve seen in the bushels-full of Obamacare waivers. The latest and most inexplicable gambit is his decision to undo bipartisan welfare reform.

2. “After the Obama administration announced this week that it is opening up waivers to states from the work requirements contained in welfare reform, Republicans began to speak out against the move, complaining it completely undercuts the law. . . . Congressional Republicans decried the move as ‘a blatant violation of the law’ and contend the waivers will actually cause harm to the impoverished Americans because beneficiaries will come to rely on the handout with little motivation to seek employment.”
Obama to Clinton welfare reform: Drop dead - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Should I wait for your apology?

Lies on cue.
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.
What Obama executive order "obviates" the Clinton Era Welfare Act?

Go ahead.......lie.

I never lie.

Education to follow:

1. "Obama to Clinton welfare reform: Drop dead
By Jennifer Rubin
President Obama is the chief executive, obligated by the Constitution to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” Obama, however, seems to have — by executive order — altered that to read “take Care that the Laws [which he likes or wished Congress had passed] be faithfully executed. The list of laws he won’t enforce or is unilaterally amending is getting long: Defense of Marriage Act, immigration laws, voting laws, and anti-terror laws. He won’t even enforce all the provisions of his signature legislation as we’ve seen in the bushels-full of Obamacare waivers. The latest and most inexplicable gambit is his decision to undo bipartisan welfare reform.

2. “After the Obama administration announced this week that it is opening up waivers to states from the work requirements contained in welfare reform, Republicans began to speak out against the move, complaining it completely undercuts the law. . . . Congressional Republicans decried the move as ‘a blatant violation of the law’ and contend the waivers will actually cause harm to the impoverished Americans because beneficiaries will come to rely on the handout with little motivation to seek employment.”
Obama to Clinton welfare reform: Drop dead - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Should I wait for your apology?

Lies on cue.

What a superb example you are of the efficacy of liberal schooling.

Any documentation that either makes you think, or suggests questioning of your beliefs is responded to as above.

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"
The op is retarded beyond help. This is the dumb ass who says the kkk is a left wing group, that nazis are socialist cause the word is in the name. She is so simplistic in her views it's hard to believe she has made it to adulthood

And, her particular brand of insanity plays right into the whole rw victimhood thing.

I wish they'd quit all the running around, screaming about the sky falling but it would seem they're only gonna get worse.

No facts - just whining lies.

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