Obama Drilling Moratorium Helps George Soros Make Millions

This is silly.

One of the biggest oil finds in a generation was found off the coast of Brazil. Many, many well known investors have invested in Petrobras. It has nothing to do with the Gulf spill.

The ban is stupid but so is trying to make hay out of this.

If the ban is in place because Obama and friends want to make millions it's a serious problem.

If it costs thousands of workers in this country their jobs then it's a serious problem.

If the loss of revenue has to be made up by raising or taxes it's a serious fucken problem.

No its not.

The ban is in because they over-reacted.

This should be in the Conspiracy section, along with the 9/11 and birther conspiracies.

Yes it may be a conspiracy but it's a real conspiracy.

Right now after they claim the problem is solved it should have been lifted but don't feel so inclined because they have too much to gain from keeping it in place.
I thought this was gonna be a thread about Michelle telling Barrack he couldn't have anymore nookie.
So your on record as to be saying that your good with Soros. :cuckoo:

..because that's what I said, right?

Learn to read.

he is reading just fine dumb ass. You juts dismissed this whole thread as a conspiracy and said we are just using Soros as our new boogy man. Which any one who read it would interpret to be an endorsement of Soros.

Well, I think we're having a communication problem then. Because, here in the real world, dismissing a bogus conspiracy theory doesn't equal an endorsement of the person involved.

I have no love for Soros, to me he's just another predatory investor. But the head of some giant conspiracy? Not a chance.

You know, you never hear Dems claiming that the Republican party is bought and paid for by Richard Mellon Scaife, do you?

This illegal drilling moratorium that still remains even though it has been overruled by a federal judge as illegal is an outright scam. George Soros invested $811 million in Brazilian oil production and the Obama Administration sent $20 billion to Brazil to bail out their oil industry.

Because of the ban on drilling in off the coast of the United States oil rigs have moved to other countries like Brazil to save their jobs.

Here's the kicker. The water that the Deep Water Horizon was drilling in off the Gulf Coast was around 5000 ft. Now they will be drilling in waters that are nearly 3 times as deep. Where's the concern Mr. President?

Seriously...he has none.

We are led to believe that most of the oil from the spill has dissipated. If that is the case why is the ban still in effect?

Another question is why the Obama Administration wants us to be more reliant on foreign oil then ever before. No new wells will be allowed to start under this Administration. Soon the wells that are currently being used will peter out. What will we do in a year or two or three when that happens?

Reuters (via Doug Ross, via Maggie’s Notebook) Brazil could benefit
from the BP Gulf of Mexico spill as a U.S. moratorium on
offshore drilling boosts available rigs for the country’s deep
water oil exploration program.

Even as an ecological catastrophe makes the future of U.S.
offshore drilling less certain, Brazil is plowing ahead with a
$220 billion five-year plan to tap oil fields even deeper than
BP’s (BP.L) ill-fated Gulf well, which is still leaking crude.

With an estimated 35 rigs idled in the Gulf of Mexico,
Brazil is already receiving inquiries from companies looking to
move their rigs here, where vast discoveries in recent years
may soon turn the country into a major crude exporter.

“What is bad for some may be good for others,” said
Fernando Martins, Latin America Vice President for GE Oil and
Gas, which provides services to drillers in Brazil.

“Since operators are shutting down at least temporarily in
the U.S. Gulf, some companies are planning to move their rigs
to Brazil now,” he said, without offering details.



gulfnews : Soros hedge fund invests $811m to buy Petrobras stake


Soros Invests $811 Million In Brazilian Oil | Sweetness & Light

Obama Helps Soros Drill For Oil In Brazil | Sweetness & Light

How Barack Obama Got Elected: How George Soros Financed Obama

Where are all the concerned people over the "prez" being in bed with big oil?
..because that's what I said, right?

Learn to read.

he is reading just fine dumb ass. You juts dismissed this whole thread as a conspiracy and said we are just using Soros as our new boogy man. Which any one who read it would interpret to be an endorsement of Soros.

Well, I think we're having a communication problem then. Because, here in the real world, dismissing a bogus conspiracy theory doesn't equal an endorsement of the person involved.

I have no love for Soros, to me he's just another predatory investor. But the head of some giant conspiracy? Not a chance.

You know, you never hear Dems claiming that the Republican party is bought and paid for by Richard Mellon Scaife, do you?

Um yes actually you hear claims like that all the time from both sides.

me personally I do not Think Soros owns the whole party. But he certainly holds serious influence over the far left who happen to be running the party right now.
..because that's what I said, right?

Learn to read.

he is reading just fine dumb ass. You juts dismissed this whole thread as a conspiracy and said we are just using Soros as our new boogy man. Which any one who read it would interpret to be an endorsement of Soros.

Well, I think we're having a communication problem then. Because, here in the real world, dismissing a bogus conspiracy theory doesn't equal an endorsement of the person involved.

I have no love for Soros, to me he's just another predatory investor. But the head of some giant conspiracy? Not a chance.

You know, you never hear Dems claiming that the Republican party is bought and paid for by Richard Mellon Scaife, do you?

No...but they have implied that the CEO for Fox News owns them. And they also have implied that Wallstreet and Big Oil owns them.
he is reading just fine dumb ass. You juts dismissed this whole thread as a conspiracy and said we are just using Soros as our new boogy man. Which any one who read it would interpret to be an endorsement of Soros.

Well, I think we're having a communication problem then. Because, here in the real world, dismissing a bogus conspiracy theory doesn't equal an endorsement of the person involved.

I have no love for Soros, to me he's just another predatory investor. But the head of some giant conspiracy? Not a chance.

You know, you never hear Dems claiming that the Republican party is bought and paid for by Richard Mellon Scaife, do you?

Um yes actually you hear claims like that all the time from both sides.

me personally I do not Think Soros owns the whole party. But he certainly holds serious influence over the far left who happen to be running the party right now.

Kinda like a one man lobbist.

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