Obama Disappeared During Benghazi Attack


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The WH refuses to release photos taken during the attack on Benghazi the way they did during the Bin Laden raid.

Notice the difference between the two events. One Obama took credit for and the other he refuses to accept blame. Instead he hide behind Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton.

Where was Obama?

WH Won't Release Photos of Obama Team During Benghazi Attack
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The military is 'not a global 911 service'...
Panetta defends military response in Libya attack
7 Jan.`13 - WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Thursday that the speed of the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, kept U.S. armed forces from responding in time to save the four Americans who were killed as the Pentagon chief defended the military's response on a chaotic Sept. 11 day.
Testifying for likely the last time on Capitol Hill before stepping down, Panetta said the Obama administration was trying to assess the threat from protests in Tunisia, Egypt, the Libyan capital of Tripoli and other countries while trying to move quickly to respond to two separate assaults six hours apart in Benghazi. The positioning of military teams far from the U.S. installation made it difficult to respond swiftly, he said. The assault claimed the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

"The United States military is not and should not be a global 911 service capable of arriving on the scene within minutes to every possible contingency around the world," Panetta told the Senate Armed Services Committee. Army Gen. Martin Dempsey echoed the argument that the military did what its location allowed, which angered Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who accused the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman of peddling falsehoods. "For you to testify that our posture did not allow a rapid response, did not take into account threats to our consulate ... is simply false," McCain told Dempsey. McCain contended that the military's capability allowed armed forces to intervene in short order.


U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta (L) and U.S. Army General Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testify on the Defense Department's response on the attack on U.S.

Dempsey said he stood by his testimony, "your dispute of it notwithstanding." The general said the military was concerned with multiple threats worldwide and, based on time and positioning of forces, "we wouldn't have gotten there in time." Between midnight and 2 a.m. on the night of the attack, Panetta issued orders, telling two Marine anti-terrorism teams based in Rota, Spain, to prepare to deploy to Libya, and he ordered a team of special operations forces in Central Europe and another team of special operations forces in the U.S. to prepare to deploy to a staging base in Europe.

The first of those U.S. military units did not actually arrive in the region until well after the attack was over and Americans had been flown out of the country. Just before 8 p.m., the special operations team landed at Sigonella Naval Air Station in Sicily. An hour later, the Marine team landed in Tripoli. Defense officials have repeatedly said that even if the military had been able to get units there a bit faster, there was no way they could have gotten there in time to make any difference in the deaths of the four Americans. "This was, pure and simple, a problem of distance and time," Panetta said.

More Panetta defends military response in Libya attack - Yahoo! News
Early on right after the attack wasn't there a report that obama got bored and went to bed?
Well else did you expect from Mr. Voting Present? When just being Present is the requirement, he turns into Mr. Not Being There.
Plausible Deniability. (Term invented during Clinton administration)
Obama spends all of his time telling us how to live. He forgets his number one job is to protect us. That means he needs to be engaged when we're under attack. We don't need a president that is ether asleep at the switch or disappearss at the slightest sign of trouble.

Trust me. If the Bin Laden raid had gone bad he would have acted the same way he did with Benghazi.
Where in the US is Libya located?

And where was the military when nuts following the orders of a fanatic trained by the CIA under the Reagan/Bush administration where slamming planes into my city??
I don't know where he was and I am not sure if it matters now, remember; "what difference does it make senator!!!!!!"

this however is problematic;

SEN. GRAHAM: Are you surprised that the president of the United States never called you, Secretary Panetta, and say, ‘how’s it going?’

SEC. PANETTA: I — you know, normally in these situations –

SEN. GRAHAM: Did he know the level of threat that –

SEC. PANETTA: Let — well, let me finish the answer. We were deploying the forces. He knew we were deploying the forces. He was being kept updated –

SEN. GRAHAM: Well, I hate to interrupt you, but I got limited time. We didn’t deploy any forces. Did you call him back — wait a minute –

SEC. PANETTA: No, but the event — the event was over by the time we got –

SEN. GRAHAM: Mr. Secretary, you didn’t know how long the attack would last. Did you ever call him and say, Mr. President, it looks like we don’t have anything to get there anytime soon?

SEC. PANETTA: The event was over before we could move any assets.

SEN. GRAHAM: It lasted almost eight hours. And my question to you is during that eight-hour period, did the president show any curiosity about how’s this going, what kind of assets do you have helping these people? Did he ever make that phone call?

SEC. PANETTA: Look, there is no question in my mind that the president of the United States was concerned about American lives and, frankly, all of us were concerned about American lives.

SEN. GRAHAM: With all due respect, I don’t believe that’s a credible statement if he never called and asked you, are we helping these people; what’s happening to them? We have a second round, and we’ll take it up then.

so, were they moving assets or not? 8 hours is not enough time to fly a super sonic jet 500 miles?did he call them? what was the frequency of communications? was he on his way to Las Vegas already for his campaign stop?
this will turn out badly for the cons just like fast and furious did.

the right has NO idea how to find REAL things to try and hit obama with so they make up dumb shallow crap like this
The WH refuses to release photos taken during the attack on Benghazi the way they did during the Bin Laden raid.

Notice the difference between the two events. One Obama took credit for and the other he refuses to accept blame. Instead he hide behind Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton.

Where was Obama?

WH Won't Release Photos of Obama Team During Benghazi Attack

One Lame Excuse after another. It was the Anniversary of 911, who was not on alert? Total Bullshit. Marines standing by, Order never given. Fail. Let's pile on some more Bullshit to cover up the truth.
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this will turn out badly for the cons just like fast and furious did.

the right has NO idea how to find REAL things to try and hit obama with so they make up dumb shallow crap like this

Fast and Furious was no less an Obama failure than Benghazi. Thanks for sharing. ;) :)
The WH refuses to release photos taken during the attack on Benghazi the way they did during the Bin Laden raid.

Notice the difference between the two events.

:cuckoo: Yeah, the difference:

One was a mission given the go ahead by President Obama in his role as Commander-in-Chief. The President and only a few officials and aides gathered in the situation room to monitor and watch an especially sensitive and secretive, highly classified mission unfold.

Closing In
‘The Finish: The Killing of Osama bin Laden,’ by Mark Bowden
Published: October 19, 2012

Drones or SEALs: Those were the options President Obama and his advisers considered in the days before the raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan. If they obliterated Osama bin Laden with a missile, they would have difficulty proving he was dead. The SEALs would be able to show they got him, but if things went badly they themselves might be killed. Either option was risky since the odds, as the president saw them, were only “50-50” that Bin Laden was even there. So a deputy national security adviser, Benjamin Rhodes, was asked to compose different speeches — one for a successful raid, the other for a botched one. :clap2:


By Jessica Hopper, Subrata De and Tim Uehlinger
Rock Center

President Barack Obama describes the killing of Osama bin Laden as the “most important single day” of his presidency and said that the decision to carry out the raid was one that he had to ultimately make alone.

“I did choose the risk,” the president said in an exclusive interview with Rock Center Anchor and Managing Editor Brian Williams. “The reason I was willing to make that decision of sending in our SEALs to try to capture or kill bin Laden rather than to take some other options was ultimately because I had 100 percent faith in the Navy SEALs themselves.”

A year after the May 1, 2011, raid on bin Laden’s compound, Obama and several of the advisers who helped plan the operation, known as “Operation Neptune’s Spear,” spoke exclusively to NBC News, reflecting on the tense months spent planning and debating the feasibility of this daring raid. The interviews occurred before the president made an unannounced visit to Kabul on Tuesday, where he and President Hamid Karzai signed an agreement on the future of U.S. involvement in Afghanistan.

“This had to be such a close-held operation,” the president said. “There were only a handful of staff in the White House who knew about this.”

The president did not share news of the mission’s launch with his staff, or with the first lady.


President Obama: Bin Laden raid is 'most important single day of my presidency' - Rock Center with Brian Williams

The other? A terrorist attack on the US Consulate

The fast and furious investigation is still going on. It hasn't backfired. Except to liberals in their alternate reality.
The WH refuses to release photos taken during the attack on Benghazi the way they did during the Bin Laden raid.

Notice the difference between the two events. One Obama took credit for and the other he refuses to accept blame. Instead he hide behind Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton.

Where was Obama?

WH Won't Release Photos of Obama Team During Benghazi Attack

breitbart again? doesn't it bother you to constantly rely on obama-deranged nonsense and ies from BS "sources".

you should be ashamed.

but i know you're not.

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