Obama Discusses 2018 Election Results


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Obama Discusses 2018 Election Results

Clinton Calls for Tough Talk on Immigration
Disappointed that Democrats didn’t win every contested election in the 2018 mid-terms, former President Barack Obama charged that “too many voters are still confused, blind, filled with hate and racist. Given a clear choice between the progressive socialist values represented by Democrats in every state and district, a distressingly large number of voters persisted in pulling the lever for Republicans.”... Obama laid some of the blame on himself for not seeking a third term as president. “I’m confident that I would’ve won,” he boasted. “I would’ve gotten billions of dollars of in-kind publicity from a loyal press corps. The people love me.
According to the ex-president, a “silver lining” from the 2018 election results was the emergence of Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke as a 2020 Democratic presidential contender. “He is, for all intents and purposes, a white version of me,” Obama asserted. “He is smooth, articulate, and a good looking guy. Like me, he had no significant accomplishments as a member of Congress and can define himself as whoever he wants to be. Even better, since he lost his senate race against Ted Cruz he is free to work full-time on a 2020 presidential campaign. This should give him a valuable head start in fund raising vs. other Democratic contenders who will be bogged down with attending to legislative duties over the next two years.”

Certainly there I is no egotistical narcissism in what Obama stated. Meanwhile Obama's legacy is being dismantled piece by piece. Although Obama discounts the fact that there is the twenty-second Amendment to the Constitution ratified in 1951 restricting the president of the U.S. to two terms.
One has to believe that Obama believes that he's entitled to change the laws of America at his whim similar to his attempt to fundamentally transform America into another failed Marxist Stalinist Gulag.
Just go away Barack. Nobody cares to hear anything you have to say.

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